Thomas R. Kline School of Law of Duquesne University Professor Wesley Oliver and Adjunct Professor Morgan Gray, L’19, recently presented at the Python Education Summit (PyCon) in Pittsburgh. The conference was a gathering of teachers and educators focused on bringing coding literacy, through Python, to learners. Oliver and Gray presented a session about their groundbreaking “Coding for Lawyers” course that introduces Duquesne Kline School of Law students to programming with the Python programming language. 

Their “Coding for Lawyers” course has gained national attention and the Duquesne Kline School of Law students who completed it are uniquely positioned in this area of study; this is one of only a handful of similar courses offered to students in law schools across the United States. Additionally, Duquesne Kline School of Law students who have taken the cutting-edge course have gone on to successfully represent Duquesne Kline School of Law at law & technology competitions across the country.  

Oliver and Morgan began this innovative course by learning Coding on their own and then developing the instruction. The course continues to gain momentum and recognition. 

“When Morgan and I started learning to code years ago, we began with Charles Severance's Python for Everybody class – an online course that the University of Michigan offers through Coursera.  As part of his class, he provides something he calls ‘Virtual Office Hours’ in which he interviews innovators in computing.  When Morgan and I were taking the class, we used to joke about how amazing it would be to one day be included in Dr. Chuck's Virtual Office Hours,” said Oliver.

The duo was interviewed by Severance at PyCon. “We truly started learning to code just a handful of years ago from this online course and are now featured in the Virtual Office Hours of the course as innovators,” Oliver said. 

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June 20, 2024