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Thérèse Bonin has research interests in the Aristotelian commentary tradition, Islamic philosophy, twelfth-and thirteenth-century translations, the philosophy of nature, problems about individuation and the soul, and Albertus Magnus, Thomas Aquinas, and their relation to each other. She created and maintains Thomas Aquinas in English: A Bibliography and is an active member of the Consortium for Interreligious Dialogue.


  • Ph.D., Medieval Studies, The University of Notre Dame, 1994
  • M.M.S., Medieval Studies, The University of Notre Dame, 1988
  • M.A., Religious Studies, Providence College, 1986
  • A.B., Philosophy, Assumption College, 1982
  • PHIL 286: Philosophy of Nature
  • PHIL 299: Love & Friendship
  • PHIL 301W: Medieval Philosophy
  • PHIL 315W: Thomas Aquinas
  • PHIL 407W/507: Aristotle: Metaphysics
  • PHIL 450W/550: Islamic Philosophy
  • PHIL 427W/527: St. Thomas Aquinas—The Soul
  • PHIL 521: St. Thomas Aquinas: God & Being
  • PHIL 523: The Names of God

De causis and Primary Causality,” a section in the chapter on metaphysics for Irven Resnick’s The Universal Doctor: Albertus Magnus on Theology, Philosophy, and the Sciences (E.J. Brill, 2012).

“A Muslim Perspective on Philosophy & Religion: The Decisive Treatise of Averroës,” Περιπατητικός 6 (2007).

Creation as Emanation: The Origin of Diversity in Albert the Great’s ‘On the Causes and the Procession of the Universe,’ University of Notre Dame Press, 2001; re-issued in paper and electronic editions, 2016.

“The Emanative Psychology of Albertus Magnus,” Topoi 19.1 (March 2000).

Guest Editor, “Medieval Arabic Philosophy and the West,” Topoi 19.1 (March 2000).

Encyclopedia of Catholicism. Ed. Richard P. McBrien. Sub verbis “Albertus Magnus, St.,” “Averroism,” “Bacon, Roger,” “Boethius, St. Severinus,” “Florilegia,” “Liber de Causis,” “Lull, Bl. Ramon,” “Maimonides, Moses,” “Migne, Jacques Paul,” “Siger of Brabant,” and “William of Moerbeke.”