The Duquesne Society

The members of the Duquesne Society demonstrate their commitment to a distinctive education for the mind, heart and spirit through leadership annual giving. The Duquesne Society was established in 1976 to recognize benefactors making cumulative gifts totaling $1,000 or more in a calendar year. 

Membership courtesies include an annual cocktail reception celebration, discounts on purchases at the campus bookstore and borrowing privileges at the Gumberg Library. Most of all, members enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that their gifts are transforming thousands of lives by helping our students and faculty pursue bigger every day.

To learn more about The Duquesne Society, please contact Hillary%20Moore at (412) 396-2358.

Father McAnulty Society

The Father McAnulty Society was established in memory of Duquesne’s ninth president to recognize alumni and friends who have included a gift for Duquesne University in their estate plans. These gifts take many forms including bequests by will, living trusts, beneficiary designations or other testamentary documents. All are greatly appreciated and help to ensure the tradition of excellence at Duquesne University for future generations.

To honor Father Mac's leadership and dedication to the advancement of the academics and facilities of Duquesne University, we invite you to join the Father McAnulty Society. Alumni and friends who have made provisions for Duquesne University in their estate plans, but have not informed the Planned Giving office, or those who wish to update their plans to include Duquesne University, please call (412) 396-4937 or email igniteFREEDUQUESNE.