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Dr. Harbourne received her bachelor's degree in Physical Therapy in 1977 from Virginia Commonwealth University.  She received her Master's Degree in pediatric physical therapy in 1986 from The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.  Her doctoral degree in Developmental Psychology was completed in 2009 at the University of Nebraska Lincoln.  Her current employment is at Duquesne University as Professor Emeritus.  Her clinical specialty is pediatrics.  Her research focuses on infant development, efficacy of early intervention for children with neuromotor disorders, and the intersection of motor and cognitive development.  She directs research in the Infant Development Lab at Duquesne University. 


  • Ph.D., Developmental Psychology, University of Nebraska Lincoln
  • M.S., Pediatric Physical Therapy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
  • B.S., Physical Therapy,  Virginia Commonwealth University



  • Early intervention for childhood neuromotor disorders
  • Developmental disabilities
  • Infant cognition
  • Embodied cognition
  • Early postural control
  • Motor problem solving

Harbourne, RT & Cole Galloway. Moving to Learn, Learning to Move. April 5, 2013, Capper Foundation, Topeka, KS.

Harbourne, RT. Variability, Adaptability and the Emergence of Motor Behavior:
Translating Evidence Into Practice, April 12-13, 2012 Statewide PT-OT Conference, Des Moines, IA.

Harbourne, RT. Variability, Adaptability and the Emergence of Motor Behavior:
Translating Evidence Into Practice, Nov 4, 2011, Anchorage AK.

Harbourne, RT. Variability, Adaptability and the Emergence of Motor Behavior:
Translating Evidence Into Practice, Arizona State PT Chapter Meeting, June 24, 2011.

Harbourne, RT. Advances in Neurorehabilitation: Can Therapy Train the Brain? Nebraska Physical Therapy Association, Oct 2-3, 2009. 2-day course with Kathy Sullivan, PT, PhD.

Harbourne, RT. Pediatric Case Studies. Advances in Adult and Pediatric Neurorehabilitation: Messages from III STEP. A regional course of the Neurology Section and Section on Pediatrics of the APTA, Portland, OR, October 5-6, 2007

Harbourne, RT. Pediatric Case Studies. Advances in Adult and Pediatric Neurorehabilitation: Messages from III STEP. A regional course of the Neurology Section and Section on Pediatrics of the APTA, Philadelphia, PA, April 13-14, 2007

Harbourne, RT. Pediatric Case Studies. Advances in Adult and Pediatric Neurorehabilitation: Messages from III STEP. A regional course of the Neurology Section and Section on Pediatrics of the APTA, Dallas, TX, November 10-11, 2006.

Harbourne RT, Stergiou N. Investigation of the dynamics of development of sitting postural control in infants with cerebral palsy. IIIStep Conference, APTA, Platform presentation, 2005.

TAMO: A Perceptual-Motor Approach to Infant Movement Dysfunction, Mankato, MN, Oct 9-10, 2003

TAMO: A Perceptual-Motor Approach to Infant Movement Dysfunction, Sioux Falls, SD, March 13-14, 2003

The Role of Manual Guidance in Pediatric Physical Therapy, Combined Section Meeting, American Physical Therapy Association, Tampa, Florida, February, 2003.

Surkar, S., Edelbrock, C., Stergiou, N., Berger, S., Harbourne, R. (2014). Sitting Postural Control Affects the Development of Focused Attention in Children with Cerebral Palsy, Pediatric Physical Therapy, In press.

Harbourne, R., Becker, K., Arpin, D., Wilson, T., Kurz, M. (2014) Improving the motor skill of children with posterior fossa syndrome: a case series, Pediatric Physical Therapy, In press.

Kurz, M. J., Arpin, D. J., Davies, B. L., Harbourne, R. (2013). The stochastic component of the postural sway variability is higher in children with balance impairments, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 41(8):1703-12.

Harbourne, R., Stergiou, N., Ryalls, B. (2013). Sitting and Looking: A Comparison of Stability and Visual Exploration in Infants with Typical Development and Infants with Developmental Delay, Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, Early Online 2013, 1-16. PMID: 23901882

Harbourne, R., Lobo, M., Karst, G. M., Galloway, J. A. C. (2013). Sit happens: Does sitting development perturb reaching development, or vice versa? Infant Behavior and Development, 36(3): 438-50. PMID: 23644424

Lobo, M.A., Harbourne, R., Dusing, S. C., Westcott McCoy, S. (2013). Grounding physical therapy education and practice: Incorporating the concept of grounded cognition in early intervention. Physical Therapy, 93, 94-103. PMID: 23001524

Kyvelidou A, Harbourne RT, Willet SL, Stergiou N. (2013) Sitting postural control in infants with typical development, motor delay, or cerebral palsy. Pediatric Physical Therapy 25(1):46-51. PMID: 23288009

Haworth, J., Harbourne, R., Vallabhauosoula, S., Stergiou, N. (2013). Center of pressure and the projection of the time-course of sitting skill acquisition. Gait and Posture, 38; 806-811.

Kyvelidou, A., Harbourne, R., Willett, S., Stergiou, N. (2013) Quantification of sitting in typically developing infants and premature infants with delay or cerebral palsy. Pediatric Physical Therapy 25(1): 46-51.

Capoun, L., Harbourne, R. (2011) Commentary on "Approximate Entropy values demonstrate neuromotor control of spontaneous leg activity in infants with myelomeningocele" .
Pediatric Physical Therapy. 23(3):248.

Deffeyes JE, Harbourne RT, Stuberg WA, Stergiou N. (2011) Sensory information utilization and time delays characterize motor developmental pathology in infant sitting postural control. Motor Control, 15, 302-17. PMID: 21628731

Deffeyes JE, Harbourne RT, Stuberg WA, Stergiou N. (2011) Approximate entropy used to assess sitting postural sway of infants with developmental delay. Infant Behav Dev, 34(1):81-99. PMID: 21129778

Cignetti F, Kyvelidou A, Harbourne RT, Stergiou N. (2011). Anterior-posterior and medial-lateral control of sway in infants during sitting acquisition does not become adult-like. Gait Posture. 33(1):88-92. PMID: 21050764

Harbourne, RT, Willett, S, Kyvelidou A, Deffeyes J, Stergiou N. (2010) A comparison of interventions for children with cerebral palsy to improve sitting postural control. Physical Therapy, 90 (12) 1881-1898. PMID: 20966212

Dusing, SC, Harbourne, RT. (2010) Variability in postural control during infancy: Implications for development, assessment, and intervention. Physical Therapy,90(12), 1838-1849. PMID: 20966208

Kyvelidou A, Harbourne RT, Shostrom VK, Stergiou N. (2010). Reliability of center of pressure measures for assessing the development of sitting postural control in infants with or at risk of cerebral palsy. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 91(10):1593-601.

Kyvelidou, A, Harbourne, RT, Stergiou, N. (2010) Severity and characteristics of developmental delay can be assessed using variability measures of sitting posture. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 22(3), 259-266.

Deffeyes, JE, Harbourne, RT, DeJong, SL, Kyvelidou, A, Stuberg, WA, Stergiou, N. Use of information entropy measures of sitting postural sway to quantify developmental delay in infants. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 2009, Vol. 6: 34-

Deffeyes, J., Harbourne, R. T., Kyvelidou, A., Stuberg, W., Stergiou, N. Nonlinear analysis of sitting postural sway indicates developmental delay in infants. Clinical Biomechanics, 2009, Vol. 24, 564-570

Kyvelidou, A., Harbourne, RT, Stuberg, W., Stergiou, N. Reliability of center of pressure measures for assessing the development of sitting postural control. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 90, 2009; 1176-1184.

Kyvelidou, A., Stuberg, WA, Harbourne, RT, Deffeyes, JE, Blanke, D, Stergiou, N. (2009) Development of Upper Body Coordination during Sitting in Typical Infants. Pediatric Research, 65; 553-558.

Harbourne, R. T., Stergiou, N. Movement variability and the use of nonlinear tools: principles to guide physical therapist practice. Physical Therapy, 89: 267-282, 2009. PMID: 19168711

Harbourne, R. T., Deffeyes, J., Kyvelidou, A., Stergiou, N. Complexity of postural control in infants: linear and nonlinear features developed by principal component analysis. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology and Life Sciences, 13; 123-144, 2009. PMID: 19061548

Deffeyes JE, Kochi N, Harbourne RT, Kyvelidou A, Stuberg WA, Stergiou N.(2009).Nonlinear Detrended Fluctuation Analysis of Sitting Center-of-Pressure Data as an Early Measure of Motor Development Pathology in Infants. Nonlinear Dynamics Psychol Life Sci. 13(4):351-68.

Stergiou N, Harbourne RT, Cavanaugh JT. Optimal movement variability: A new theoretical perspective for neurologic physical therapy. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, 30 (3), 120-129, 2006.

Harbourne RT, Stergiou N. Non-linear analysis of the development of sitting postural control. Developmental Psychobiology, Vol. 42 (4), 368-377, 2003. PMID: 12672087

Harbourne RT. Accuracy of Movement Speed and Error Detection Skills in Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy. Perceptual and Motor Skills, Vol. 93, 419-431, 2001 PMID: 11769898

Stuberg W, Harbourne RT. Theoretical Practice in Pediatric Physical Therapy Past, Present, and Future Considerations. Pediatric Physical Therapy, Vol. 6 (3)119-125, 1994

Harbourne RT, Giuliani CA, Mac Neela J. A Kinematic and Electromyographic Analysis of the Development of Sitting in Normal Infants. Developmental Psychobiology, Vol. 26(1)51-64, 1993 PMID: 8440403

Additional infant adaptations to the function Near Infra Red Spectroscopy brain imaging system, MMI Women's Guild. $21,500, 3/1/13.

Equipment grant to expand the Infant Lab SIMI system, MMI Seed Grant. $13,000, 4/20/12.

Positive Science Eye Tracking System, MMI Women's Guild. $17,000, 4/1/12.

Intervention to advance postural transitions in young children with neuromotor disabilities and resulting effects on play, American Physical Therapy Association, Section on Pediatrics, $30,000, 1/1/12-12/30/12, PI

Center for Neural Basis of Motor Development and Rehabilitation, Hattie B. Munroe Foundation, $500,000, 2011-2015, Co-PI

Extension: Does Early Postural Intervention Effect Sitting Balance or Reaching in Infants Born Preterm. American Physical Therapy Association, Section on Pediatrics Planning Grant. No Number. PI: S. Dusing; Co-PI: R. Harbourne, N. Stergiou, C. Galloway 1/1/09-6/30/10 $30,000

Bioengineering a Medical Device for the Evaluation of Sitting Posture in Infants with a Motor Disability. Nebraska Research Initiative, $453,863. 2/15/09-2/15/11. Co-PI Note: no-cost extension until 12/1/11

Does Early Postural Intervention Effect Sitting Balance or Reaching in Infants Born Preterm. American Physical Therapy Association, Section on Pediatrics Planning Grant. No Number.
PI: S. Dusing; Co-PI: R. Harbourne, N. Stergiou, C. Galloway 1/1/09-6/30/10 $30,000

Investigation of Interventions for Sitting Postural Control in Young Children with Moderate to Severe Cerebral Palsy (H133G080023), 10/01/08-9/30/11, $600,000, Nicholas Stergiou, PI, Regina Harbourne, Co-PI

Nonlinear Analysis of Postural Function in Infants. National Institute of Health 1K25 HD 047194-01A1, 8/01/05-8/01/10, $577,182 Direct cost, $692,618 Total cost, Nicholas Stergiou, PI, Regina Harbourne, Co-PI.

Investigation of the dynamics of sitting posture control in infants with cerebral palsy, U.S. Department of Education, Field Initiated Program 84.133G-1. 12/01/04 - 12/01/07, $450,000 Direct cost, $540,000 Total cost, Nicholas Stergiou, PI, Regina Harbourne, Co-PI, Wayne Stuberg, Co-PI.

Bicycle training program (PEDALS), MMI Women's Guild, 1/03-12/2003, $5,800, Regina Harbourne, PI & Heidi Reelfs, Co-PI

Error Detection Skills in Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy, Pediatric Section, American Physical Therapy Association, 1/92-12/92, $992, Regina Harbourne, PI

Effect of Orthotics on Muscle Activity in Cerebral Palsy, MMI Women's Guild, 1/88-12/88, $5000, Regina Harbourne, PI

Effectiveness of Inhibitive Casting, UNMC/MMI seed grant, 1/87-12/87, $7,500, Regina Harbourne, PI.

  • Section on Pediatrics, APTA, Stephen Haley Research Award, 2013.
  • Section on Pediatrics, APTA, Jeanne Fischer Distinguished Mentorship Award, 2006
  • Chancellor's Council Silver ‘U' Award, University of Nebraska Medical Center, 2003
  • Pediatric Clinical Specialist, awarded by Specialty Council of the American Physical Therapy Association, 2000
  • Mary Clyde Singleton Award for excellence in the art and science of Physical Therapy, University of North Carolina, Graduate Program in Physical Therapy, 1987
  • Limited Service Teaching Assistantship, University of North Carolina Graduate School, 1985-86, $5,000
  • Excellence in the Workplace award, Meyer Rehabilitation Institute, UNMC, 1995
  • Parents in Partnership Award, Greater Omaha Association for Retarded Citizens, 1998