Contact Information


Özüm Üçok-Sayrak, Ph.D. is Associate Professor at the Department of Communication & Rhetorical Studies at Duquesne University. Dr. Üçok-Sayrak has published papers on communication ethics and culture; embodiment and identity; mindfulness; and aesthetic communication. Her research interests include communication ethics, philosophy of communication, ethics and epistemology, contemplative education, and communicative construction of identity. Her work has been published in scholarly journals such as Review of Communication, Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, Human Studies, Atlantic Journal of Communication, Symbolic Interaction, and in several edited books. She is the author of Aesthetic Ecology of Communication Ethics: Existential Rootedness.


  • Ph.D., Communication Studies, The University of Texas at Austin, 2002
  • M.A., Communication Studies, Texas Tech University, 1997
  • B.A., Business Administration, Middle East Technical University, 1995


Recent Scholarship:

  • Ucok-Sayrak, O. (2019). Aesthetic Ecology of Communication Ethics: Existential Rootedness. Lanham, MD: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.

Journal Articles (2012 - Present):

  • Ucok-Sayrak, O. & Brazelton, N. (2021). Regarding the Question of Presence in Online Education: A Performative Pedagogical Perspective. Educational Philosophy and Theory.
  • Ucok-Sayrak, O. (2020). Bare Experience of Communication: Slippage, Risk, Unknowing. Atlantic Journal of Communication, 28:1, 54-67. DOI: 10.1080/15456870.2020.1684291
  • Ucok-Sayrak, O. (2019). Mindfulness Beyond Self-Help: The Context of Virtue, Concentration, and Wisdom. Journal of Communication and Religion, 42: 4, 28- 38.
  • Ucok-Sayrak, O. & Deluliis, D. (2019). Chapuling for Freedom and Democracy in Gezi Park: A Case for Communication Ethics, Conflict, and Social Media. Journal of Information, Communication, and Ethics in Society, 18: 1, 62-82.
  • Ucok-Sayrak, O. (2018). Sense as Interality: Jean-Luc Nancy. China Media Research, 14(1), 99-103.
  • Ucok-Sayrak, O. (2017). Exploring Poetry as Philosophy of Communication. Atlantic Journal of Communication, 25: 5, 305-317.
  • Ucok-Sayrak, O. (2016). Attending to the "face of the Other" in intercultural communication: Thinking and talking about difference, identity, and ethics. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 9: 2, 122-139.
  • Ucok-Sayrak, O. (2014). Interbeing and the "ethical echo" of Levinas: Exploring communication ethics beyond willed agency. Review of Communication, 14: 3- 4, 245-269.
  • (Contributed) Ucok-Sayrak, O. (2014). Introduction. Listening: Journal of Communication Ethics, Religion, and Culture, 49: 1, 2-7.
  • (Contributed) Ucok-Sayrak, O. (2014). Knowing with one's "whole self:" Contemplative inquiry as embodied knowing in the communication classroom. Listening: Journal of Communication Ethics, Religion, and Culture, 49: 1, 44-64.
  • Book Chapters (2012 - Present)
  • Ucok-Sayrak, O. (2020). Receiving the Stranger through the Exposed Heart. In Reimagining Communication: Experience (vol. 2). Filimowicz, M. & Tzankova, V. (Eds.) NY: Routledge.
  • Ucok-Sayrak, O. (2018). Agents of Awakening: Ventriloquism, Nature, and the Cultural Practice of Dialogue. In Arnett, R. C, and Cooren, F. Dialogic Ethics. John Benjamins, 199-213.
  • Ucok-Sayrak, O. & Kramer, G. (2015). Cultivating Rootedness and Relatedness in a Digital Age. In Saltzman, A. and Willard, C. T. (Eds.) Mindfulness with Youth: From the Classroom to the Clinic. Guilford Press, 137-154.
  • Ucok-Sayrak, O. & Garrett, E. (2013). Grounding Globalization: Theory, Communication, and Service-Learning. In Nganga, L., Kambutu, J. and Russell, W. B. (Eds.) Exploring Globalization Opportunities and Challenges in Social Studies: Effective Instructional Approaches. Peter Lang, 67-77.
  • Encyclopedia Entries (2012 - Present)
  • Ucok-Sayrak, O. (2018). Thich Nhat Hanh: Mindfulness. In Arnett, R.C.,
  • Holba, A. Mancino, S. (Eds). An Encyclopedia of Communication Ethics: Goods in Contention. Peter Lang, 202-206
  • Ucok-Sayrak, O. (2018) Intercultural communication: critical approaches and future challenges, Language and Intercultural Communication,
  • DOI: 10.1080/14708477.2018.1497434
  • Creative Teaching Award, Duquesne University, Center for Teaching Excellence, 2018-2019.
  • Wimmer Faculty Grant, Duquesne University, 2016


Editorial Board
Editorial Board Member, Qualitative Research Reports in Communication.

Offices Held:

Fall 2016- Student Conduct Board Member.

Faculty Co-Advisor: PRSSA Duquense University Chapter, 2014-present.

Debate Coach, Fall 2013 - Spring 2014.

Internship Coordinator, Fall 2013 - Spring 2014.

Student Panel Organizer: Service Learning and Exploring Intercultural Communication; Globalization, Ethics and Culture (Silverman Center, Duquesne University), 2011 - 2012.