M.S. Programs
M.S. programs require a minimum of 30 post baccalaureate semester hours; 24 credits of course work, including 2 credits of seminar, and 6 credits of thesis research. The M.S. in Pharmacy Administration, thesis option requires 27 credits of course work, including 2 credits of seminar and 9 credits of thesis research; non-thesis option 33 credits of course work, including 2 credits of seminar. In conjunction with the Graduate School of Business Administration, the department offers an M.B.A./M.S. in Industrial Pharmacy, an 85 credit, non thesis program, requiring concurrent graduate-level enrollment in both the Graduate School of Business Administration and the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Fifty-seven credits in core business administration course work and 28 credits of course work in the pharmaceutical sciences are required.
M.S. In Pharmacy Administration
Pharmaceutical Administration within the Division of Clinical, Social, and Administrative Sciences offers thesis-track and non-thesis-track M.S. degree programs. The thesis track is recommended for students with an intention of entering a Ph.D. program or seeking a research-oriented career. A highly qualified, full-time faculty teaches a variety of courses such as, marketing/customer service, health economics, research methods, health care financial management, and medication errors. Students may take approved courses in business, health management systems, and education and in the College of Liberal Arts to fulfill degree requirements.
Ph.D. Programs
Ph.D. programs require a minimum of 60 post-baccalaureate semester hours; 48 credits of course work, including 4 credits of seminar, and 12 credits of dissertation research. All graduate programs are designed for individuals who have earned an undergraduate degree in biology, chemistry, engineering, pharmacy, allied health sciences, the social and behavioral sciences or business.