The Center for Spiritan Studies was founded in 2005 as a collaborative venture of Duquesne University and the Congregation of the Holy Spirit to foster research on Spiritan history, tradition and spirituality, as well as to disseminate the results throughout the Congregation, the University and the general public. For more information, please reference the brochures listed below.

Center for Spiritan Studies Brochure

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Scholar-in-Residence Program


Launched in 2013 by Duquesne University and the Congregation of the Holy Spirit, the Spiritan Scholar-in-Residence Program provides an opportunity for selected individuals to conduct research on the Spiritan tradition with immersion in the extensive resources available at Duquesne University. These resources include the print and online resources of the Center for Spiritan Studies and the Gumberg Library. They also include access to academic courses and faculty expertise, the Spiritan community, and various other educational and religious organizations in the Pittsburgh area.

For more information please reference the brochures listed below.


Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events to display for this calendar.

The Center for Spiritan Studies

William Cleary, C.S.Sp.,


Jean-Michel Gelmetti, C.S.Sp.,

Associate Director, Translations