Contact Information


Joseph Kush is a Professor in the Instructional Technology program in the School of Education at Duquesne University. He serves as the Program Director of Instructional Technology & Educational Technology. He uses Macintosh computers exclusively.


  • Ph.D., School Psychology, Arizona State University, 1984


Research Interests or Expertise

Research interests include issues related to test fairness and test bias in minority and special needs populations. Additional research interests include the use of technology to assess cognitive skills.

Profile Information

Guven, U., Sezer, B., & Kush, J. C. (in submission). An examination of the similarities and differences between online peer assessment and face-to-face peer assessment.

Kush, J. C., & Krasulia, A (in submission). An exploratory factor analysis of the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) with Ukrainian philology students.

Kush, J. C., & Canivez, G. L. (2021). Construct validity of the WISC–IV Italian Edition: A bifactor examination of the standardization sample: Chi niente sa, di niente dubita. International Journal of School and Educational Psychology. 9, 73-87.

Vaisleib, I., & Kush, J. C.  (July, 2023). Computational thinking interventions in the promotion of learning for students with epilepsy. Paper presented at the 44th Annual Conference of the International School Psychology Association, Bologna, Italy.

Heo, M., Kush, J. C., & Stoffa, R. (2012). Factor analysis of ESL/EFL Strategy Inventory for Language Learning: Generation 1.5 Korean immigrant college students' language learning strategies. Language, Culture and Curriculum

Kush, J. C.
 (in submission). An examination of possible movement artifacts in a computer-based measure of choice reaction time.

Kush, J. C.
, Spring, M. B., & Barkand, J. (2012). Advances in the assessment of cognitive skills using computer based measurement. Behavior Research Methods, 44, 125-134. Doi:10.3758/s13428-011-0136-2.