Kenzie Bole can’t wait to join the ranks of the many outstanding educators who came before her, namely her mother.
As the Peters Township, Pa., native pursues bigger goals in the School of Education, she remains mindful of the many ways teachers have been instrumental in her life—and
how she’d like to return the favor for future generations.
Now happily settled on campus as a sophomore early childhood education major pursuing a special education certification, Kenzie wasn’t always certain she’d end
up on the Bluff.
“My mom wanted me to look at Duquesne. Initially I said no because that’s where she
wanted me to go,” she laughed. “But immediately when I walked on campus I fell in
love, and it was everything I wanted in my education program.”
Success through support
“I lost my dad when I was a junior, and just having that support team at school is
what got me through it,” said Kenzie. “Going to school and having my vice principal
waiting for me and telling me he’s here for me and we're going to make this work and
I was going to do great things inspired me.”
Kenzie feels blessed that her teachers and school administration accommodated her
needs. “If I can be someone like that for a student, that means the world to me,”
she said. “I want to be someone’s rock.”
Kenzie hopes to approach the profession using the same creative spirit and giving
nature her mother has demonstrated throughout her teaching career.
“I see how she’s dealt with difficult things,” said Kenzie. “She always kept her wheels
turning and kept students inspired.”
Finding her niche
Now an orientation chairperson, Delight Ministries team director, and School of Education
ambassador and executive board member, Kenzie provides support for fellow classmates
as well as prospective students considering Duquesne. During their visits, she encourages
them to discover their interests by joining student organizations.
“Starting college, you sometimes wonder if this is the place you’re meant to be,”
said Kenzie. “Once I found and joined organizations, it made me the person I am. I
found so many people who related to the same values and cared for me, and I’ve been
able to prosper in so many ways.”
In addition to personal growth, Kenzie has excelled in the classroom thanks to professors
who walk alongside her and take the time to mentor her.
Classes with Dr. Christopher Meidl allowed Kenzie to learn how to accommodate students’ individual needs, whether it’s
special seating or modifying classrooms and campuses for accessibility purposes.
She’s also delved into educational psychology thanks to class with Dr. Cliff Oliech, who provided insight into how children’s brains develop and the social and emotional
aspects of learning.
“Duquesne professors are very special and accommodating,” said Kenzie. “They set you up to be the best teacher you can be—getting into everything right off the bat. The connections with faculty are amazing. We’re able to laugh and have fun while being professional, and I always get a fast response to emails.”
Horizon-expanding opportunities
Kenzie completed two field placements at UPMC Mercy Child Development Center, located within walking distance of campus.
She learned a lot through this hands-on experience, and the field placements even
led to a part-time job as a teacher’s aide with the Center’s Pre-K and preschool students.
“I felt prepared since day one,” said Kenzie. “I'm right where I'm meant to be.”
After graduation, Kenzie aspires to work in an inner-city school, as this is where
she feels she can make the most impact. In the meantime, she encourages high school
students to consider a teaching career and get their start at the School of Education.
“Know in your heart how rewarding this experience is. You’re going to be hands-on
in your first year at Duquesne,” she said. “You’ll see so many amazing opportunities
and do amazing things for the community. Everything is worth it.”
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