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Dr. Christopher L. Harris is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology in the Department of Educational Foundations and Leadership. His research focuses on the self and identity development of K-12 Black and Brown students, with an emphasis on how these identities evolve over time to inform both educational practice and theory. Additionally, Dr. Harris is dedicated to re-examining educational psychology theories and modernizing them to better reflect the diversity of today's learners and their unique experiences.

Dr. Harris earned his Ph.D. in Educational Foundations: Educational Psychology from the University of Toledo, where his dissertation delved into the influence of K-12 curricula on the racial identity development of Black college students.

Learn more about Dr. Harris and his work in his Q&A interview with us.


  • Ph.D., Educational Psychology, University of Toledo, 2023
  • M.Ed., Educational Leadership, University of Mount Union, 2018
  • B.A., Political Science, Kent State University 2015



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  • Educational Psychology
  • Introduction to Critical Education
  • Multicultural Psychology
  • Classroom Management
Martin, J.L., Brockmier-Sommers, D.K., Harris, C.L., & Martsch, M.D. (2022). Using Freirean and Rogerian theory to create anti-racist and peace-based intersectional online learning communities. In X. Woodley, & M. Rice (Eds.) Culturally responsive teaching and learning through theory, with design and practice. (pp. 118-135). Routledge.
Harris, C.L., & Martin, J.L. (In press). Populism versus critical race theory in the U.S. Encyclopedia of new populism and its responses in the 21st century. Springer.
Harris, C. L., Toland, M. D., & Kovach, Pescara-Kovach, L. (2023, August 3). The impact of curricular experiences on the racial identity of Black students. [Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association]. APA 2023, Washington, D.C.