Contact Information


Greg Marchetti is Professor and Assistant Chairperson in the Department of Physical Therapy at Duquesne University. Dr. Marchetti earned an entry level Physical Therapy degree from the University of Maryland and a Master of Science from the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh, and a Ph.D. in epidemiology with an emphasis in non-communicable disease from the Graduate School of Public Health at the University of Pittsburgh. Greg also currently holds an appointment in the School of Medicine, Department of Otolaryngology at the University of Pittsburgh. 

Clinically, Greg serves as physical therapist for the Pittsburgh Catholic Charities Health Care System, a multidisciplinary clinic dedicated to the service of persons without access to health insurance. He holds specialty certification from the Board for Certification in Professional Ergonomics and serves as Ergonomic Assessment Specialist for ErgoSmart Consultants.  He is on the editorial board of the Journal of Neurological Physical Therapy and serves as peer reviewer for numerous academic publications. 


  • Ph.D., Epidemilogy, University of Pittsburgh, 2004
  • M.S., Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, 1994
  • B.S., Physical Therapy, University of Pittsburgh, 1983


Research Interests or Expertise

  • Ergonomics and Injury Prevention
  • Mild Traumatic Brain Injury/Postural Control
  • Biostatistics
  • Health Systems and Outcomes Analysis
  • Home Health Care Outcomes
  • Performing Arts Rehabilitation 
  • Rehabilitation for Cancer Survivors
  • Evidence-based differential diagnosis


  • Ergonomic and Environmental Evaluation and Intervention (PHYT 570)
  • Differential Diagnosis in Physical Therapy (PHYT 601)
  • Physical Therapy Management and Leadership (PHYT 625)
An effective instructor must have a passion for giving students the tools to succeed. The classroom should be a psychologically safe, respectful and trustworthy environment where students can develop innovative behaviors through an exploration of the governing values and assumptions behind their decisions and ideas. In this way students are empowered to challenge the status quo and experience true transformational change. Freedom of discourse and permission to be wrong are essential parts of a learner-centric process leading to growth.
  • Kontos AP, Marchetti GF, Henry L, Elbin RJ. A Comprehensive Comparison of Recovery Curves following Sport-related Concussion in Males and Females. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, May 2015, San Diego CA.
  • Carender, W, Sabourin, P, Schreiber J; Marchetti G, Alsalaheen, B. Variability of Vestibular Rehabilitation Outcomes Based on Patient's Perceptions of Symptoms and Functional Limitations: A Qualitative Case Report CSM 15, Indianapolis IN.
  • Asiri FY Marchetti, GF, Ellis J, Otis L , Whitney SL. Improvement in Activities of Daily Living Function in Patients with Heart Failure Receiving Home-based Rehabilitation: A Retrospective Cohort Study. APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Indianapolis IN, February, 2015
  • French JE, Mucha A, Covassin T, Sufrinko A, Marchetti G, Elbin RJ, Collins MW, & Kontos AP (2015, February). Sex Differences in Vestibular/Oculomotor, Balance, Symptoms, and Neurocognitive Outcomes in Adolescents following Sport-related Concussion Poster presented at Big Sky Athletic Training Conference, February 2015 Big Sky, MT.
  • Gordon J and Marchetti GF. Vertigo, nausea, and headache after mild blast‐induced traumatic brain injury: A case report of rehabilitation with persistent complicating symptoms APTA CSM 2014
  • Asiri FY, Marchetti GF, Ellis JL, Otis L, Sparto PJ, Watzlaf V, Whitney SL.. Predictors of functional and gait outcomes for persons with Parkinson's Disease undergoing home-based rehabilitation. APTA CSM 2014
  • Marchetti GF. Evidence-Based Physical Therapy Care for Spine Pain American Society of Regional Anesthesiology Research: November 2014, San Francisco, CA
  • Marchetti GF. Physical Therapy Management Strategies for Axial and Radicular Pain: Efficacy and Appropriate Orders for Treatment. American Society of Regional Anesthesiology Research: November 2014, San Francisco, CA
  • Marchetti GF. Chronic Pain and Rehabilitation: Social, Psychological, Physical Therapy, and Emotional Factors American Society of Regional Anesthesiology Research: November 2014, San Francisco, CA
  • Marchetti, GF, Asiri FY, , PT, Ellis J, Otis L , Whitney SL. Improvement in Activities of Daily Living Function in Patients with Heart Failure Receiving Home-based Rehabilitation: A Retrospective Cohort Study. APTA Combined Sections Meeting, San Diego CA, January 27, 2013
  • Asiri FY, Marchetti, GF, Ellis J, Otis L , Whitney SL. Predictors of functional outcomes (OASIS-C) for patients after stroke undergoing home-based rehabilitation. . APTA Combined Sections Meeting, San Diego CA, January 27, 2013
  • Lin CC , Whitney SL, Sparto P, Furman JM, Loughlin P , Redfern, Marchetti G, Sienko K.
    The effect of vibrotactile feedback on reaction times during dual-task balance performance in different age groups. APTA Combined Sections Meeting, San Diego CA, January 27, 2013
  • Alsalaheen, B, Whitney SL , Sparto P Furman, JM, Kontos AP, Collins, MW, Marchetti, GM Relationship between neurocognitive assessment and balance measures at the initiation of vestibular physical therapy after mild traumatic brain injury. APTA Combined Sections Meeting, San Diego CA, January 27, 2013

  • Whitney SL, Marchetti GF, Lin C, Roche JL, , Steed DP, Musolino MC, Redfern MR Is there a relationship between gait scores (speed, Functional Gait Assessment, Dynamic Gait Index) and Balance Accelerometry Measure (BAM) scores in persons with and without vestibular disorders?" Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology. San Diego, CA
    February 25-29, 2012
  • Lin C, Whitney SL, Marchetti GF, Roche JL, , Steed DP, Musolino MC, Redfern MR. A Comparison of the Balance Accelerometry Measure (BAM) and the Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) in Persons with and without Concussion. Combined Sections Meeting, Chicago, IL. Feb, 2012
  • Algwhiri, AA, Baker, CB Furman JM, Marchetti GF, Rogers JC, Sparto PJ, Whitney SL. The Development and Validation of the Vestibular Activities and Participation (VAP) Measure. Combined Sections Meeting, Chicago, IL. Feb 12, 2012
  • Asiri F, Marchetti GF, Ellis JL, Otis L, Whitney SL. Australian therapy outcome measures by physical therapists in a home-care setting: Subscale selection and association with diagnostic category. World Confederation of Physical, Therapy, Amsterdam, June 21, 2011.
  • Alahmari K, Whitney SL, Sparto PJ, Marchetti GF, Furman JM. Exploring the use of virtual reality technology as an intervention in vestibular rehabilitation. World Confederation of Physical Therapy, Amsterdam, June 22, 2011.
  • Alghwiri AA, Whitney SL, Baker CE, Sparto PJ, Marchetti GF, Rogers JC, Furman JM. The
    Development of the Vestibular Activities and Participation (VAP) Measure Using the Delphi Technique. Combined Sections Meeting, New Orleans, Feb 12, 2011
  • Whitney SL, Marchetti GF, Ellis J, Otis L. Balance changes in older adults receiving home care services. Combined Sections Meeting, New Orleans, Feb 12, 2011
  • Marchetti GF, Whitney SL, Furman JM. Comorbidity associated with dizziness/imbalance in older adults seen in a tertiary care management setting: Prevalence estimates and comparison with community dwelling American population values. Combined Sections Meeting, New Orleans, Feb 12, 2011.
  • Lin CC, Whitney SL, Roche JL, Steed DP, Marchetti GF, Furman GR, Musolino MC, Redfern MS. Age-related Postural Sway Changes During Balance Tasks Using the Balance Accelerometry Measure (BAM) in Healthy Adults. Combined Sections Meeting, New Orleans, Feb 12, 2011.
  • Mohammad M, Whitney SL, Sparto PJ, Marchetti GF, Furman JM. The effect of optotype parameters on the performance of healthy young subjects on the gaze stabilization test. Combined Sections Meeting, New Orleans, Feb 12, 2011.
  • Marchetti G, Linehan A, Baker H, White J, Beatty K,. Ergonomic analysis of exposures in the food service industry: A case report. Combined Sections Meeting, New Orleans, Feb 12, 2011