Political Science
As a student in Duquesne’s Department of Political Science, you’ll encounter complex theories, ideas and historical events that require critical thinking and analysis, while building a deep understanding of how society functions, how governments operate and how policies are made.
You’ll study topics such as international relations, political theory, American government, comparative politics and public policy, interrogating a variety of texts, attending vibrant lectures, participating in debates and conducting research. Based on Duquesne’s liberal arts foundation, our challenging curriculum is designed to help you develop strong critical thinking, communication and research skills, all highly valuable in a range of careers.
What You’ll Explore
As a political science student, you’ll delve into the following topics:
- War, ethnic conflict and terrorism
- Elections, political parties and policymaking
- Law and the judiciary
- Poverty, human rights and climate change
- Freedom, justice and equality
"Political science is a fluid, inspiring field. It's truly limitless in terms of the translation and flexibility if offers you."
Program Information
In our Political Science program, you will study international relations, political theory, American government, comparative politics, and public policy. Develop critical thinking, communication, and research skills for diverse careers.
Program Type
Major, Minor
Academic Department
Political Science
Required Credit Hours
Core courses are required, regardless of concentration. Concentrations are optional for political science majors. They are ideal for students
with an area of special interest in political science. Many students from across the university minor in political science.Program Requirements
Major Concentrations
Check the catalog for courses you may take for this concentration. These include:
Check the catalog for courses you may take for this concentration. These include:
Check the catalog for courses you may take for this concentration. These include:
Check the catalog for courses you may take for this concentration. These include:
Minor in Political Science