Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic

Established in 1998, the Duquesne University Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic serves people of all ages who have problems communicating. The Clinic is an integral part of the clinical education program for graduate students in the University's Department of Speech-Language Pathology. State licensed and nationally certified faculty practitioners directly supervise and are responsible for all services provided.

Evaluation and Treatment

The Clinic provides diagnostic and treatment services on an outpatient basis in Fisher Hall on the Duquesne campus. Following an evaluation, individual and/or group therapy sessions are scheduled to meet the individual needs of each client. Services may also be provided via Telepractice.

While not all services may be covered, the Clinic is a participating provider with many insurance companies, as well as the State Office of Vocational Rehabilitation. Alternatively, fee reductions are available for those who qualify.

Contact Us

We are pleased to respond to your questions about speech, language, and hearing difficulties.  Please contact the Clinic Office at (412) 396-4200 or via%20e-mail.

The Clinic is comprised of six specialty clinics that reflect the expertise of our faculty.

The Adult Neurogenic Communication and Cognition Clinic serves people with speech and language challenges that adversely effect their ability to be effective communicators. Evaluation and treatment for adults with cognitive communication problems resulting from neurological impairment with a primary focus on people with aphasia and dysarthia.



Evaluation and treatment of children and adults with central auditory processing deficits. Hearing screenings and basic auditory evaluations to assess hearing ability are offered at the Audiology Clinic. Auditory training, aural rehabilitation, and therapy for auditory processing problems.

Clinicians in the Language Disorders and Autism Clinic develop individualized treatment plans and use evidence-based practices to help children,

adolescents, and adults increase their skills in the areas of:

  • Listening comprehension
  • Spoken language
  • Pre-reading and phonological awareness
  • Reading comprehension
  • Writing and spelling
  • Social communication
  • Using augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)


The Voice & Upper Airway Clinic evaluates and treats individuals who wish to restore a balance between the 3 bodily systems responsible for producing the voice (respiration, phonation, and resonance). 
Evaluations and treatment of children and adults having difficulty producing sounds or being understood by others. Modification of accent is also provided in the Speech Production Clinic.
Clinicians in the Stuttering Clinic develop individualized treatment plans and use evidence-based practices to help children, adolescents, and adults with their communication.