Communication studies draws from the richness of the communication discipline to allow you to design a program of study that meets your unique interests and professional goals through a broad understanding of how communication functions in interpersonal, group, organizational and public contexts.
As a communications studies major in the Department of Communication & Rhetorical Studies, you will develop competencies in a number of areas, including intercultural and interpersonal communication, organizational communication, argumentation, event planning, persuasion, professional communication, visual communication, rhetoric and popular culture, digital media and community relations.
Spring-boarding off of Duquesne’s liberal arts foundation, the program will also instill in you aspects of communication ethics, intercultural communication and communication research methods.
As a graduate of the communication studies program, you will be able to pursue a career in businesses and for-profit and non-profit organizations across a vast array of industries. Or you’ll be well prepared to attend graduate school in communication, law, healthy policy and administration, public policy or business.