Contact Information
Dr. Benson’s research focuses on school-based practice, specifically the participation
and occupational performance of children with developmental disabilities. Her goal
is to make an impact by researching best practices in an educational setting ensuring
that children have the tools to fully participate in their educational, social, and
community environments. As a scholar, her work investigates best practice in school
based occupational therapy and illuminates the culture of school-based practice including
the challenges, rewards, and relationship dynamics in these complex educational contexts.
She has examined outcomes related to educational team intervention/collaboration and
application of strategies in an educational environment in order to support participation
in the school and to have an immediate impact on the lives of the children and the
- Ed.D., Educational Leadership, Duquesne University
- M.S., Motor Development, University of Pittsburgh
- B.S., Occupational Therapy, University of Pittsburgh
Research Interests or Expertise
My research focus is in school based practice, sensory processing disorders and occupation.
Specifically I am interested in the integration of occupation in pediatric practice
and the occupational performance of children with sensory processing disorders.