BSN Program

Our Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program will prepare you for the challenges of nursing today through an academic program that helps compassionate, motivated people like you become the best nurses they can be.

Nurses are in demand. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts RN employment will grow faster than average for all occupations. When you graduate, you'll be prepared to enter and excel in this growing profession — and make a real difference in the lives of others.

Program Information

Our direct admit Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program will prepare you to become a highly competent, caring nurse who possesses the knowledge and skills needed to practice in a variety of health care settings.

Program Type






Required Credit Hours


BSN Program Coursework

Our four-year BSN Program is a total of 134 credits. Use the tabs below to view curriculum by year. Nursing courses begin with UPNS.

A grade of "C+" or better must be attained in all nursing courses, and a grade of "C" or better must be attained in all non-nursing courses, including electives and laboratory courses, in order to progress in the nursing curriculum. A GPA of 2.3 is required by the end of the second semester of the freshman year in order to progress to the sophomore clinical courses and is the minimum acceptable GPA for the remainder of the program.

Revisions to courses and curricula are ongoing.

Freshman Courses

BSN Courses: Year One

The courses for year one, Freshman Year, are listed below by semester.  Follow the course description for a detailed description of each nursing-specific course.

Fall Semester

Course # Course Name Credits
UPNS 103 Nutrition for Wellness (Fall or Spring) 3
UPNS 121 Community Engaged Professional Nurse (Fall or Spring) 3
BIOL 101/101L Introduction to Life Processes/Lab* 4
BRDG 101 Writing & Analysis 3
BRDG 103 IPE Health Research Skills 1
BRIDGES Bridges Common Learning Experience 3
  Total 17

Spring Semester

Course # Course Name Credits
UPNS 113 Human Development and Health Promotion Across the Lifespan (Fall or Spring) 3
BRDG 102 Writing & Literature 3
BIOL 203/204 Introductory Microbiology/Lab* 4

Math 125 OR

Math 225

Fundamentals of Statistics OR


BRIDGES Bridges Common Learning Experience 3
  Total 16

* = All science courses required for nursing must be completed prior to junior level nursing courses in order to progress.

W=Writing Intensive

BRDG = Bridges Common Learning Experience
BRIDGES requires 3 W (Writing Intensive) courses, one PHIL course, and one THEO course.

Nursing Course Descriptions

BSN Info Sessions

Learn more about our BSN program and Duquesne University by attending an upcoming information session. During the session, a School of Nursing representative will discuss the admission process, the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program and life at Duquesne. A tour of our Learning and Simulation Center will immediately follow the presentation (we recommend reserving a minimum of two hours for your visit).

Campus Visits

Schedule a visit to learn more about the BSN program and tour our nursing facilities.

Duquesne Difference


We will help you prepare to be successful on the NCLEX-RN exam, which you are eligible to take after graduation for licensure as a registered nurse (RN). 96.67% of our most recent graduates passed the licensure exam on the first try — and you'll understand why once you meet our Director of Academic Support and NCLEX RN Success, Sr. Mary Meyers, whose full-time job is to help you succeed academically.