Connect with students, learn from new experiences and create lasting friendships.

Joining one or more of our 280+ recognized student organizations is an excellent way to connect with thousands of students, create new experiences, and discover lasting friendships at Duquesne. Whether you enjoy coordinating events, participating in campus governance, sports clubs or community engagement activities, there is something for everyone!

Getting involved on campus is one of the best ways to make the most of your college experience. The Center for Student Involvement (CSI) helps students to do this by connecting them to intentionally designed co-curricular experiences, programs, and services.

Connecting to CSI is one of the quickest ways to get involved on campus because it is the home of Commuter Affairs, Disability Services, Freshman Development, Greek Life, Student Organization Services, Programs and Leadership.

We hope that you will find yourself inspired by the opportunities offered by CSI and will get engaged with our campus and Pittsburgh communities during your time at Duquesne.

Students at Chopped TV event


Opportunities for Every Interest

  • Campus Representation groups are a voice for specific student populations (such as residents, commuters, cultural groups, etc.), and provide feedback to the University regarding campus policies.
  • Community Service & Advocacy groups provide students with an opportunity to support a cause, serve others, and become engaged in civic activities.
  • DU CARES Peer Education program invites you to help share information on risk and protective factors surrounding alcohol, drugs and mental health awareness from a clinical response perspective.
  • Event Planning organizations coordinate social, cultural, educational and recreational activities/events on campus, and throughout the community.
  • Greek Fraternities & Sororities Duquesne has 10 fraternities and 10 sororities that encourage life-time membership, academic excellence, leadership, community service and strong friendships.
  • Honor Societies & Professional organizations recognize students who excel academically, and/or within a specific academic discipline.
  • Multicultural organizations encourage appreciation for cultural diversity throughout the campus community.
  • Performing Arts & Media groups encourage participation in visual and performing arts, publications (newspaper, yearbook) and media outlets (radio).
  • Political Interest organizations promote political party ideologies and serve as an outlet to discuss issues regarding local, state and/or federal governments.
  • Recreation & Club Sports provide students with a opportunity to get active - whether it's through physical sport or getting together to enjoy a favorite pastime.
  • Spiritual organizations provide students with faith-based fellowship, spiritual and religious development, and support.

Club Sports on Campus

College isn't just about hitting the books. Our club sports offer an exciting outlet to de-stress, have fun and create unforgettable memories during your time on campus.

Activities & Opportunities

The Union NiteSpot is a popular area for students that offers a variety of programs on a weekly basis, as well as a place to relax with friends. Located on the first floor of the Union, the NiteSpot is equipped with billiard tables, table tennis tables, shuffle board, a tv/movie room, and more!

For more information about what's happening in the NiteSpot, be sure to visit Campus Link.

"Adopt A Night"

Organizations can gain exposure and interact with students by sponsoring a program at NiteSpot. We are accepting requests for this semester, so be sure to plan an activity with us today! For more information, call (412) 396-6638

Duquesne University Volunteers (DUV), through the Center for Student Involvement, organizes the co-curricular activities of all student organizations at Duquesne. These organizations sponsor a wide variety of professional, charitable, educational, and social programs.

Together they serve the campus and local communities while developing the leadership skills of each member of the organization. Community organizations can connect with Duquesne student volunteers through DUV.

To find out more about volunteering opportunities log-on to DORI/Campus Link, and visit the Community Service Events page.

If you have other questions, please feel free to contact Dr.%20Alia%20Pustorino-Clevenger.

Our Center for Student Involvement, in collaboration with the Duquesne Program Council and Student Government Association, proudly presents the annual Student Organization, Leadership, and Service Awards (SOLSA). This distinguished recognition aims to celebrate and honor the remarkable achievements of our outstanding student leaders and organizations.  
The 2023-2024 Award Categories included:
  • Student Organization of the Year
  • Organization Program of the Year
  • Outstanding Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
  • Service Organization of the Year
  • Best Collaborative Program of the Year
  • Dean of Students’ Excellence in Leadership Individual Award
  • Student Organization Advisor of the Year
  • Outstanding Senior Award, sponsored by the Student Government Association

Your one-stop source for campus entertainment, the Duquesne Program Council (DPC) is the student-run programming body that is responsible for bringing comedians, concerts, movies, and lectures as well as a variety of cultural and recreational programs to Duquesne's campus. Additionally, the DPC oversees the appropriation of all programming funds to recognized student organizations.

DPC's mission is to create and promote an environment in which the social, intellectual, and creative talents of its members can be utilized to best serve the programming needs and goals of the Duquesne student population acting in accordance with the University Mission Statement.

Find more opportunities:

Commuter Affairs: (412) 396-6660

First-Year Development: (412) 396-6657

Greek Life: (412) 396-6651

Programs & Leadership: (412) 396-5853

Student Organization Services: (412) 396-5853

As the official governing body that represents the students of Duquesne University, the Student Government Association (SGA) acts as the liaison between students and the university. Its members meet regularly with university administration and other university committees to keep them informed about student concerns and opinions.

In addition to being the representative voice of the students, our SGA also offers its students a wide variety of services and opportunities, including:

  • Having representatives from each of the Academic Schools represent their constituents' needs and concern in the Senate
  • Providing organizations with conference funding through Conference Appropriations, held once per semester
  • Granting access to the Student Organization Resource Center (SORC)
  • Hosting Night of Lights
  • Funding the Loop Bus - that run on Friday and Saturday nights and travel to either
    • Oakland
    • Waterfront
    • South Side
  • Provide access to academic text books through the Student Book Loan Program
  • Having your concern brought to the attention of administration
  • Host events throughout the year allowing students to share their questions/concerns
  • Maintaining a collaborative and active membership with the Pittsburgh Student Government Council (PSGC), which is a collection of Pittsburgh Universities that united to help further the voice of students in Pittsburgh
  • Accessibility to all students who have new ideas they would like to try to see happen at Duquesne
  • Lobby for student rights, issues, and opinions to the city and state

Our Student Government Association is the a great organization for every student! There are many opportunities to take on a wide variety of leadership roles, each with different amounts of time commitment. Even if you are not interested in assuming a leadership role, participating in the SGA will keep you up-to-date on what other student organizations are doing, what decisions and topics are affecting Duquesne students, and all the new initiatives happening on campus and in the surrounding community.

Contact Us

Ashley Kane

Director, Student Programming and First Year Experience

Linda Farrow

Assistant Director, Student Involvement and Union Operations

Tamara Trembulak

Assistant Director of Student Involvement and Union Operations

Erin Zdrojowy

Administrative Assistant, Center for Student Involvement