Start your adventure early
New campus, new classes, new adventures - plus special summer savings
Welcome to Duquesne! Spend your summer in a park-like setting, close to the summer
activities in Pittsburgh. Meet new, lifelong friends; get ahead on classes; learn
your way around campus early, and experience the beauty and excitement of our city
in the summertime.
Duquesne has a number of summer courses starting in May, June and July designed to give you a jump start on your degree. Summer Head Start form.
Save Money
New, incoming first-year students who commit to Duquesne and submit their deposit
for the fall semester are eligible to take summer courses at a special rate of $385
per credit (more than 70% less than the regular summer 2025 tuition rate!).
New transfer students get 50% off the tuition rate when taking a minimum of 12 credits (four, 3-credit courses) during the summer session.
Enjoy Complimentary Campus Housing
While you're taking classes (at least part-time enrollment), qualified students can live in campus housing at no charge - just pay for the meal plan.
Summer Programs
The Gumberg Library Fellows program is available for five incoming undergraduate students who are interested in jump-starting their DU experience. Throughout this summer-long program you will:
- gain real world experience -- as well as free parking on campus*
- build your DU network as you meet other students, faculty and staff before you start your fall semester
- build your resume and experience with mentoring from faculty and staff
*Gumberg Library Fellows who are also taking at least 12 credits can also take advantage
of our reduced summer tuition rates and complimentary housing with the purchase of a meal plan.
Apply for Library Fellows
The Gussin Spiritan Division (GSD) summer program offers additional support for new first-year students through a planned class schedule and activities. GSD courses help students improve writing skills and learn techniques for better time management, note-taking, test preparation and test-taking:
- Essential Questions (3 cr.)
- Research and Information Skills (1 cr.)
- Strategies for Academic Success (1 cr.)
- Introduction to University Success (1 cr.)
Fun summer activities are included in the schedule, too!
The GSD program is packaged at a significantly reduced rate and includes six credits, housing, a meal plan and books. There are two ways to participate:
- Be accepted into the year-long GSD program
- Enroll in the program as a non-GSD student just for the summer start
If you would like to participate in this program, fill out the form for the GSD summer start.
Some schools have provided suggested courses, or course bundles, for new students
who want to take summer courses. You can discuss these options, or other courses you
are interested in taking this summer, with your student success coach. Students accepted into the School of Business are invited to join the Business Summer
Start Program. The courses and faculty selected in this program provide an ideal introductory experience
to the School of Business. By signing up for this package you'll take the following classes*: *Students are able to modify these courses to their preferences! We encourage you
to connect with your Student Success Coach to discuss options based on the needs of
your schedule. Some course bundle recommendations for new Liberal Arts students... Online asynchronous + In-person 6-credit bundles: In-person 6-credit bundle: Notes: Suggested Summer Courses for Incoming Music Students Students in all music programs Honors students Music Education students Music Therapy students Options for incoming first-year nursing students: BRDG 105 Intro to Ethical Reasoning (3 cr.) MATH 125 Fundamentals of Statistics (3 cr.) EQ Essential Questions (especially that meets THEO or PHIL) (3 cr.) Summer 2024 Pharmacy Sample 4-6-Credit Schedules: Fully online asynchronous 6-credit schedules: Online asynchronous + In-person 6-credit schedules In-person 6-credit schedule: In-person 4-credit schedule: Notes:Summer Opportunities
Fully online asynchronous 6-credit bundles:
BRDG 103 IPE Health Research Skills (1 cr.)
Browse Summer Classes Guide
Browse Courses
Click or tap the Browse Classes button or link to open the search page for the University's course system and select Summer from the drop down menu.
You can enter the subject area or other search criteria if you know it or go to the next step for tips to search based on summer start dates or download this step by step guide.
Summer classes begin in June or July
- To search for courses with a specific start date, click in the bottom search field
labeled “Start Date, Bridges Attributes”.
- You can select “June start date”, or “July start date” from the dropdown menu, or you can type it in the box to select it.
- You can add multiple search items, including Subject, Course number, or keywords that
appear in the course title or description.
- To search all Bridges courses, add BRDG to the "Subject" search field.
After entering your search items, click the search button
Search Results
The results of your search will display.
You can use the mouse to expand the columns, or re-sort the list by column, such as
course number.
Click on the course title for more detailed information on the course including course
description, restrictions, prerequisites, and other helpful information.
Contact Us
Questions about starting your Duquesne experience early? Contact your admissions counselor, send us an email or call the office to learn more!