Welcome to the Chapel of the Holy Spirit! We hope you explore the tabs below to see our Mass and Reconciliation Times, Mass Intentions and Weekly Prayer List. You can also learn all about our Liturgical Ministries and explore the possibility of having a Wedding in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit!

Mass Schedule

Chapel Wedding

The celebration of the Liturgy is offered daily on campus at the Chapel of the Holy Spirit (located in the Administration Building).

Monday - Friday at 7:45 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. 
Saturday at 5:30 p.m.
Sunday at 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m., and 9:00 p.m. 

Our mass schedule is subject to change when the students are away for break. Please reference our events calendar on our main page for a week-by-week schedule of masses. 

For additional weekend Mass times, see Divine Mercy parish located within walking distance to Duquesne

Weddings at Duquesne

Either bride or groom must be a current student, an alum, or an employee of the University.

Either bride or groom must be Roman Catholic.

If either party has been married previously, there is paperwork that must be in place before the wedding can be scheduled.
The suggested donation for the Chapel is $200.

This does not cover the cost of musicians.
Since marriage is a sacrament, its music is considered sung prayer and should therefore be appropriate for a liturgy.

You may contact Debbie Kostosky at (412) 396-6021 or kostosky@duq.edu to obtain contact information for pastoral musicians.

You may also contact the Mary Pappert School of Music for contact information regarding qualified student musicians or hire qualified pastoral musicians by contacting the Mary Pappert School of Music at (412) 396-6080.

You are also welcome to bring in qualified pastoral musicians to provide the music for your wedding.
Weddings are on Saturdays at 11 AM, 1 PM, or 3 PM.

You can access the chapel 1/2 hour before the ceremony. The entire ceremony (including photographs) may only last 90 minutes after the scheduled start time of the wedding. For this reason, there is to be no receiving line.

For more information or to book your wedding please email Debbie Kostosky


Confession is not difficult. Yet, if we want to experience the sacrament in the most profound way, we must prepare by placing ourselves in the presence of God and praying for the wisdom, insight and humility to reflect honestly on our life.

Catholics seek healing and forgiveness through repentance and a resolve to change those parts of their lives that do not foster relationship with God and God's people. This reflection should involve searching one's thoughts, words and actions - an examination of conscience.

The sacrament is offered daily at 11:30 am in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit or by appointment. 

Position Descriptions

This liturgical ministry is for the male and female student to lead all gathered at Mass in sung prayer. The cantor is welcoming and inviting as the assembly sings prayer and Liturgy. Never overpowering the people, the cantor leads the prayer through the ministry of singing. The cantor must be familiar and comfortable with the various musical compositions.
This liturgical ministry is for both the male and female student. The acolyte assists the priest at Mass. Acolytes prepare the sanctuary before Mass and places everything away after the Liturgy. The acolyte participates at Mass by praying and singing with all in the assembly.
This liturgical ministry is for the male and female Catholic who is fully initiated, i.e., having received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. The proclaimer does not just read the sacred scripture to those assembled at Mass. The proclaimer prepares for the proclamation of the reading throughout the week, make that scripture reading prayer. The proclaimer possesses a deep love of scripture.
This ministry is for the male and female student to lead all gathered at Mass in sung prayer. The minister is observant and ready to serve when any need arises. They greet people at the doors, help seat those who arrive for Mass, take up the collection, and pass out weekly bulletins at the door. The minister possesses a wealth of kindness for all that gather at Mass.
This liturgical ministry is for the male and female Catholic who is fully initiated, i.e., having received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. In the absence of the ordinary ministers (priest and deacon), those liturgical ministers offer the Body and Blood of Christ to those who come forward to the altar to receive the Holy Sacrament. The extraordinary minister of Holy Communism possesses a deep love of the Eucharist and needs to be formally commissioned.
This liturgical ministry is for the male and female Catholic who is fully initiated, i.e., having received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. it is the ancient custom of the Church to sing the psalm at Liturgy. As the scripture readings are proclaimed from the ambo, so the psalmist proclaims the psalms in song from the ambo.
This liturgical ministry is open to male and female individuals who wish to share their gift of song. The choir supports the assembly in the singing at Mass. There are opportunities for the choir to sing musical selections particular to their ministry. This liturgical ministry presupposes a commitment of time for both weekly rehearsals and participation at weekly Liturgy.
This liturgical ministry is for the male and female students who wish to share their gift of music.

Liturgical Ministry

Yearly training sessions occur for anyone who is interested in serving as a Proclaimer of the Word, Eucharistic Minister, or Minister of Hospitality here at Duquesne. Students, faculty, staff, and administrators are encouraged to participate in the special ministries of our liturgies.  Liturgical ministers play a vital role in Spiritan Campus Ministry and in the life of Duquesne University at large. We invite you to explore ways in which you can use your gifts and talents in ministry to others and to the glory of God. Training is provided.

If you would like to be involved in liturgical ministries on campus, or are interested in training, please email%20Debbie%20Kostosky. If you are interested in the musical liturgical ministry opportunities, please email%20Nathan%20Bellas

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