Climate Change: Global Perspectives

March 24-25, 2025

Duquesne University | Power Center

This tenth conference will focus on Climate Change: Global Perspectives, emphasizing the importance of global collaboration in coping with climate change. The interdisciplinary conference invites participants from different disciplines to engage in civil discourse on a different topic each year. The format of the conference includes workshops, presentations, and posters.

The conference series was commissioned by former President Charles J. Dougherty as an endowed academic event. Current University President, Ken Gormley, continues to inspire excellence in support of the Spiritan mission as the conference series develops. 

The conference has three goals:

  • Provide a scholarly opportunity to engage established and emerging research on the conference topic
  • Foster interdisciplinary discourse on each topic, such as science, health, philosophy, religion, and policy
  • Enlighten public awareness and discussion of the conference topic


Conference Information


Douglas letsholathebe
Dr. Douglas Letsholathebe  
Former Minister of Education in Botswana

Douglas Letsholathebe is a Physics senior lecturer at the University of Botswana. Until recently, he has been the Minister of Education in Botswana. He was elected to serve as a member of Parliament for the Tati East constituency and immediately also was appointed as the Minister of Tertiary Education Research, Science, and Technology. In 2022 he was appointed Minister of Education and Skills Development in the Cabinet of Botswana by then Botswana President Mokgweetsi Masisi. 
The resilient, hardworking Minister has been commended by Public Sector Global and warmly selected as the Public Sector Global Minister of the Week (19 February 2024). The Honorable Minister is known for his efforts in the Botswana educational sector, for improving the quality and relevance of education for Batswana citizens, and for having an overwhelming impact across the country. 
Dr. Douglas Letsholathebe is a strategic thinker and a brilliant leader, who has been able to put his creative innovations into action. He effectively has raised awareness of the importance of education, having an impact that has helped to grow the sector under his Leadership. His Ministry has been recognized for facilitating scientific discoveries and innovations.
Following his outstanding contributions and laudable achievements to the educational sector, he has introduced several reforms aimed at incorporating educational best practices and promoting greater involvement for students and for Batswana society at large. The Minister recently revealed that the senior secondary school curriculum has been transformed from being objective-focused to being outcome/skill-based. The new reforms facilitate syllabus content and instructional delivery methods to change from theoretical to practical, with skills acquisition aligned more to the world of work than ever before. These are among the reasons that he was   celebrated by Public Sector Global.
The Public Sector Global’s Minister of the Week recognition is targeted at showcasing the achievements of Ministers across the African continent and at promoting their good works, effective policies, and exceptional leadership in various Ministries across Africa. It also is aimed at inspiring public service officials to be competitive and promote efficient service delivery for African citizens.

Presentation: Moringa oleifera and Sustainable Water Decolorization in Botswana: Providing Quality Water for All
Date and Time:
March 24, 2025 at 6 p.m.
Access to clean and safe water is a fundamental human right and a critical component of sustainable development. Maun, a tourism town in northwestern Botswana, faced a challenge of discolored water. Water pollution in this tourism area is mostly from dissolved organic compounds from plants, which gives water a brownish color, unlike in most developing regions, where it likely would be caused by industrial dyes. This posed a significant threat to water quality, already in high demand in an arid country like Botswana, which is mostly covered by desert. 

This presentation outlines how we investigated the potential of Moringa oleifera, a readily available plant in Northern Botswana, for sustainable water decolorization. We developed a green synthesis method for producing nanoparticles, using Moringa oleifera leaf extract.. This research demonstrated the effectiveness of these nanoparticles in degrading Titon yellow dye under UV irradiation, offering a promising solution for wastewater treatment and dye removal. We continued with this same approach, but instead of Titon yellow dye, we used the colored water found in Maun and had a great success.

Using green research to help provide clean water aligns with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), by providing a method for water purification (SDG 6), by promoting green nanotechnology (SDG 9), by using a natural resource for sustainable water treatment (SDG 12), and by mitigating the negative impacts of dye pollution on aquatic ecosystems (SDG 14). By using locally sourced Moringa oleifera and harnessing the power of photocatalysis, the results of this study offer a sustainable and cost-effective solution for water decolorization, contributing to the provision of quality water for all, particularly in resource-constrained regions like Northwestern Botswana.

Bishop Da Silva

José Altevir da Silva, CSSp
Bishop of Prelazia de Tefé   
Brazilian, born in Amazonas, on 09/30/1962.
He entered the Congregation of the Holy Spirit in 1980.
He studied Philosophy at the Catholic University of Minas Gerais. Novitiate, in Ceilândia - Federal District, Theological Study in São Paulo. He did a missionary internship in Nigeria for three (3) years. He was ordained a priest in 1992, in the city of Cruzeiro do Sul, in Acre - Brazil. Advisor to the National Conference of Religious of Brazil in the area of ​​missiology, in São Paulo. From 2007 to 2012, advisor to the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil in the missionary commission, at the same time he was secretary to the National Missionary Council of the Church in Brazil. IN 2010, he visited Haiti several times, during the earthquake, following the missionary project of the Church of Brazil in that country. In 2012 he was elected Provincial of the Province of Brazil and coordinator of the Union of Circumscriptions of Latin America (UCAL). In September 2017 he was appointed bishop, taking over the Diocese of Cametá in Pará. In 2022 he was transferred to the Prelacy of Tefé, taking over as Diocesan Bishop of this Church, where the Spiritans have been operating for over 100 years continuously.

Presentation: The Amazon at the Epicenter of Climate Change: A Global Alert to Care for Creation
Date and Time: March 25, 2025 at 6 p.m.
Abstract: The talk will address the crucial relationship between global climate change and the Amazon Rainforest. I will start with a general introduction to what climate change is and how it affects our planet, presenting the main concepts and causes of this global phenomenon.

Next, I will direct the attention to the Amazon, exploring its extraordinary biodiversity and its fundamental role in the planet's climate balance. I will present how this immense tropical forest influences the climate not only in South America, but across the globe.
I will address the main challenges faced by the Amazon region, with emphasis on deforestation and its impacts. I will show how climate change is affecting the forest and, at the same time, how the degradation of the Amazon intensifies these climate changes, creating a worrying cycle.

I will end with a hopeful outlook, presenting possible solutions and actions, including Pope Francis' thoughts and recommendations.

The lecture aims not only to inform, but also to raise awareness about the urgency of preserving the Amazon, demonstrating how its environmental issues are interconnected with social issues and linked to the future of all humanity. It will be an opportunity to understand why preserving this forest is a global responsibility and how each of us can contribute to its protection. 

Conference Schedule

March 24, 2025 - Power Center

March 24 - Live-streaming  

6:00-7:30 p.m. Opening Plenary Presentation: Dr. Douglas Letsholathebe, PhD, former Minister of Education, Botswana: Sustainable Water Decolorization in Botswana: Providing Quality Water for All
7:30 p.m. Conference Social

March 25, 2025 - Power Center

March 25 - Live-streaming

9:25-10:40 a.m. Plenary Session, Student Presentations
10:50-12:05 p.m. Plenary Session, Student Presentations
12:15-1:30 p.m. Plenary Session, Student Presentations
1:40-2:55 p.m. Plenary Session, Student Presentations
3:05-4:20 p.m. Plenary Session, Student Presentations
4:30-5:00 p.m. University Sustainability Committee Open Meeting
6:00-7:30 p.m. Closing Plenary Presentation: Bishop Altevir da Silva, CSSp, Amazonia, Brazil. "The Amazon at the Epicenter of Climate Change: A Global Alert to Care for Creation.”
7:30 p.m. Conference Social


IOC Proceeding Books

  • Magill, G., J. Benedict, eds. Fostering Well-being as a UN Sustainable Development Goal. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2024.
  • Magill, G., J. Benedict, eds. Resilience in Ecology, and Health. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2023.
  • Magill, G., J. Benedict, eds. Strands of Sustainability. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023.
  • Magill, G., J. Benedict, eds. Toward a Healthy Planet. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021.
  • Magill, G., L. Prybil. Governance Ethics in Healthcare Organizations, Routledge, 2020, Paperback, 2021.
  • Magill, G., J. Benedict, eds. The Global Sustainability Crisis. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020.
  • Magill, G., J. Benedict, eds. Cascading Challenges in the Global Water Crisis. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019. Paperback, 2021.
  • Magill, G., J. Potter, eds. Integral Ecology. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018. Paperback, 2021.
  • Magill. G., Aramesh, K., eds. The Urgency of Climate Change. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017.

Parking Information

Duquesne University Forbes Garage - 1180 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Past Conferences


Conference Poster Presentations

1- Aliakparova, Aigerim. Equitable Healthcare for All

2- Santini, Alexandra. How to help your family die (and save the planet): Demystifying advanced care planning for students

3- Meurer, Anna. Applying Daly’s Structures of Virtue and Vice Framework to Questions of Climate Change

4- Eichhorn, Kimberly. Tracheostomy in Critical Care: Balancing Life-Saving Interventions with Climate Impact

5- Tafuri, Giovanni. Care for Our Common Home: The Environmental Responsibility of Catholic Healthcare Settings

1- Frolio, Chessa and Jena Karlovits. Impact of Climate Change on Coral Reefs

2- Sullivan, Abigail. The Environmental Impact of Green Roofs in Urban Areas

3- Esquivel, Jackie. Coral Bleaching Consequences & Causes

4- Dakarai, Dennis. The Importance of Quality Education For All

5- Brechtel, Cadence. Impact of Disease Progression and Medication Production from Climate Change

6- Collantes, Caitlynn. Climate Resilience for the Philippines

7- Herrmann, Kara. Melting Ice Caps and Sea Level Rise

8- Rimal, Samikchhaya. Rise of Climate Refugees: A Consequence of Climate Change

9- Hammond, Audrey. Rising Temperatures and Rising Loss: How the Increase of the Earths Temperatures Increase the Number of Food Deserts

1- Cleary, Elizabeth. Environmental Justice

2- Humphrey, Alexander. Climate Change’s Effect on Polar Bears and Arctic Ecosystem

3- Rahman, Araf. AI Solutions for Waterborne Diseases in a Changing Climate

4- Shoemaker, Samantha. Blue Skies and AI: AI’s impact on Climate Related Health Issues

5- Pasieka, Vivian and Grace Watson. How Does Climate Change Affect Reproductive Health Globally?

6- Shi, Haibin, Zhiyu Yang, Bianca Shieu, Ariel Shensa, and  Faina Linkov. Developing an Efficient and Sustainable Long Term Care Model for China: Current Trends, International Insights, and Key Considerations

1- Cetin, Necmettin. Responsible Mining Practices for the Life of Mine’s Cycle Operations in Turkey – An Ethical Perspective

2- Cahill, Calli. The other lake effect

3- Erceg, Nikola. Do First World Nations have an Ethical Obligation to Provide Medicine and Vaccines to Poorer Nations?

4- McDonough, Riley. Role of the Government on Behalf of the Environment During Public Health Crisis

5- Murphy, Jacob. Eco Fascism and Climate Change

6- Escobar, Allison. Reducing Inequality in Prison Healthcare: A Case for Ethical Reform in Medical Restraints

1- Duffy, Blake. How Cultural Interpretations Shape Environmental Attitudes

2- Bushmire, Justin. A Conversation toward Empathy: Willingness to Assist Vulnerable Populations in a Time of Climate Change

3- Luu, Gabriella. Trauma & Climate Change

4- Cutillo, Zoe. A New Ethical Obligation to Create Comprehensive Health Guidelines for Screen Time 

5- Rafi, Hirra. Uncovering Systemic Issues in End-of-Life Care Leading to Medical Errors: Strengthening the Role of Healthcare Ethics within Patient Safety Programs

6- Matthews, Elizabeth. Climate Justice for All: Addressing Transgender Vulnerability in a Warming World

Accepted Posters

- Aliakparova, Aigerim. Equitable Healthcare for All
- Bittner, Zachary and Aaron Williams. The Ocean’s Plastic Predicament
- Brechtel, Cadence. Impact of Disease Progression and Medication Production from Climate Change
- Burrill, Camille. Climate Action and Global Partnerships
- Cahill, Calli. The other lake effect
- Cetin, Necmettin. Responsible Mining Practices for the Life of Mine’s Cycle Operations in Turkey – An Ethical Perspective
- Cleary, Elizabeth. Environmental Justice
- Collantes, Caitlynn. Climate Resilience for the Philippines
- Cutillo, Zoe. A New Ethical Obligation to Create Comprehensive Health Guidelines for Screen Time  
- Dakarai, Dennis. The Importance of Quality Education For All
- Eichhorn, Kimberly. Tracheostomy in Critical Care: Balancing Life-Saving Interventions with Climate Impact
- Ellor, Lily. Climate Change: How it Affects the Animals of the Arctic 
- Erceg, Nikola. Do First World Nations have an Ethical Obligation to Provide Medicine and Vaccines to Poorer Nations?
- Escobar, Allison. Reducing Inequality in Prison Healthcare: A Case for Ethical Reform in Medical Restraints
- Esposito, Anthony. Negative Effects of Ocean Pollution on Marine Animals
- Esquivel, Jackie. Coral Bleaching Consequences & Causes 
- Eustace, Kasey. Marine Pollution and Bioremediation
- Evans, Cole. Hydropower and Climate Adaptation in Water-Stressed Regions
- Freeman, Carley. How does climate change affect child labor in fashion?
- Frolio, Chessa and Jena Karlovits. Impact of Climate Change on Coral Reefs 
- Gallagher, Tristen. Restore, Rebuild, Rewild!
- Gobrich, Mariyah. How Climate Change Impacts the Poverty Crisis
- Greenhalgh, Abigail. Saudi’s Green Initiative
- Gresh, Madison. The Effect of Microplastics on Marine Life
- Hammond, Audrey. Rising Temperatures and Rising Loss: How the Increase of the Earths Temperatures Increase the Number of Food Deserts
- Herrmann, Kara. Melting Ice Caps and Sea Level Rise
- Hitchings, Libby. How is Climate Change Effecting Sea Ice and Polar Bears? 
- Humphrey, Alexander. Climate Change’s Effect on Polar Bears and Arctic Ecosystem
- Lamke, Marissa. Ethics in Biodiversity Conservation: Preserving Life, Respecting Nature
- Lawrence, Lilly. Relationship Between Food Insecurity and Cardiovascular disease
- Loaiza, Paucar. How Zoos Address Climate Change’s Impact
- McCormick, Dylan. Climate Change Effects on Food Security
- McDonough, Riley. Role of the Government on Behalf of the Environment During Public Health Crisis 
- McGinty, Maigen. The True Cost of Fashion
- McTighe, Teagan. Equity Inclusion in Big Cities in the U.S.
- Meurer, Anna. Applying Daly’s Structures of Virtue and Vice Framework to Questions of Climate Change
- Monfredi, Makenzie. Protect Our Planet. Together Now
- Mosley, Nevaeh. Many Americans Do Not Care About Climate Change
- Murphy, Jacob. Eco Fascism and Climate Change
- Murray, Judge. Enabling Underrepresented High School Students Access to University Education 
- Pasieka, Vivian and Grace Watson. How Does Climate Change Affect Reproductive Health Globally?
- Patsfield, Sean. Sustainable Home Designs: Cutting Energy Costs & Energy Independence

- Pionteck, Madison. Sustainable Urban Development 
- Rafi, Hirra. Uncovering Systemic Issues in End-of-Life Care Leading to Medical Errors: Strengthening the Role of Healthcare Ethics within Patient Safety Programs
- Rahman, Araf. AI Solutions for Waterborne Diseases in a Changing Climate
- Raushanova, Aizhan, Zinat Abdrakhmanova, and Faina Linkov. The Impact of Air Pollution on Public Health in Kazakhstan: Analysis of the Current Situation and Prospects for Pollution Reduction
- Rimal, Samikchhaya. Rise of Climate Refugees: A Consequence of Climate Change
- Santini, Alexandra. How to help your family die (and save the planet): Demystifying advanced care planning for students 
- Shi, Haibin, Zhiyu Yang, Bianca Shieu, Ariel Shensa, and  Faina Linkov. Developing an Efficient and Sustainable Long Term Care Model for China: Current Trends, International Insights, and Key Considerations
- Shoemaker, Samantha. Blue Skies and AI: AI’s impact on Climate Related Health Issues
- Sullivan, Abigail. The Environmental Impact of Green Roofs in Urban Areas
- Tafuri, Giovanni. Care for Our Common Home: The Environmental Responsibility of Catholic Healthcare Settings 
- Wills, Kayce. Climate Policy in Denmark: A Blueprint for the U.S.

Sustainability Resources


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Ercan Avci

Ercan Avci