Dedicated to the Duquesne mission.

We serve God, by serving students. For more than 60 years, the Women's Advisory Board (WAB) have supported various University students, groups, activities, events and programs. Currently, the WAB is dedicated to raising funds annually to support:

  • An undergraduate music school scholarship award
  • Endowed scholarships for deserving undergraduate and graduate students
  • Various student activities and programs consistent with the Spiritan mission

Our commitment to giving is stronger than ever, thanks to the dynamic members of the WAB who continue to take the lead in making a difference in the lives of current Duquesne students and for generations to come.

Interested in joining our organization, please complete a membership form today. You will be warmly welcomed by a group of dedicated, vibrant and motivated women!

Notices for dues are sent in January of each year.

Pay Dues

"A Night in Portugal" - Fall Wine Tasting - Saturday, Nov. 23

Registration for the Fall Wine Tasting 2024 has reached maximum capacity. Thank you to all our attendees and sponsors!


Terry Tatrai

Women's Advisory Board President

Who we are:
The Women's Advisory Board is a fundraising organization whose purpose is to generate funds for current and future students. Through sharing our on resources, connections, time and talent, we work together to improve opportunities for students.  

For questions, additional information or to request updates and communications to be mailed to a member's home, contact Terry Tatrai, President at  

Meetings and Events
Meetings take place in the evening and are normally held on the third Tuesday of the month on Duquesne University's campus. An email notifying members of the time and location will be sent out prior to each meeting.

$100 for Patron Level
$50 for Member Level
$40 for sustaining members

Dues are collected annually. Dues can be paid online. Notices are sent in January of each year.

Pay Dues

As remembered by Past President Margaret Mary Coleman

On Oct. 5, 1953, a small group of women met and formed the Duquesne University Advisory Board. Mrs. John T. Ryan, Jr. was the first president. They were women of diversified interests, but they were bound together by a common bond of faith in the high quality of education offered at Duquesne. They were organized to assist in the plans of the University's most eminent president, Fr. Vernon Gallagher. Since their contributions were in the social and cultural field, they had both a spiritual and material nature; the latter being best exemplified in the Scholarship Found established for the School of Music.

In the first year of the our existence, we hosted the following events:

* Dedication of Assumption Hall, a dormitory for women
* St. Joan of Arc at the Stake presentation
* Faust was presented by a Vocal Workshop
* Schools of Business and Law ground breaking ceremony
* Verdi's Il Trovatore production

As time went on, the members hosted many formal and informal affairs at the request of the President, Fr. Vernon Gallagher. For several years, members held a welcome tea for freshman girls. At the same time, periodicals, magazines, subscriptions, and out-of-town papers were purchased and placed in the libraries of Assumption and St. Ann Halls. Later, a memorial committee was formed. Many excellent and valuable volumes in the main library, are gifts of the Women's Advisory Board in memory of loved ones.

However, the day arrived when young women were no longer interested in teas, and also abandoned dormitory libraries in favor of the main University Library. The Board then offered other activities such as boat rides on the three rivers, champagne receptions for the freshmen and their escorts, and a fashion show where models were taught the art of applying makeup.

During all these years, the highlight of the Board's calendar was a Ball held in the late fall, which become synonymous with red roses. All the tables were lavish with two dozen American Beauties spilling over the pristine white cloth.

Duquesne University Women's Advisory Board added another highlight to its calendar--the President's Commencement Dinner. At this event, Fr. McAnulty, president of Duquesne University, hosted recipients of honorary degrees, the Executive Board, the Board of Directors, and the Holy Ghost Fathers.

Many women of brilliant and exciting memory are still spoken of with soft and fond recall: Mrs. Dominic Navarro, Mrs. Thomas M. Jones III, Miss Josephine T. O'Neill, Mrs. Andrea Iversen, Mrs. Christine Rocereta, and Mrs. William Seifert to name a few.

Today, the members of the Women's Advisory Board continues to fundraise and support the intellectual and spiritual growth of the Duquesne University community. We continue the tradition to provide scholarships for deserving students and supporting the mission of Duquesne University. In particular, the Board hosts an annual fall wine tasting fundraiser and in the spring award a scholarship to the winner of the Mary Pappert School of Music competition. Today, we turn our attention to another important initiative that will support future generations of the Duquesne community-growing our membership and expanding our presence on campus. Consider joining us and making a difference in the lives of deserving students.

History of Music Scholarship

In January 1991, it was suggested that a senior be the recipient of the WAB scholarship and that a WAB member be on the "selection board and share in the scholarship decision." It was recommended that the University would assume the responsibilities of the President's luncheon so the Advisory Board could use all their funds for the senior scholarship.

A new scholarship format was discussed on February 18, 1991 and the following guidelines defining the senior scholarship were drafting:

  1. The Scholarship shall be awarded for excellence in Music.
  2. The Scholarship shall be awarded to an incoming Senior who has completed his/her sophomore and junior year at DU.
  3. The Scholarship shall be awarded to a student chosen by an outside jury of three impartial judges with no affiliation to DU. The judges are to be suggested by the Dean of the School of Music with the assistance and approval of the WAB.
  4. The Dean of the School of Music and the President of WAB or a designated member shall be present at the competition.
    Publicity is to be promoted before the awarding of the Scholarship and afterwards.
  5. The students for the Scholarship Competition are to be chosen by the Dean of the School of Music and his Scholarship Selection Committee. 



Remaining monies will be distributed to other campus philanthropic acts in accordance with our mission.


As APPROVED at the May 20, 2014 Meeting




The name of this organization shall be The Duquesne University Women's Advisory Board, hereinafter referred to as the "WAB."


The WAB shall be a service organization within Duquesne University, a non-profit institution.


The purpose of this organization shall be:

1. To raise funds for scholarships for deserving students in both the undergraduate and graduate schools.
2. To raise funds to support activities and programs involving students which are consistent with the Spiritan and Catholic mission and purpose of Duquesne University.

ARTICLE IV - Dissolution

In the event of the dissolution of the WAB, all monies and other property shall be paid over to Duquesne University to fund the WAB Endowed Scholarship.

ARTICLE V - Membership

Section 1. There shall be two classes of membership: Active and Sustaining.

Section 2. It is the responsibility of all Active members to attend the monthly meetings and to participate and support the Special Events sponsored by the WAB.

Section 3. Sustaining members shall be those Active members, who because of illness, absenteeism or any other reason, are unable to serve as Active members but who wish to be associated with the WAB. It is the responsibility of all Sustaining members to support the Special Events sponsored by the Board. They shall not vote or hold office. If at any time a Sustaining member should wish to resume her Active membership and fulfill the obligations of that membership, she may do so, with the approval of the Executive Board.

Section 4. New Members of the WAB shall be admitted and approved in accordance with Article IX, Section 3.


Section 1. The dues of the Active members shall be determined by the Executive Board annually.

Section 2. The dues of the Sustaining members shall be determined by the Executive Board annually.

Section 3. All annual dues shall be submitted to the Treasurer no later than April 15th.

ARTICLE VII - Officers

Section 1. The Officers of this organization shall be: President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer.

Section 2. The Officers and committee chairs shall form the Executive Board. The immediate Past-President shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Board.

Section 3. Vacancies occurring in the Executive Board during the term of office shall be filled by the President with the approval of the Executive Board.

Section 4. Elected officers shall hold office for two years.

Section 5. No officer shall be eligible to serve more than four (4) consecutive years in the same office.

Section 6. The Standing Committee chairs shall be appointed by the President, with the approval of the Executive Board.

ARTICLE VIII - Duties of the Officers

Section 1. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the organization and the Executive Board. She shall be a member ex-officio of all committees except the Nominating Committee.

Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to perform the duties of the President in her absence or inability to serve.

Section 3. It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to keep a correct record of all meetings of the WAB and the Executive Board.

Section 4. It shall be the duty of the Corresponding Secretary to send out all notices and attend to any correspondence under the direction of the Executive Board.

Section 5. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to be the accounting officer of the WAB. She shall be responsible for the proper recording of all accounts and the collection and depositing of funds pursuant to University guidelines. All disbursements shall require the approval of the Executive Board and shall be in accordance with University policies. The Treasurer shall present a full report in writing at the Annual Meeting and such other reports as may be requested by the Executive Board.

ARTICLE IX - Standing Committees

Section 1. The Standing Committees shall be as follows: Publicity, Membership, Nominating, Events, and Historian.

Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Publicity Committee to raise awareness of the Mission and activities of the WAB.

Section 3. It shall be the duty of the Membership Committee and individual Active members to tender to the WAB President names of prospective members. After due consideration by the Executive Board, the name of the prospective member shall be presented to the WAB membership. Upon their approval, an invitation shall be extended to the one proposed.

Section 4. It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to nominate a candidate for each office and to be filled at the Annual Meeting. Membership on the Nominating Committee shall not preclude any acceptance of nomination for any office.

Section 5. It shall be the duty of the Events Committee to coordinate fundraising efforts as agreed upon by the WAB.

Section 6. It shall be the duty of the Historian to gather and maintain records of all WAB activities and events, for the regular submission to the University Archivist.

ARTICLE X - Election of Officers

Section 1. The fiscal year shall be from the first day of January until the last day of December of the same year.

Section 2. The Nominating Committee for Officers of the WAB shall consist of three (3) Active members. The Corresponding Secretary shall send a report of nominations to the membership with the call for the Annual Meeting thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Meeting.

Section 3. Voting for new officers will take place at the Annual Meeting in December of every fiscal year.

Section 4. Newly elected officers shall assume their responsibilities in January of the new fiscal year.

ARTICLE XI - Meetings

Section 1. The regular meeting of the WAB shall be held on the third Tuesday of the month. The time and place shall be determined by the Executive Board. A notice of the meeting shall be sent to all members at least two weeks in advance of the meeting.

Section 2. Special meetings of the WAB may be called by the President provided five (5) days' notice is given.

Section 3. Meetings of the Executive Board may be called by a majority of the Executive Board or by the President provided five (5) days' notice is given.

Section 4. The Annual Meeting shall be held in December of every fiscal year.


Section 1. Twenty percent of Active members shall be necessary to make a quorum at any regularly called meeting of the WAB.

Section 2. Fifty percent of members of the Executive Board shall be necessary to make a quorum for an Executive Board meeting.

ARTICLE XIII - Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in Roberts' RULES OF ORDER REVISED shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these By-Laws.

ARTICLE XIV - Amendments

These By-Laws may be amended by two-thirds vote of the membership at any meeting of the WAB provided that the amendment has been proposed by the Executive Board or by a By-Laws Committee, authorized by the organization and that a copy of the proposed amendment has been sent to each member thirty (30) days prior to the call for the meeting.


The Duquesne University Women's Advisory Board has adopted these By-Laws as their organizing document.

Duly Amended on May 20, 2014.

October 27, 2023
Wine Tasting event 

March 15, 2022

Music School Competition

The winner chosen to receive the 2022 scholarship is saxophonist Jared Wolf. From the studio of Keith Young, he is pursuing a degree in classical saxophone performance at the Mary Pappert School of Music at Duquesne University. Additionally, he is minoring in mathematics with a heavy focus on calculus. He is also a collaborative pianist, working both individually with vocalists and with the Opera Workshop. Jared's winning performance included music by Robert Muczynski and Ingolf Dahl, both American composers of the twentieth century.

Three distinguished guest judges were welcomed to PNC Recital Hall to adjudicate the performances. From the GRAMMY award-winning Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, Anne Martindale Williams, Principal Cello, and Rebecca Cherian, Co-Principal Trombone, and from the Pittsburgh Opera, Associate Coach/Pianist James Lesniak lent us their ears Tuesday evening. Our congratulations go to Jared and all the students who competed. We are proud of your hard work and your artistic accomplishments!

"We wish to offer our most heartfelt thanks to the Duquesne University Women's Advisory Board for their ongoing support of our students!" Dean David Allen Wehr shared. "The Women's Advisory Board has been such an important part of the fabric of our school for many years. Our students have benefited from their support since 1980, and I'm so pleased that they continue to underwrite the talent of our students."