At the center of the liberal arts, the study of history will broaden your horizons, touching on the entirety of human endeavor—politics, economics, societal concerns, psychology, thought and religion.
Duquesne’s history department offers a range of courses—at both the undergraduate and graduate levels—that cover a variety of historical periods and regions, from ancient world history to modern American history. As a liberal arts student, your opportunities to diversify your thinking through a challenging curriculum will equip you with essential skills that you—and future employers—will find invaluable. You will learn to think critically, to write with authority and to apply your knowledge of history to reimagine your world.
Future Educator Builds Relationships, Sets Bigger Goals
Whether he’s enhancing campus culture through his position with Student Government Association, sharing the School of Education’s mission with incoming students as an ambassador or studying historical events alongside peers, he knows what he wants to achieve and remains committed to building better communities through education.
In addition to his high school teachers, Mwango draws inspiration from Pittsburgh-area professionals through participation in the CNX Foundation Mentorship Academy. Mwango is grateful for the mentorship of Duquesne alumnus and CNX Resources Corporation CEO Nick Deluliis. Guided by Nick and others, Mwango learned about the workforce and various career options. He also earned a summer internship with CNX’s community relations team that led to a part-time role that he still holds.
Firmly rooted in Pittsburgh, Mwango has observed classrooms across the region and aspires to teach at his alma mater, Baldwin High School. From there, he can see himself growing into a superintendent role or pursuing a second career as a state representative so he can effect meaningful, systemic change.

Connecting with the past to create a better future
Explore Our Programs
Duquesne University's programs in history provide a deep background of important knowledge for students to pursue a love of history, with an eye toward a career in the field.
Who We Are
Our faculty members walk alongside you with a strong foundation in historical research, analysis and interpretation, encouraging you to participate in internships, study-abroad programs and research opportunities to enhance your learning experiences.
We are a community of genuine teacher-scholars who will challenge you to go beyond the surface, ask hard questions, and cultivate in you:
- The development of methods of historical scholarship in contemplative and ethical ways, as you may deepen your understanding of the U.S. and the world.
- Understanding of how and why humans and different cultures have developed as they have across history.
- The drive to become scholars as well as educated and conscientious citizens.
- Duquesne's Department of History is a valuable resource and intellectual training ground if you are interested in pursuing a career in history, whether in academia, government, politics, business or other fields.