
Ken Gormley is President and Professor of Law at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh. He previously served for seven years as Dean of Duquesne University School of Law. He joined the faculty in 1994, after teaching at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law and engaging in private practice. Gormley earned his B.A. from the University of Pittsburgh in 1977, summa cum laude, and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He received his J.D. from Harvard Law School in 1980, serving as a teaching assistant to Professor Archibald Cox in Constitutional Law.

Gormley’s work has earned him a reputation as a highly-respected Constitutional scholar, in Pennsylvania and nationally. In 1997, he published Archibald Cox: Conscience of a Nation (Perseus Books), the authorized biography of one of the leading lawyers and public servants of the 20th century. The Cox book was awarded the 1999 Bruce K. Gould Book Award for an outstanding publication relating to the law.

In 2010, Gormley published The Death of American Virtue: Clinton vs. Starr (Crown), a New York Times bestseller chronicling the scandals that nearly destroyed the Clinton Presidency. The Death of American Virtue received a 2011 Silver-Gavel Award (Honorable Mention) from the American Bar Association as well as critical acclaim in publications including the New York Times Book Review (Editor’s Choice), Washington Post Book World, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Atlantic magazine, and dozens of others. Gormley appeared on NBC’s Today Show, The Charlie Rose Show, Hardball with Chris Matthews, NPR’s Fresh Air, and hundreds of television and radio shows in the United States and worldwide. 

Gormley’s most recent non-fiction book, Presidents and the Constitution: A Living History, was published by NYU Press in 2016, and has likewise received national acclaim. That book came out in a two-volume paperback in the fall of 2022, with a new chapter added on the Trump presidency.

Gormley has testified in the United States Senate three times. He has also testified in the Pennsylvania Senate on State Constitutional matters.

In 2021, Gormley published his first novel, The Heiress of Pittsburgh (Sunbury Press) – part legal thriller and part love letter to his hometown – which earned praise from renowned authors including Scott Turow and John Edgar Wideman.

Gormley formerly served as President of the Allegheny County Bar Association, the first academic to hold that position in the organization’s 137-year history.

From 1998-2001, Gormley served as Mayor of Forest Hills, Pennsylvania. He lives there with his wife Laura. They have four children and five grandchildren.


  • J.D., Harvard Law School, 1980
  • B.A., University of Pittsburgh, 1977

Profile Information


The Presidents and the Constitution: A Living History
Presidents and the Constitution A Living History (Ken Gormley, ed., 2016).

The Death of American Virtue: Clinton vs. Starr
Ken Gormley, The Death of American Virtue: Clinton vs. Starr (2010).

The Pennsylvania Constitution: A Treatise on Rights and Liberties
Ken Gormley with Jeffrey Bauman, Joel Fishman and Leslie Kozler, eds., The Pennsylvania Constitution: A Treatise on Rights and Liberties (2004, supplement 2014).

Archibald Cox: Conscience of a Nation
Ken Gormley, Archibald Cox: Conscience of a Nation (hardback Addison-Wesley 1997, paperback Perseus Books 1999).

The Pennsylvania Legislative Reapportionment of 1991
Ken Gormley, The Pennsylvania Legislative Reapportionment of 1991 (1994).

Archibald Cox
Ken Gormley, Archibald Cox, in American National Biography (Oxford University Press, 2012).

Impeachment and the Independent Counsel: Collision in the Capitol
Ken Gormley, Impeachment and the Independent Counsel: Collision in the Capitol, in The Clinton Presidency and the Constitutional System 163 (Roseanna Perotti ed., Texas A&M Univ. Press, 2012).

Archibald Cox
Ken Gormley, Archibald Cox, in the Yale Biographical Dictionary of American Law (Roger K. Newman ed., 2009).

Archibald Cox
Ken Gormley, Archibald Cox, in The Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives (2007).

Forward to Chinese translation of "The Court and the Constitution," Archibald Cox
Ken Gormley, Foreword to Chinese translation of Archibald Cox , The Court and the Constitution (2006).

Judge Learned Hand
Ken Gormley, Judge Learned Hand in Great American Judges: An Encyclopedia (John R. Vile, ed., 2003).

Archibald Cox and William M. Evarts
Ken Gormley, Archibald Cox and William M. Evarts, in Great American Lawyers: An Encyclopedia (John R. Vile, ed., 2001).

The Center Holds: Obama and His Enemies: by Jonathan Alter
Ken Gormley, The Center Holds: Obama and His Enemies: by Jonathan Alter, Wash. Post, June 28, 2013 (book review).

Bush 41's later in life, in letters
Ken Gormley, Bush 41's later in life, in letters, Wash. Post Book World, June 2, 2013 (review of All the Best, George Bush: My Life in Letters and Other Writings).

America's Unwritten Constitution: The Presidents and Principles We Live By, By Akhil Amar
Ken Gormley, America's Unwritten Constitution: The Presidents and Principles We Live By, By Akhil Amar, Wash. Post Book World, Oct.6, 2012.

The Legacy of Chief Justice Ronald D. Castille
Ken Gormley, The Legacy of Chief Justice Ronald D. Castille, 53 Duq. L. Rev. 305 (2015).

Epilogue: A Century of Excellence
Ken Gormley, A Century of Excellence, 49 Duq. L. Rev. 635 (2011).

Chief Justice Ralph J. Cappy: An Epilogue
Ken Gormley, Chief Justice Ralph J. Cappy: An Epilogue, 47 Duq. L. Rev. 681 (2009).

Supreme Court Law Clerks' Recollections of October Term 1951, Including the Steel Seizure Cases
Charles C. Hileman, Abner J. Mikva, James C. N. Paul, Neal P. Rutledge, Marshall L. Small, William H. Rehnquist, Gregory L. Peterson, John Q. Barrett, and Ken Gormley, Supreme Court Law Clerks' Recollections of October Term 1951, Including the Steel Seizure Cases, 82 St. J.L. Rev. 1239-1290 (2008).

Judicial Review in the Americas: Comments on the United States and Mexico
Ken Gormley, Judicial Review in the Americas: Comments on the United States and Mexico, 45 Duq. L. Rev. 393 (2007).

Carol Los Mansmann: Lawyer, Judge, and Public Servant (Comments)
Ken Gormley, Carol Los Mansmann: Lawyer, Judge, and Public Servant (Comments), 46 Duq. L. Rev. 5 (2007) (with an introduction by Supreme Court Justice Samuel J. Alito, Jr.).

Secret Wiretaps: The Need for Legislative Reforms
Ken Gormley, Secret Wiretaps: The Need for Legislative Reforms, Jurist (March 20, 2006).

Education as a Fundamental Right: Building a New Paradigm
Ken Gormley, Education as a Fundamental Right: Building a New Paradigm, 2 Forum Pub. Pol'y 207 (University of Illinois) (2006).

The Lawyer as Artist
Ken Gormley, "The Lawyer as Artist" in "Symposium: The Lawyer as Poet Advocate: Bruce Springsteen and American Law", 14 Widener L.J. 753 (2005).

The Forgotten Supreme Court Justice
Ken Gormley, The Forgotten Supreme Court Justice, 68 Albany L. Rev. 295 (2005).

In Memoriam: Archibald Cox
Ken Gormley, In Memoriam: Archibald Cox, 118 Harv. L. Rev. 8 (2004-2005).

The Silver Anniversary of New Judicial Federalism
Ken Gormley, The Silver Anniversary of New Judicial Federalism, 66 Albany L. Rev. 101 (2003).

Exploring a European Union Constitution: Unexpected Lessons from the American Experience
Ken Gormley, Exploring a European Union Constitution: Unexpected Lessons from the American Experience, 35 Rutgers L.J. 69 (2003).

President Truman and the Steel Seizure Case: A Symposium
Ken Gormley, President Truman and the Steel Seizure Case: A Symposium, 41 Duq. L. R. 667-680 (2003).

Racial Mind-Games and Reapportionment: When Can Race Be Considered (Legitimately) In Redistricting?
Ken Gormley, Racial Mind-Games and Reapportionment: When Can Race Be Considered (Legitimately) In Redistricting?, 4 U. Pa. J. Const. L. 735 (2002).

Monica Lewinsky, Impeachment, and the Death of the Independent Counsel Law: What Congress Can Salvage from the Wreckage - A Minimalist View
Ken Gormley, Monica Lewinsky, Impeachment, and the Death of the Independent Counsel Law: What Congress Can Salvage from the Wreckage - A Minimalist View, 60 Md. L. Rev. 97 (2001).

The Kentucky Bill of Rights, A Bicentennial Celebration
Ken Gormley, The Kentucky Bill of Rights: A Bicentennial Celebration, 80 Kentucky Law Journal 1 (with Ken Gormley)

Privacy and the States
Ken Gormley, Privacy and the States, 65 Temple Law Review 1279 (with Ken Gormley)

Should Congress Reauthorize the Independent Counsel Law?
Ken Gormley, Should Congress Reauthorize the Independent Counsel Law?, 78 Cong. Dig. 144 (May, 1999).

Impeachment and the Independent Counsel: A Dysfunctional Union
Ken Gormley, Impeachment and the Independent Counsel: A Dysfunctional Union, 51 Stanford L. Rev. 309 (1999).

An Original Model of the Independent Counsel Statute
Ken Gormley, An Original Model of the Independent Counsel Statute, 97 Michigan L. Rev. 601 (1998).

The Short-Lived Burial of Miranda (Comments)
Ken Gormley, The Short-Lived Burial of Miranda (Comments), 59 Albany L. Rev. 1725 (1996).

The Pennsylvania Constitution After Edmunds
Ken Gormley, The Pennsylvania Constitution After Edmunds, J.D., 3 Widener J. Pub. L. 55 (1993).

Professionalism, Pittsburgh Style
Ken Gormley, Professionalism, Pittsburgh Style, 140 Pitt. L.J. 39 (1992).

One Hundred Years of Privacy
Ken Gormley, One Hundred Years of Privacy, 1992 Wis. L. Rev. 1335 (1992).

A Mentor's Legacy
Ken Gormley, A Mentor's Legacy, 78 A.B.A. J. 62 (1992).

Foreword: A New Constitutional Vigor For The Nation's Oldest Court
Ken Gormley, Foreword: A New Constitutional Vigor For The Nation's Oldest Court, 64 Temp. L. Rev. 215 (1991).

Significant Developments In State Constitutional Law, 1988
Ken Gormley, Significant Developments In State Constitutional Law, 1988, 2 Emerging Issues St. Const. L. 1 (1989).

Ten Adventures In State Constitutional Law
Ken Gormley, Ten Adventures In State Constitutional Law, 1 Emerging Issues State Const. L. 29 (Inaugural Issue, 1988).

Project: State Constitutional Law and Criminal Procedure: A Primer for the 21st Century
Ken Gormley (ed.), Project: State Constitutional Law and Criminal Procedure: A Primer for the 21st Century, 67 Or. L. Rev. 689 (1988).

State Constitutions and Criminal Procedure: A Primer for the 21st Century
Ken Gormley, State Constitutions and Criminal Procedure: A Primer for the 21st Century, Duquesne University School of Law Research Paper, Paper No. 2011-06 (1998).

The New Story of State Constitutions
Ken Gormley, The New Story of State Constitutions, Vol. 9, Pa. Law. (March, 1987), reprinted in the Idaho B.J. (August, 1987).

Private Conspiracies and the Constitution - A Modern Vision of 42 U.S.C. §1985(3)
Ken Gormley, Private Conspiracies and the Constitution - A Modern Vision of 42 U.S.C. §1985(3), 64 Texas L. Rev. 527 (1985).

The Nixon Pardon at 40: Ford Looks Better Than Ever
Ken Gormley (with David Shribman), The Nixon Pardon at 40: Ford Looks Better Than Ever, The Wall Street Journal, September 5, 2014.

Rename Pittsburgh's U.S. courthouse for Judge Joseph F. Weis, Jr.: Our grand federal court building should be named for one of its greatest jurists
Ken Gormley, Rename Pittsburgh's U.S. courthouse for Judge Joseph F. Weis, Jr.: Our grand federal court building should be named for one of its greatest jurists, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, June 15, 2014.

Heading in the Right Direction
Ken Gormley, Heading in the Right Direction, Pa. Law. 31 (May/June 2014).

The Saturday Night Massacre 40 Years Later: How our Constitution Trumped a Reckless President
Ken Gormley, The Saturday Night Massacre 40 Years Later: How our Constitution Trumped a Reckless President, Constitutional Daily, National Constitution Center (November 15, 2013).

Wisdom from Watergate
Ken Gormley, Wisdom from Watergate, POLITICO, October, 2013 (Op-ed).

The New Pledge that Congress Should Take
Ken Gormley, The New Pledge that Congress Should Take, Politico, Oct. 26, 2012.

A Response to ‘Dr. No:' The importance of saying ‘yes' to legal education in American
Ken Gormley, A Response to ‘Dr. No:' The importance of saying ‘yes' to legal education in American, Pa. Law. Jan./Feb. 2012 at 22.

Duquesne Law School 1911-2011
Ken Gormley, Duquesne Law School 1911-2011, Spiritan Horizons, Issue 6, Fall 2011, pp.63-75.

American Original: The Life and Constitution of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
Ken Gormley, American Original: The Life and Constitution of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, Pittsburgh, Post-Gazette, Sunday, January 10, 2010; also published in Philadelphia Inquirer, Sunday, January 10, 2010.

Can the Independent Counsel Law Be Saved?
Ken Gormley, Can the Independent Counsel Law Be Saved?, 21 Leg. Times (February 22, 1999).

Should We Ditch the Independent Prosecutor Law? (Dialogue with Professor Akhil Reed Amar)
Ken Gormley, Should We Ditch the Independent Prosecutor Law? (Dialogue with Professor Akhil Reed Amar), Slate Magazine, February 16-19, 1999.

Reapportioning Election Districts: An Exercise in Self-Preservation
Ken Gormley, Reapportioning Election Districts: An Exercise in Self-Preservation, USA Today Magazine, January, 1997.

Charles Hamilton Houston, Thurgood Marshall, and the Civil Rights Movement
Ken Gormley, Charles Hamilton Houston, Thurgood Marshall, and the Civil Rights Movement, 78 A.B.A. J. 62 (June, 1992).

  • Bar Memberships: Supreme Court of the United States, United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
  • President, Allegheny County Bar Association, Pittsburgh, PA (2007-2008)
  • Board of Governors, Allegheny County Bar Association (2002-2009); Chair of Legislative Committee
  • Board Member, Gender Equality Institute Committee, Allegheny County Bar Association (2009- )
  • Vice Chair, Gender Equality Task Force, Allegheny County Bar Association (2006-2007)
  • Member, Legislative and Governmental Relations Committee, Pennsylvania Bar Association (2006-2007)
  • Silver Gavel Award Committee, American Bar Association (appointment by President, ABA), (2013- )
  • Member, Task Force on the Pennsylvania Judicial System, Pennsylvania Bar Association (2006-2007)
  • Academic Consultant, Pennsylvania Supreme Court's Commission on Judicial Independence (2013- )
  • Board Member, Pennsylvania Judicial Society (2012-2013)
  • Member, Court Administration Vision Team, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania (appointed by County Executive Rich Fitzgerald),(2012)
  • Board Member, Pennsylvania Policy Forum (2010- )
  • Advisory Committee, Dick Thornburgh Forum for Law & Public Policy (Pittsburgh, PA) (2008- )
  • District Attorney's Working Group on Use of Force, appointed by District Attorney Steven Zappala, Jr. (blue-ribbon panel studying use of Tasers by police officers) (Allegheny County, PA, 2008-2009)
  • Advisory Board, Bernard G. Segal Institute for Appellate Advocacy, Philadelphia, PA (2006- )
  • Steering Committee, Pittsburgh 250th Anniversary Commission (2007-2008)
  • Board of Trustees, Saint Francis University, Loretto, PA (2006-2009)
  • Pennsylvania Supreme Court Curriculum Committee (2005-2007)
  • Board, Pennsylvania Supreme Court Historical Society (appointment by Chief Justice) (2004-2008)
  • Editorial Board, Duquesne University Press (2001 - 05)
  • Editorial Advisory Board, Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round-Table (Urbana, Illinois) (2006- )
  • Board of Editors, Albany Law Review, State Constitutional Commentary (2004- )
  • Advisory Board, State Justice Institute/National Association of Attorneys General, Project on State Constitutional Law (1993-2003)