Contact Information
- Ph.D., Formative Spirituality, Duquesne University, 1992
- M.A., Formative Spirituality, Duquesne University, 1988
- M.A., French Literature, Bryn Mawr College, 1983
- B.A., French Literature, Clarion University, 1981
Profile Information
- Faith and Atheism;
- Anti-Semitism;
- Spiritual Theology;
- Grace;
- Special Topics in Spirituality;
- The Problem of Suffering;
- Phenomenological Approaches to Religion.
Emmanuel Levinas, Jean-Luc Marion
On the Side of the Angels: Ethics and Spirituality After the Holocaust (Peeters, 2002).
The Holocaust demands a rethinking of spirituality, both human and Christian. Traditional
definitions of spirituality that focus on the human capacity for self-transcendence
in relation to an ultimate horizon of meaning, whether or not that ultimate horizon
is called 'God', are inadequate after the Holocaust to the degree that they make ethical
responsibility a secondary consideration. Because the unthinkable has, in fact, happened,
a contemporary spirituality must locate ethical responsibility for the other at the
heart of human subjectivity and self-transcendence. The extreme suffering of the incarcerated
and murdered, as well as the ethical engagement of the rescuers cry out for a newly
articulated spirituality that defines self-transcendence primarily as ethical responsibility.
This study also contributes to a contemporary discussion situated at the nexus of
philosophy and spirituality. This discussion seeks to characterize spirituality by
using terms other than the traditional categories of being. Such an approach may reveal
the contours and dynamics of a spirituality springing from the ethical consideration
of the other. This study defines spirituality as fundamentally self-transcending ethical
engagement in which the subject 'enacts' himself or herself into the fullness of his
or her humanity. This new perspective stresses ethical engagement over the ontologically-based
conceptual categories found in traditional philosophical or theological anthropologies.
"The Kenosis of God: Vattimo and Levinas on Incarnation, 'Useless' Suffering, and
the Secularization of History," in Godhead Here in Hiding: Incarnation and the History
of Human Suffering (eds. Terrence Merrigan, and Frederik Glorieux; Leuven: Peeters,
2012), 427-440.
"Whose Kenosis? An Analysis of Levinas, Derrida, and Vattimo on God's Self-Emptying and the Secularization of the West," Heythrop Journal 48 (2007): 423-437;
"The Kenosis of God: Vattimo and Levinas on Incarnation, ‘Useless Suffering' and the Secularization of History," Louvain Studies 31 (2006): 332-334;
"Revisioning Christian Theology in Light of Emmanuel Levinas's Ethics of Responsibility," Journal of Ecumenical Studies 36 (1999): 340-351;
"Eric Voegelin's Vision of Personalism and Emmanuel Levinas's Ethics of Responsibility: Toward a Post-Holocaust Spiritual Theology?," Journal of Religion 79 (1999): 385-403;
"Emmanuel Levinas and the Problem of Meaningless Suffering," Horizons: The Journal of the College Theology Society 26 (1999): 73-84;
"Divinity and the Other: The Ethical Relation as Revelatory of God," Eglise et Theologie: A Review of the Faculty of Theology, St. Paul University, Ottawa, Canada 30 (1999): 93-109;
"Spirituality and Twentieth Century Suffering: A Dialogue with Karl Rahner," Louvain Studies 22 (1997): 352-369;
"Death Camp Survival and the Possibility of Hope: A Dialogue with Karl Rahner," Philosophy and Theology 10 (1997): 385-419.
Dr. Baird is currently at work on a book about the phenomenology and spirituality
of bearing witness.