Dedicated to the Duquesne mission.

We serve God, by serving students. For more than 60 years, the Women's Advisory Board (WAB) have supported various University students, groups, activities, events and programs. Currently, the WAB is dedicated to raising funds annually to support:

  • An undergraduate music school scholarship award
  • Endowed scholarships for deserving undergraduate and graduate students
  • Various student activities and programs consistent with the Spiritan mission

Our commitment to giving is stronger than ever, thanks to the dynamic members of the WAB who continue to take the lead in making a difference in the lives of current Duquesne students and for generations to come.

Interested in joining our organization, please complete a membership form today. You will be warmly welcomed by a group of dedicated, vibrant and motivated women!

Notices for dues are sent in January of each year.

Pay Dues



Terry Tatrai

Women's Advisory Board President