Contact Information


Elizabeth McCallum is Chair of the Department of Counselor Education and School Psychology and Professor in the APA-accredited Psy.D. and Ph.D. School Psychology Programs at Duquesne University. She is a Pennsylvania Certified School Psychologist. Dr. McCallum's research focuses on identifying effective school-based interventions to improve academic and social/emotional outcomes for students in schools. She graduated from the APA-accredited School Psychology Program at the University of Tennessee following completion of her pre-doctoral internship at the Tennessee Internship Consortium.


  • Ph.D., School Psychology, University of Tennessee, 2006
  • B.S., Psychology, Cornell University, 2000


Profile Information

  • Single Subject Methodology for School Psychologists
  • Ethics in School Psychology
  • Psychology of Learning
  • Dissertation Seminar
  • Directed Research
Cuifolo, K., Schmitt, A. J., McCallum, E., & Thomas, J. D. (2023). A brief experimental analysis of assistive technology and graphic organizer use on the written expression skills of a student with traumatic brain injury. Journal of Behavioral Education. 

Thomas, J. D., Honaker, A., Schmitt, A. J., & McCallum, E. (2023). Publication trends of LGBTQ+ topics in school psychology literature across time. Contemporary School Psychology, 1-12. DOI: 10.1007/s40688-023-00459-3

McCallum, E., Schmitt, A. J., Aspiranti, K. B., Mahony, K. E., Honaker, A. & Christie, L. A. (2022). A virtual adaptation of the taped problems intervention for increasing math fact Fluency. School Psychology. 

Phillips, T., Graves, S. L., & McCallum, E. (2022). The effect of video self-modeling for Black boys with challenging behaviors in an urban setting. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 38, 205-222. DOI: 10.1080/15377903.2021.1941469

Mercurio, M., Schmitt, A. J., Rattan, S., and McCallum, E. (2021). Reducing classroom transition time using a music-infused video modeling intervention, Psychology in the Schools, 58, 1741-1752. 

Aspiranti, K. B., McCallum, E., & Schmitt, A. J. (2018). Taped problems intervention components: A meta-analysis. Contemporary School Psychology.

Zannikos, M. E., McCallum, E., Schmitt, A. J., Pearson, A. J. (2018). A comparison of the taped spelling intervention and cover, copy, and compare for students with learning disabilities. Journal of Behavioral Education, 27, 301-323.

Schmitt, A. J., McCallum, E., Hawkins, R. O., Stephenson, E., & Vicencio, K. (2018). The effects of two assistive technologies on reading comprehension accuracy and rate. Assistive Technology: The Official Journal of RESNA, 1-11

Schmitt, A. J., McCallum, E., Fearrington, J. M., Piselli, K., Hoffman, K., & Jacquette, C. H. (2017). Increasing levels of accommodation on students with writing difficulties. Journal of Evidence-Based Practices for Schools, 16, 46-71

Utchell, L. A., Schmitt, A. J., McCallum, E., McGoey, K., & Piselli, K. (2016). Ability of early literacy general outcome measures to predict future state assessment performance. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 34, 511-523.

Hawkins, R. O., Marsicano, R., Schmitt, A. J., McCallum, E., & Musti-Rao, S. (2015). Comparing the efficiency of adult-mediated repeated reading and listening-while-reading on reading fluency and comprehension. Education and Treatment of Children, 38, 49-70.

McCallum, E.
, Schmitt, A. J., Evans, S. N., Schaffner, K. F., & Long, K. H. (2014). An application of the taped spelling intervention to improve spelling skills. Journal of Evidence-Based Practices for Schools, 14, 51-

Taylor, E., Skinner, C.H., McCallum, E., Poncy, B. & Orsega, M. (2013). Enhancing basic academic skills with audio-recordings: A review of the literature. Educational Research Quarterly.

Poncy, B. C., Skinner, C. H. & McCallum, E. (2012). A comparison of class-wide taped problems and cover, copy, and compare for enhancing mathematics fluency. Psychology in the Schools, 49, 744-755.

Schmitt, A., McCallum, E., & Lovelace, T. (2012). Use of reading pen assistive technology to accommodate post-secondary students with reading disabilities. Assistive Technology, 24,229-239.

Hawkins, R, McCallum, E., Musti-Rao, S., McGuire, S., Berry, L., & Barkley, E. (2011). Adding listening previewing to decrease reading errors during peer tutoring and increase reading fluency and comprehension. Journal of Evidence-Based Practices for Schools, 12, 151-175.

Hawkins, R, McCallum, E., Musti-Rao, S., McGuire, S., Berry, L., & Barkley, E. (2011). Implementation guidelines: Adding listening previewing to decrease reading errors during peer tutoring and increase reading fluency and comprehension. Journal of Evidence-Based Practices for Schools, 12, 176-178.

McCallum, E
. & Schmitt, A. (2011). Using technology in schools to enhance student performance. Journal of Evidence-Based Practices for Schools, 12, 129-130.

McCallum, E.
 & Schmitt, A. (2011). The taped problems intervention: Increasing the math fact fluency of a student with an intellectual disability. International Journal of Special Education, 26, 1-9.

Schmitt, A., McCallum, E., Rubinic, D., & Hawkins, R. O. (2011). Reading pen decoding and vocabulary accommodations: Impact on student comprehension accuracy and rate. Journal of Evidence-Based Practices for Schools, 12, 223-241.

Bliss, S. L., Skinner , C. H., McCallum, E., Saecker, L. B., Rowland-Brown, E., & Brown, K. S. (2010). A comparison of taped -problems with and without a brief post-treatment assessment on multiplication fluency. Journal of Behavioral Education, 19, 156-168.

McCallum, E.
, Schmitt, A. J., Schneider, D. L., Rezzetano, K., & Skinner, C. H.(2010). Extending research on the taped-problems intervention: Do group rewards enhance math fact fluency development? School Psychology Forum, 4, 44-61.

Poncy, B. C., McCallum, E., & Schmitt, A. J. (2010). A comparison of behavioral and constructivist interventions for increasing math-fact fluency in a second-grade classroom. Psychology in the Schools, 47, 917-930.

Schmitt, A. J., Hale, A., & McCallum, E., & Mauck, B. (2010). Accommodating remedial readers in the general education setting: Is listening-while-reading sufficient to improve factual and inferential comprehension? Psychology in the Schools, 48, 37-45.

Neddenriep, C., Skinner, C., Wallace, M., & McCallum, E. (2009). Classwide peer tutoring: Two experiments investigating the generalized relationship between increased oral reading fluency and reading comprehension. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 25, 244-269.

Schmitt, A. J., McCallum, E., Hale, A. D., Obeldobel, E., & Dingus, K. (2009). Can text-to-speech assistive technology improve the reading comprehension of students with severe reading and emotional disabilities? Journal of Evidence-Based Practices for Schools, 10, 95-119.

Schmitt, A. J., McCallum, E., Hale, A. D., Obeldobel, E., & Dingus, K. (2009). Using text-to-speech assistive technology to improve the reading comprehension of students with severe reading and emotional disabilities. Journal of Evidence-Based Practices for Schools, 10, 120-123.

Carroll, E., Skinner, C., Turner, H., McCallum, E., & Woodland, S. (2006). Evaluating and comparing responsiveness to two interventions designed to enhance math-fact fluency. School Psychology Forum: Research in Practice, 1, 1-18.

McCallum, E.
, Skinner, C., Turner, H., & Saecker, L. (2006). The taped-problems intervention: Increasing multiplication fact fluency using a low-tech, class-wide, time-delay intervention. School Psychology Review, 35, 419-434.

Bain, S., Rheams, T., Lee, Y., & McCallum, E. (2004). Generalization and maintenance efforts in social integration interventions for preschool and kindergarten aged children. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 20, 1, 103-130.

McCallum, E.
, Skinner, C., & Hutchins, H. (2004). The taped-problems intervention: Increasing division fact fluency using a low-tech self-managed time-delay intervention. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 20, 129-147.
McCallum, E., Aspiranti, K. B., & Schmitt, A. J. (2023). Mathematics disabilities, low achievement, and relevant evidence-based interventions. In L. A. Theodore, M. Bray, & B. Bracken (Eds.), Desk reference in school psychology. Oxford University Press.

McCallum, E., Yarbrough, J. L., & Schmitt, A. J. (2021). Game-based cooperative learning strategies. In T. A. Collins & R. O. Hawkins (Eds.), Peers as change agents: A guide to implementing peer mediated interventions in schools (pp. 76-83). Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/med-psych/9780190068714.001.0001

McCallum, E., Schmitt, A. J., Evans, B. (2020). Timely transitions game. In M. I. Axelrod, M. Cooling-Chaffin, & R. O. Hawkins (Eds.), School-based behavioral intervention case studies: Effective problem solving for school psychologists (pp. 243-256). Routledge. 

Skinner, C. H., Wright, S. & McCallum, E. (2020). Addressing won’t do issues in mathematics. In T. H. Hughes, F. C. Worrell, & D. D. Dixson (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of applied school psychology (pp. 30-47). Cambridge University Press.
Mahony, K., Thomas, J. D., Honaker, A., & McCallum, E. (2023, February 7-11). Virtual performance feedback writing intervention for elementary students with disabilities [Poster presentation]. National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Denver, CO.

Thomas, J. D., Honaker, A., & McCallum, E. (2023, February 7-11). Publication trends of LGBTQ+ topics in the school psychology literature [Paper presentation]. National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Denver, CO.

Honaker, A., Mahony, K., & McCallum, E. (2022, February 15-18). Introducing math fact fluency intervention within the virtual learning environment [Poster presentation]. National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Boston, MA.