Contact Information


Dr. Ann Huang is an associate professor in the Special Education program in the Department of Educational Foundations and Leadership, School of Education. Her research interests mainly focus on assessments and education of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and Learning Disabilities (LD). Dr. Huang also specializes in evidence-based behavioral interventions and instructional strategies for students with challenging behaviors and learning difficulties, based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis and Positive Behavior Supports. Dr. Huang was previously awarded numerous research grants providing person-centered transition planning from school to work/college and college supports as well as social skills and life/daily living skills training for adolescents and young adults with ASD.


  • Ph.D., Applied Behavioral Analysis, Tennessee Technological University, 2007


Research Interests or Expertise

  • Assessments and education of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and Learning Disabilities (LD), particularly High-Functioning Autism/Asperger Syndrome and Reading Disabilities.
  • Behavioral modification and instructional strategies for students with behavioral and learning difficulties based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis and Positive Behavior Supports.
  • Person-centered transition planning from school to work/college and college supports for adolescents and young adults with disabilities, particularly ASD and LD.
    Social skills and life/daily functioning skills training for students with disabilities, particularly ASD/LD.
  • Inclusion, self-determination and quality of life issues for individuals with disabilities.

Profile Information

  • Huang, A.X. (2008, Feb). Transition to community-based employment for adolescents or adults with autism spectrum disorders (Feb 2008 to Mar 2009). Funded by Pennsylvania: Department of Public Welfare, Bureau of Autism Services ($150,000) (Principal Investigator).
  • Huang, A.X. (2008, Mar). Improving quality of life outcomes for adolescents with autism and Asperger syndrome through person-centered transition planning: A pilot study (May 2008 to Apri 2009). Funded by: Duquesne University Faculty Development Fund, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ($10,000) (Principal Investigator).
  • Huang, A.X. (2009, May). Self-understanding in adolescents with High-Functioning Autism or Asperger Syndrome. Funded by Presidential Scholarship Award Grant ($5,000), Duquesne University, May 2009
  • Huang, A.X. (2010, Mar). Improving quality of life through person-centered planning: A university-based transition program for youth with ASDs (Mar 2010 to Mar 2011). Funded by Autism Speaks ($25,000) (Principal Investigator).
  • Huang, A.X. (2010, Aug; 2011, Aug). Improving quality of life through person-centered transition planning for youth with ASDs: A university-based consultation model (Aug 2010 to Jun 2011; Aug 2011 to Jun 2012). Funded by The ALCOA Foundation ($20,000 +$ 20,000) (Principal Investigator).
  • Hughes, T., & Huang, A.X. (2011, Sept). Project Juvenile Justice Deterrent. Funded by Pennsylvania Western Region ASERT Programs, Department of Public Welfare, Bureau of Autism Services ($120, 000). (Co-Principal Investigator)
  • Huang, A.X. (2016, Jun). (Jun 2016 to Jun 2017). Examining Service and Educational Needs of Immigrant Families with a Child with Autism: Parents' Perspectives. Funded by the Charles Henry Leach II Foundation ($3,997) (Principal Investigator).
  • Huang, A.X., & Bao, J. (Jun 2017). A College Preparation and Support Program for Transition-Aged High School Students with ASD who Aim to Major at STEM. Funded by the Canevin Heinz Grant Fund ($8,000) (Principal Investigator).
  • Huang, A.X. (2017, Jun). (Jun 2017 to Jun 2018). A Structured Support Program for College Students with High Functioning ASD enrolled in STEM programs at Duquesne University: A Pilot Project. Funded by the Charles Henry Leach II Foundation ($11,387) (Principal Investigator).
  • Huang, A.X., Hughes, T.L., Sutton, L., Lawrence, M., Chen, X., Ji, Z., & Zeleke, W. (2017). Understanding the self in individuals with ASD: A review of literature. Frontiers in Educational Psychology. 8:1422. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01422.
  • Huang, A.X. (2016). Behavior modification and juvenile criminal justice. In C. J. Schreck, M.J., Leiber, K., Welch, & H. V., Miller (Edits.) The Encyclopedia of Juvenile Delinquency and Justice published by the Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Hughes, T. L., Huang, A. X., Sutton, L. R., Paserba, D., Talkington, V. & Taormina, R. (Accepted/Pending Revision). Personality and behavioral characteristics of adolescents with and without autism spectrum disorders that are adjudicated delinquent for sexual offenses. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.
  • Huang, A.X., Bantum, K., Hughes, T.L., & Sutton, L. (Accepted/Pending Revision). Autism and offending behaviors: A research synthesis. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.
  • Huang, A.X., Jia, M.X., & Wheeler, J.J. (2013). Children with autism in the People’s Republic of China: Diagnosis, legal issues and educational services. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 43(9), 1991-2001. DOI: 10.1007/s10803-012-1722-6
  • Wheeler, J.J., Huang, A.X., & Zhang, J. (Accepted/Pending Revision). Improving quality of life outcomes for young adults with ASD and their families through effective person-centered planning. Developmental Disabilities Bulletin.
  • Huang, A.X., & Wheeler, J.J. (Pending Revision). Pursuing a diagnosis for children with Asperger syndrome: Parents’ perspectives.
  • Sutton, L., Hughes, T.L., Huang, A.X., Lehman, C., Paserba, D., & Talkington, V., et al. (2013/published online first Nov 2012). Identifying high functioning individuals with autism in a state facility for adolescents adjudicated as sexual offenders: A pilot study. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 28, 175-183. DOI: 10.1177/1088357612462060
  • Walters, J. R., Hughes, T. L., Sutton, L. R., Marshall, S. N., Crothers, L. M., Lehman, C., Paserba, D., Talkington, V., Taormina, R., & Huang, A.X. (2013). Maltreatment and depression among adjudicated adolescent sexual offenders with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 22(1), 72-89.
  • Wheeler, J.J., Mayton, M.R., Carter, S.L., Chitiyo, M., Menendez, A.L., & Huang, A.X. (2009). An assessment of treatment integrity in behavioral intervention studies conducted with persons with Mental Retardation. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities, 44(2), 187-195.
  • Huang, A.X., & Wheeler, J.J. (2007). Including children with autism in general education classrooms in mainland China [Special issue]. Childhood Education, 83, 356-360.
  • Huang, A.X., & Wheeler, J.J. (2007). Promoting the development of educational programs for children with autism in Southeast Asian countries. International Journal of Special Education, 22(3), 78-88.
  • Huang, A.X., & Wheeler, J.J. (2006). Effective interventions for individuals with high-functioning autism. International Journal of Special Education, 21(3), 165-175.
  • Huang, A.X., & Wheeler, J.J. (2006). High-functioning autism: An overview of characteristics and related issues. International Journal of Special Education, 21(2), 109-123.
  • Huang, A.X., Chen, X., et al. (2017). Applied Behavior Analysis in P.R. China. Poster presentation accepted to be presented at the ABAI's 9th International Conference Autism to be held in Paris, France, from Nov 14th to 15th, 2017.
  • Huang, A.X., Chen, X., & Alsheef, M. (2017). Examining secondary special educators' competencies in serving transition-aged students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Poster paper presented at the ABAI's 11th Annual Autism Conference held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, from Jan 30th to Feb 2nd, 2017.
  • Huang, A.X., Chen, X., Zhang, J., & Siddiq Ahmed, S. (2017). Examining immigrant families' needs for educational and therapeutic services/supports for their child with autism. Poster presentation presented at the CEC 2017Annual Convention and Expo held from April 19th to 22nd, 2017 in Boston, MA.
  • Huang, A.X., Zeleke, W., Kanyango, G., & Zhang, J. (2016). Examining disparities of mental healthcare access and use in immigrant children with ASD. Poster paper presented at the 17th International Conference on Autism, Intellectual Disability and Developmental Disabilities held in Honolulu, Hawaii, January 20th - 22nd, 2016.
  • Zeleke, W., Huang, A.X., & Kanyango, G., (2016) The lived experience of immigrant families with children with autism accessing to and utilizing mental health care service. Poster paper presented at the 17th International Conference on Autism, Intellectual Disability and Developmental Disabilities held in Honolulu, Hawaii, January 20th - 22nd, 2016.
  • Zhang, J., Mayton, M., Huang, A.X., Kim, E.J., & Wheeler, J. (2016). Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in residence: College students' perspectives. Poster paper presented at the 17th International Conference on Autism, Intellectual Disability and Developmental Disabilities held in Honolulu, Hawaii, January 20th - 22nd, 2016.
  • Huang, A.X., Hughes, T., Mayton, M., Zhang, J., & Wheeler, J.J. (2012). A survey of special education teachers' perceptions of their transition competencies involving students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Poster presented at the CEC-DADD's 13th International Conference held in Miami Beach, Florida, Jan 18th - 20th, 2012.
  • Zhang, J., Mayton, M., Wheeler, J.J., Huang, A.X., & Dobosz, E.R. (2012). A meta-analysis of video modeling interventions for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Poster presented at the CEC-DADD's 13th International Conference held in Miami Beach, Florida, Jan 18th - 20th, 2012.
  • Mayton, M., Zhang, J., Wheeler, J.J., Huang, A.X., & Dobosz, E.R. (2012). Intrusiveness of behavioral treatments for children with autism and developmental disabilities. Poster presented at the CEC-DADD's 13th International Conference held in Miami Beach, Florida, Jan 18th - 20th, 2012.
  • Wheeler, J.J., Mayton, M., Zhang, J., & Huang, A.X. (2012). Enhancing treatment fidelity within underserved classroom settings to children with autism and developmental disabilities. Poster presented at the CEC-DADD's 13th International Conference held in Miami Beach, Florida, Jan 18th - 20th, 2012.
  • Marshall, S. N., Yeldell, S., Brown, S., Hughes, T. L., Sutton, L. R., & Huang, A. X. (2012). Determining the presence of Depression and Anxiety symptoms for youth with autism: Comparing those with and without a sexual offense history. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists held in Philadelphia, PA, Feb 2012.
  • Moschos, S.L., Pask, E.A., Hughes, T.L., Durand, V.A., Lawrence, M., Sutton, L.A., & Huang, A.X. (2012). Examining sleep problems with autism spectrum disorders. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists held in Philadelphia, PA, Feb 2012.
  • Huang, A.X., Hughes, T., Sutton, L., & Lovelace, T. (2011). Individuals with autism in the criminal justice system. Poster presentation presented at the ABAI's 37th Annual Convention held in Denver, CO, May 27th to Jun 2nd, 2011.
  • Huang, A.X., & McMillen, D. (2010). Improving quality of life through person-centered planning: A university-based transition program for youth with ASDs. Poster presented at CEC's 2010 Annual Convention & Expo held in Nashville, TN, May 22nd - 26th, 2010.
  • Huang, A.X. (2010). Chinese American families of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Service and educational needs. Poster presentation presented at the ABAI's 36th Annual Convention held in San Antonio, Texas, May 28th - Jun 1st, 2010.
  • Huang, A.X., Wheeler, J.J., & Zhang, J. (2009). Person-centred transition planning for individuals with ASD: A pilot study. Poster presented at the 2009 ABAI's 35th Annual Convention held in Phoenix, AZ, May 22nd - 26th, 2009.
  • Wheeler, J.J., Mayton, M., Huang, A.X., Menendez, A., & Zhang, J. (2009). Evidence-based practices in the education of children with autism spectrum disorders. Poster presented at the CEC's 2009 Annual Convention & Expo held in Seattle, WA, April 1st - 4th, 2009.
  • Zhang, J., Wheeler, J.J., & Huang, A.X. (2009). Mercury and children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Paper presented at the 2009 NAEYC Annual Conference held in Washington, D.C., November 18th - 21st, 2009.
  • Associate Editor, Frontiers in Educational Psychology (Impact Factor: 2.463 for 2015; 2.323 for 2016)
  • Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI)
  • Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI)
  • Autism Society of America (ASA)
  • Autism Spectrum Supports Network in Pittsburgh, PA (ASSN)
  • Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)