Contact Information
Dr. Linkov is a multidisciplinary researcher with research interests in chronic disease
prevention, health systems research, global health, scientific communications, and
research productivity. In the area of molecular epidemiology, her work focused on
the use of biological tumor markers to detect malignancies at early stages and on
the link between obesity, biobehavioral factors, and cancer. Dr. Linkov's longitudinal
investigations have made significant contributions to the emerging view that intentional
weight loss may play a significant role in the prevention of malignancies and normalization
of aging associated biomarkers, especially through inflammatory pathways. Dr. Linkov
has been also focusing on the development of improved patient-centered approaches
for translating scientific knowledge about disease prevention into clinical practice.
Her recent work involves quantitative and qualitative investigations of staff turnover
in long term care setting with the goal of improving elderly patient care and improved
In the area of global health Dr. Linkov has been active in initiating research work with several groups in Asia publishing on the public health challenges in Kazakhstan, including cancer prevention, nutritional deficiency prevention, and COVID pandemic aftermath. Dr. Linkov worked with the National Academies of Science on Engaging Scientists in Central Asia on Data Governance Principles for Life Science Data. Dr. Linkov's interest in science education led her to be one of the core developers of the Supercourse of Science project at the Library of Alexandria in Egypt. This effort focused on expanding teaching efforts in the developing countries in four key areas, including Global Health, Agriculture, Environmental Science, and Engineering. Dr. Linkov was one of the core developers of the Global Health Network Supercourse project, one of first Internet repositories of Public Health knowledge.
In 2024-2025, The Carl G. Grefenstette Center for Ethics in Science, Technology, and Law at Duquesne University accepted Dr. Linkov for the Grefenstette Center Faculty Scholar Fellowship. This fellowship helps to expand on Dr. Linkov’s interest in generative AI and the responsible use of digital technology, especially in conversation with faith traditions.
Dr. Linkov's research career has been extremely productive with over 100 original research publications and reviews. She has been a recipient of multiple grants and awards, including a Mentored Research Award from the American Cancer Society, Phi Beta Psi Sorority Foundation Department of Defense, Scaife Foundation, CDC, Hillman Foundation, USAID, Government of Kazakhstan, and NATO. Dr. Linkov was named AAAS fellow in 2020, the first female faculty member to have such distinction at Duquesne University
In the area of global health Dr. Linkov has been active in initiating research work with several groups in Asia publishing on the public health challenges in Kazakhstan, including cancer prevention, nutritional deficiency prevention, and COVID pandemic aftermath. Dr. Linkov worked with the National Academies of Science on Engaging Scientists in Central Asia on Data Governance Principles for Life Science Data. Dr. Linkov's interest in science education led her to be one of the core developers of the Supercourse of Science project at the Library of Alexandria in Egypt. This effort focused on expanding teaching efforts in the developing countries in four key areas, including Global Health, Agriculture, Environmental Science, and Engineering. Dr. Linkov was one of the core developers of the Global Health Network Supercourse project, one of first Internet repositories of Public Health knowledge.
In 2024-2025, The Carl G. Grefenstette Center for Ethics in Science, Technology, and Law at Duquesne University accepted Dr. Linkov for the Grefenstette Center Faculty Scholar Fellowship. This fellowship helps to expand on Dr. Linkov’s interest in generative AI and the responsible use of digital technology, especially in conversation with faith traditions.
Dr. Linkov's research career has been extremely productive with over 100 original research publications and reviews. She has been a recipient of multiple grants and awards, including a Mentored Research Award from the American Cancer Society, Phi Beta Psi Sorority Foundation Department of Defense, Scaife Foundation, CDC, Hillman Foundation, USAID, Government of Kazakhstan, and NATO. Dr. Linkov was named AAAS fellow in 2020, the first female faculty member to have such distinction at Duquesne University
- Ph.D., Epidemiology, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, 2005
- MPH, Behavioral and Community Health Science, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, 2001
- B.S. Psychology, University of Pittsburgh
Research Interests or Expertise
- Global health
- Long term care
- Cancer epidemiology
- Women's health
- Health services research
- Scientific productivity
- AI ethics
Profile Information
- Ramanan H, Shensa A, Guth V, Rhoads C, Linkov F. Attitudes and preferences about retention: A survey study of nursing home employees Geriatr Nurs. 2024 Sep 11;60:186-190. doi: 10.1016/j.gerinurse.2024.08.044. PMID: 39265380
- Linkov F, Cummings CL, Dausey DJ Official risk communication for COVID-19 and beyond: can we do a better job?. Environ Syst Decis 44, 293–300 (2024).
- Beisbekova, A., Ospanova, F., Kainarbayeva, M., Ushanskaya, E., Bykybayeva, S., Berdygaliev, A., Raushanova, A., & Linkov, F. (2024). Effectiveness of vitamin A supplementation among children under 5 years old in Kazakhstan. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 18, 386–397.
- Magos-Vázquez FJ, Linkov F, Flores-Mendiola N, González-Moreno MV, Navarro Olivos E, Cardoso-Linares JF, Díaz-Martínez DA, Flores-Vargas G, Padilla-Raygoza N. Active shooter in emergency departments in Guanajuato State, Mexico. Emerg Med J. 2024 May 29:emermed-2023-213748. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2023-213748. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38811145.
- Bunde S, Adambekov S, Glikson E, Linkov F Qualitative Interview Study of Gynecologic Oncologist Utilization of Recommended Same-Day Discharge Following Minimally Invasive Hysterectomy J. Pers. Med. 2022, June 30; 12(7), 1082; 10.1016/j.annepidem.2022.04.002. Epub 2022 Apr 21. PMID: 35462044
- Kiel J, Linkov F The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing the Delivery of Healthcare Journal of AHIMA July 11, 2022 Available at
- Lei M, Adambekov S, Edwards RP, Wang R, Yuan JM, Kalix E, Lopa S, Linkov F. Endometrial cancer risk factors in Singapore Chinese: a prospective cohort study. Ann Epidemiol. 2022 Jul;71:9-14. doi: 10.1016/j.annepidem.2022.04.002. Epub 2022 Apr 21. PMID: 35462044.
- Qi M, Lopa S, Adambekov S, Mansuria S, Edwards RP, LInkov F Same-day discharge after minimal invasive hysterectomy: Applications for improved value of care Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2021 Apr; 259: 140-145. DOI:
- Linkov F, Akinci F Is Universal Health Coverage an Option? Journal of Health Care Finance VOL. 47 (SPECIAL FEATURE 2), WINTER 2021
- Kaiyrlykyzy A, Linkov F, Foster F, Bapayeva G, Ukybassova T, Aimagambetova G, Kenbayeva K, Ibrayimov B, Lyasova A, Terzic M. Pipelle endometrial biopsy for abnormal uterine bleeding: do patient's pain and anxiety really impact on sampling success rate? BMC Womens Health. 2021 Nov 12;21(1):393. doi: 10.1186/s12905-021-01526-8. PMID: 34772384; PMCID: PMC8588625.
- HADM 101 - Introduction to Healthcare Administration
- HADM 102 - Introduction to Healthcare Systems
- PBHL 398 - Global Public Health: Immersion in Cuba
- HLTS 430/530: Principles of Research
- HADM 508 - Health Services Research Methods and Statistics
- HADM 541 - Managerial Epidemiology
- HADM 544 - Health Promotion
- HADM 560 - MHA Capstone Project
- REHS 701 - Full time dissertation research
- Fighting Bias in Healthcare
- Dr. Linkov Published in BMC Wormen's Health
- Dr. Linkov Interviewed by NPR on COVID-19 Hospitalizations
- Rangos School of Health Sciences Expands International Collaborations in Research and Education
- Duquesne University Offers Pittsburgh's Only Bachelor Level Degree Program in Public Health
- Universal Coverage May Reduce Health Disparities
- Dr. Linkov Named 2020 AAAS Fellow
- Dr. Linkov Named as Chair of the Health Admnistration and Public Health Department