Duquesne University President Ken Gormley
Lawyer and educator. Visionary community leader.
In July 2016, Duquesne University's Spiritan leadership and the Board of Directors installed Ken Gormley as president.
In just five years, President Gormley and Duquesne University launched a proposed new medical school, created a new common learning experience for all undergraduates, begun work to raise a higher standard for inclusion and hired the University's first Chief Diversity Officer, raised funds and built a new home for athletics. Duquesne's board of directors voted in October 2021 to extend President Gormley's term for another five years.
President Gormley is committed to Duquesne University's mission to serve God by serving
students so they, in turn, can serve others.
Whether flipping pancakes, attending Red Masquer performances, cheering the Dukes, or even just stopping for a selfie on A-Walk, President Gormley is a regular presence among students.
If you would like to request President Ken Gormley to speak at your Duquesne University
event, please click the button below to fill out a Presidential Event Attendance Request
(PEAR) form at least six weeks before a scheduled event. You will receive confirmation
regarding his availability from Office of the President staff.
Presidential Attendance Requests
President Ken Gormley
View various photos of President Gormley with students, faculty and staff across campus.