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Dr. Anna Scheid started teaching at Duquesne University in 2007. During her time here, she has taught courses in ethics, theology, religion and politics, religion and global conflict, Catholic Social Thought, and faith-based activism. While Dr. Scheid's research interests are in the area of Christian social ethics, she is particularly concerned with ethical issues surrounding human rights, conflict, and post-conflict reconciliation.  She explores Christian perspectives on war and peace-especially just war theory and just peacemaking theory-and studies how restorative justice has been enacted in truth and reconciliation commissions around the world.

Dr. Scheid believes a key to higher education lies in building trust and community within the classroom. She works in helping students to identify what they are passionate about so they can direct their work toward those passions. This teaching philosophy has been evident in Dr. Scheid's work with undergraduate students on research presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium, with several students having won awards under her mentorship.  

Dr. Scheid is also the co-chair for the Day for Learning and Speaking Out (DLSO) against Racial Injustice. 


  • Ph.D., Theology, Boston College, 2009
  • M.A., Theology, Catholic Theological Union, 2004
  • B.S.S.P., Theatre, Northwestern University, 1999



  • UCOR 142      Theological Views of the Human Person
  • UCOR 182      Theological Ethics
  • THEO 261      Christian Social Ethics: Poverty, Race, Gender, Ecology, and Conflict
  • THEO 543      Catholic Social
  • THEO 694      Doctoral Seminar in Moral Theology (Resolving Conflict, Restoring Justice: Christian Perspectives on War, Peace, and Reconciliation
  • Just Revolution: A Christian Ethic of Political Resistance and Social Transformation, (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, an imprint of Rowman and Littlefield Press, 2015).
  • “Discipleship or Duplicity? A Christian “No” to white Christian Nationalism” in In Sheep's Clothing: The Idiolatry of White Christian Nationalism, George Yancy, ed. Rowman & Littlefield, (2023).
  • “Of Encounters and Extremists: How Religion Can Contribute to the Common Good on Social Media,” The Berkley Forum at Georgetown University’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs. November 30, 2021. Available at: Of Encounters and Extremists: How Religion Can Contribute to the Common Good on Social Media
  • “The Virtues of Democratic Disobedience: Catholic Ethics and Political Resistance,” co-authored with Matthew Shadle, forthcoming in Uncivil Disobedience: Theological Perspectives, David Gides, ed. (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2023). 
  • “Integral Ecology, Just Peace, and Mining” co-authored with Daniel P. Scheid, in Catholic Peacebuilding and Mining: Integral Peace, Development, and Ecology, Gerard Powers and Caesar Montevecchio, eds., (New York: Routledge Press, 2022): 117-132.
  • “Holy Disobedience: Political Resistance and Christian Ethics,” T&T Clark Handbook of Christian Ethics, Tobias Winright, ed. (London: T&T Clark, 2021): 225-234.
  • “Christian Peace Ethics: Trends in the International (Anglophone) Debate,” in Jahrbuch für Christliche Sozialwissenschaften, 59 (2018): 253-290.
  • “Human Bodies, Human Rights” in The Future of Public Theology and the Global Common Good,” Kristin Heyer, Meghan Clark, Kevin Ahern, and Laurie Johnston eds., (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2016).
  • “Interpersonal and Social Reconciliation: Finding Congruence in African Theological Anthropology,” Horizons, 39.1 (Spring 2012): 27-49.
  • “Under the Palaver Tree: Community Ethics for Truth-Telling and Reconciliation” Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, 31.1, (Spring 2011): 17-36.
  • “Agency, Technology, and Freedom from Radicalization,” Catholic Theological Society of America, June 2023.
  • “Tech, Truth, and Religious Extremism in the U.S. Context,” Annual Meeting of the Society of Christian Ethics, January 2023.
  • “Integral Ecology, Just Peace, and Extractives” co-presentation with Daniel P. Scheid, Catholic Theological Society of America, June, 2021.
  • “Educating for Activism: How Three Pedagogical Methods Transform Theology Students into Advocates,” College Theology Society, June 2021.
  • “After the Revolution: Inculturated Reconciliation in North Africa,” Transitional Justice in Post-Conflict Societies in Africa.  Hekima Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations, Catholic University of Eastern Africa.  Nairobi, Kenya. October, 2014.