A Global University in a Global City
With more than 500 international students from over 85 countries, we are a global university in Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Multicultural Opportunities
You’ll have many opportunities to meet your passions, make friends, learn together and get involved on campus with our 280+ student organizations at Duquesne.
The Center for Global Engagement handles international admissions, international student services, English language support and study abroad opportunities.
Some of our Most Popular Groups
Duquesne has 250+ student organizations that you can join to make friends, learn something new, and get involved on campus. Currently, there are 25 organizations with a focus on cultural and religious identities, including but not limited to:

The Asian Students Association serves as a representative body that acts in the interest of Asian students, Asian student groups, and students interested in Asian culture. The association serves the campus by promoting, supporting, and exposing students and faculty with social events such as the Asian Festival in the fall and the Lunar New Year Celebration in the spring. We also provide its members the chance to learn about Asian culture through various social activities.
Some of the activities include: preparing Asian food, activities during ISO Week, ISO dance performances, attending the Dragonboat Festival downtown, volunteering for the Silk Screen Festival, and interacting with international students.
Previous events hosted by ASA have included:
- ISO Welcome Back Party
- Movie Night with Ice Cream!
- Philippine Madrigal Singers
- Eggroll Making Night
- Sushi Festival!
- University of Pittsburgh ASA - Kaba Modern Performance
- Dinner discussions
- Paper Lantern Decorating
- Scary Movie Night!
- Asian Hip Hop Summit
- Discussion with Asian Monk
- Asian Potluck Dinner
- Interfaith Dialogue
- Annual New Year Celebrations
The Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA) of Duquesne University is an organization for overseas Chinese students and scholars. CSSA seeks to help Chinese students to start their lives in Pittsburgh, to have a warm family when they are studying abroad, to promote and display Chinese culture, to establish connections with other groups on campus and other universities, and to provide a platform for Chinese students and scholars to communicate with each other. CSSA would hold a series of events every year: celebration of Chinese traditional festivals with Chinese students, welcome party for new students, etc.
杜肯大学中国学生学者联谊会(CSSA)是一个面向海外中国学生学者的组织。 CSSA旨在帮助中国学生在匹兹堡开始他们的生活,在出国留学时拥有一个温暖的家庭,弘扬和展示中国文化,与校园内其他团体以及其他学校建立联系,并为中国学生与学者提供一个互相交流的平台。每年CSSA会举办一系列活动:与中国学生一起庆祝中国传统节日,迎新聚会等。
The Latin American Student Association is a cultural organization that attempts to inform and educate the people of Duquesne University about Latino culture. Our aim is to embrace the diversity of our heritage and share our culture with others. We believe that LASA can help to unite people through a common understanding of each other's backgrounds while helping to change negative images that have been created through ignorance.
Apart from the informative aspect of our organization, we also provide academic opportunities to students of Latino descent as well as students who are majoring in Spanish or those who have in interest in Latino culture. We conduct projects that enrich our communities and strengthen our members' character. Our motto is "Change happens with education, education creates understanding and understanding unites us all".
We regularly work with the the International Student Organization and other student events to expose our local campus community to Latino culture through food, dance and information sessions. We also organize events for Hispanic Heritage month, salsa classes and a La Posadas food festival.
Come join us for a taste of Latino Culture on campus!