Our Vision

At Duquesne University, we know that today's students look at the world through a different lens. One that's global. And digital. Our students want a chance to voice their opinions. To engage in civil conversation about important issues. To find solutions to challenging problems. And to make a meaningful difference in the world.

That's why we're looking for passionate Duquesne students and faculty who will help us enhance the learning experience—so our graduates can go out and reimagine their world.

Duquesne University is pleased to offer John G. Rangos Sr. Prizes, designed to inspire students and faculty to work to enhance our curriculum, ensuring that it remains relevant and prepares students for productive futures.

View the 2024 Rangos Prizes Video pitches

Outcomes of the Competitions


if you have any additional questions about the process and procedures for the Rangos Prizes, please email provost@duq.edu.

Competition entries may propose courses and materials that utilize traditional teaching and research approaches, or they may integrate social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, YouTube), online sites (e.g., Reddit, blogs and vlogs) and other communication strategies uniquely adapted to teaching today's students.
Individual faculty and students or faculty/student groups can apply to either the New Applicant Track or the Advancing Applicant Track. Application links and a description of each applicant track can be found in the Application Information section below.
Yes, the competition will permit teams of students and/or faculty to conduct research, gather data and/or reach out to college-aged students of all backgrounds to develop and refine ideas. In the case of group entries, the Rangos Prize will go to the group.
When developing your proposal, adhere to the Rangos Prize proposal guidelines.   

Those competing will present their proposals in the form most appropriate to their work. The finalists will make their presentations at a forum judged by faculty, student leaders and community leaders.
Deadlines are posted below on this page in the Important Dates section.
The Rangos Prizes are funded by a generous gift from John G. Rangos Sr., totaling $50,000. These funds are expended over a three-year period.
Prizes will be awarded to individual students and faculty and/or teams of individuals who develop classes, course materials and academic programs uniquely designed to engage today's students and equip them with a core set of ethical/moral values, knowledge and skills to become leaders in an evolving society.

The competition entries should:

  • Consider challenges facing new generations of students;
  • Articulate issues confronting these students and offer creative solutions;
  • Help ensure that they can envision a productive future in society, business, education, health sciences, the arts, law, government and public life; and
  • Design innovative pathways for educating new generations of students in a bold fashion that is distinctly Catholic and Spiritan.
Drop-in clinics and workshops are offered to give participants an opportunity to learn about other participants' ideas and to continue to develop their own ideas.  

In addition, questions or inquiries about the process and procedures for Rangos Prizes can be sent to provost@duq.edu.

Application Information

This track is reserved for proposals from applicants who do not currently hold a Rangos prize.

Apply - New Applicants

Faculty and students from the inaugural cohort of Rangos prize winners are invited to submit proposals for the Advancing Applicant track.

Apply - Advancing Applicants

The Duquesne University John G. Rangos Sr. Awards are administered through a competitive application process comprised of New Applicant and Advancing Applicant tracks. All eligible faculty and students are invited to apply. In the case of submissions by teams, the team shares a single award.

Duquesne University will not consider further internal funding requests for your project until your final report has been submitted.

Assistance is available for developing strong applications by scheduling a consultation appointment. To schedule a consultation, applicants can contact the Center for Teaching Excellence by email (cteFREEDUQUESNE). All consultation appointments will take place in 727 Fisher Hall.

Important Dates

Applicants can contact the Center for Teaching Excellence by email (cteFREEDUQUESNE) with questions or to schedule an individual consultation.
  • Rangos Video Pitch Submission Deadline – March 14, 2025
  • Rangos Prize Online Video Competition – March 24-28, 2025

About the late John G. Rangos Sr.

The late John G. Rangos Sr.
The late John G. Rangos Sr.
The late John G. Rangos Sr. was the former chairman of Chambers Development Co. and the former vice-chairman of the board for USA Waste Services, Inc. He headed the John G. Rangos Sr. Charitable Foundations, which has funded many important initiatives throughout the Pittsburgh region.

Mr. Rangos received numerous awards for his visionary and philanthropic works. These include an honorary doctorate in health sciences from Duquesne University (2000); University commencement speaker (2000); and Rangos School of Health Sciences commencement speaker (2014). He was an integral part of the Duquesne University family and a role model for future generations of Duquesne students and graduates.

Read his complete bio on the Rangos Foundation website.