Are you interested in becoming a nurse educator and shaping the future of health care to educate the nursing professionals of tomorrow? We have developed an introductory workshop that will help you reach the next step in your career. You will hear from expert educators about what it means to be nursing faculty.


This workshop was developed to increase the number of high-quality nursing faculty to address the serious national nursing shortage. Bill and Joanne Conway, the philanthropists behind the Bedford Falls Fund, are renowned for their generosity in supporting nursing education and addressing the shortage. With their support, we have built a workshop that will begin your journey to becoming nursing faculty.


The School's faculty residency program will create a mentorship program using faculty, state-of-the-art simulation training and deliver instruction on curriculum development, classroom teaching, theory and clinical evaluation, among many other skills that will ensure your success inside the classroom.

Workshop Information

This workshop is comprised of three modules that will guide you in educating nursing students. You will complete self-paced modules and attend in person simulation and teaching sessions on Duquesne's campus. The workshop will take place from January 2025 through November 2025.


Preparing for the Role as a Nurse Educator

Duquesne Nursing faculty will serve as mentors to participants in the workshop. They will be there to assist you on every step of your journey to becoming a nurse educator.

man on laptop


You will be part of a small group, and Duquesne faculty will serve as mentors to guide you through the workshop and assist with questions during the modules. Our faculty have your best interests at heart and want to see you reach your future goals.

Professionalism in Nursing Education

In this module you will:

  • Develop a philosophy of teaching
  • Learn to manage a classroom or clinical setting
  • Manage difficult situations (i.e., conflicts with students)
  • Build a Curriculum Vitae (resume)

Introduction to Curriculum and Evaluation in Teaching

In module 2, you will begin to learn the ins and outs of creating a syllabus and building your curriculum for your courses.

  • Purpose of a syllabus
  • Introduction to Undergraduate Curriculum
  • Creating a Teaching Lesson
  • Methods for effective evaluation
  • Constructive feedback
  • Creating a short teaching project


The third and final module will bring you to campus for in-person learning and lessons on teaching students.

  • Heath Care Simulation Best Practices
  • Pre-Briefing
  • Debriefing
  • Participate in a simulation
  • Discuss development of simulation scenarios

A Hybrid Approach

Simulation Lab

Simulation Scenarios

Participants will be invited to campus to learn simulation-based education in Duquesne's state-of-the-art simulation center. Participants will have the opportunity to observe simulation-based activities with students from various clinical courses. Participants will observe evidence-based pre-briefing and debriefing techniques as outlined by the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) best practices. Participants will be encouraged to reflect and discuss the teaching and learning modalities of simulation-based education.

An instructor uses a model human skeleton while they teach a class.

Teaching Project

Participants will be encouraged to create and present a teaching project. The project will be no longer than 15 minutes and focus on a topic chosen by the participant. Participants will record their project and upload them to the learning management system used by the university. The mentors will provide feedback on the presentations. The presentation guidelines will be outlined, and a rubric will be provided for all participants.


The workshop begins in September with an in-person introduction meeting and completes in May with an in-person celebration. The workshop uses a hybrid approach to learning that is very flexible with a working schedule.

The program is offered at no cost. However, travel expenses are the responsibility of the participant.

All BSN graduates, MSN graduates, staff nurses, adjunct clinical faculty and graduate students are invited to attend.

The program is primarily self-paced with visits to campus to implement a mini teaching project and for simulation activities.

Participants will receive a letter stating completion of the residency workshop.

The workshop will use a hybrid approach and a combination of self-paced online modules as well as in person opportunities to implement new learning in The Learning and Simulation Center on campus.

Duquesne University faculty and leadership along with representatives from our clinical partners. 

School of Nursing faculty have created a residency workshop with an emphasis on mentorship that will provide state-of-the-art simulation education and deliver instruction on curriculum development, classroom teaching, theory and clinical evaluation, among other skills.

The workshop aims to increase the number of adjunct and clinical teachers who may move to full-time faculty roles by developing hybrid nursing-faculty residency (NFR) programs that will be more accessible to recent graduates and current clinicians.


Jeannine Demblowski

Administrative Assistant

School of Nursing