Think Globally

The overall purpose of our programs is to prepare emerging leaders in global health with the relevant skills to work within the global health environment and collaboratively with professionals and organizations to address global health challenges.

Program Goals

We focus on:
  • giving you an awareness of the major factors influencing population health in different parts of our global communities.
  • addressing the health issues of diverse, vulnerable populations worldwide in healthcare professions and beyond
  • gaining an appreciation of interdisciplinary and inter-professionalism.

Course Approval Submission Form

Our Students

Minoring in global health has given me so many incredible opportunities to be immersed in other cultures, which I believe is the best way to learn!

Emily Earl Minor, Global Health

Global Health Program Committee

Dr. Gerald Boodoo

Dr. Gerald Boodoo

Director, Center for African Studies

Dr. Jordan Covvey

Dr. Jordan Covvey

Pharmacy Administration, School of Pharmacy

Dr. Sarah Manspeaker

Dr. Sarah Manspeaker

Athletic Training, Rangos School of Health Sciences

Dr. Peter Osuji

Dr. Peter Osuji

Healthcare Ethics, McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts

Dr. Khlood Salman

Dr. Khlood Salman

School of Nursing

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Center for African Studies

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