Support for Students

Information on this webpage is not intended to replace a one-on-one consultation. If you are a student having problems, we urge you to contact us at (412) 396-1650 to schedule an appointment. This webpage provides a comprehensive list of services and contacts for students facing various crises. It includes emergency numbers for immediate help, such as 911 for life-threatening situations and the Duquesne University Police for on-campus emergencies. For non-emergency situations, students are encouraged to contact the University Counseling Services for mental health support, and Health Services for medical concerns. Also listed are resources for reporting bias incidents and support for victims of crime.

Crisis Resources FAQ

Information in this site is not intended to replace a one-on-one consultation. If you are a student having problems, we urge you to contact us at (412) 396-1650 to schedule an appointment.

Campus Resources for Sexual Assault are services available to students who have experienced sexual assault. These resources provide support, guidance, and assistance during difficult times.

Health Services (Confidential - not mandated to report) (412) 396-1650
University Counseling (Confidential - not mandated to report)

(412) 396-6204, On-call counselor after hours: (412) 396-2677

Spiritan Campus Ministry (Confidential - not mandated to report) (412) 396-6020
Residence Life (412) 396-5888
Public Safety (412) 396-6022
DU CARES (412) 396-5834
Title IX Coordinator - Alicia M. Simpson

(412) 396-2560

If you’re a student facing problems related to sexual assault, contact us at (412) 396-1650 to schedule an appointment. We’re here to help.
Community Resources for Sexual Assault are external organizations that offer help and support. They provide confidential helplines, crisis intervention, individual counseling, group support, and legal advocacy.
  • Pittsburgh Action Against Rape (PAAR): Call their 24-hour helpline at 1 (866) END-RAPE (1-866-363-7273).
  • Center for Victims of Violence and Crime (CVVC): Reach their 24-hour helpline at 1 (866) 644-2882.

Note: These off-campus counselors and advocates may have reporting obligations under state law.

In extreme emergencies, call the University police department at (412) 396-COPS (2677) or go to the nearest hospital emergency room.

During Business Hours: Call (412) 396-6204 During regular business hours, students, faculty, and staff can call the Counseling Service Center at (412) 396-6204. Consult with a counselor about student and campus emergency situations or urgent service needs.

After Hours: Call ReSolve Crisis Service  at (1-888-796-8226)

After hours, contact ReSolve Crisis Service—a 24/7 mobile crisis support service. They offer confidential telephone counseling, mobile crisis teams across Allegheny County, walk-in assistance at their location (333 North Braddock Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15208), and overnight/crisis residential support (up to 72 hours).

Emergency Hotlines
Re:solve Crisis Network (Phone or in person crisis support) 1 (888) 796-8226
Mercy Behavioral Health Crisis Center (24/7 crisis line) 1 (877) 637-2924
Contact Pittsburgh (Suicide Hotline)    (412) 820-4357
PAAR:  Rape Hotline (24-hour hotline) 1 (866) END-RAPE (1-866-363-7273)
Center for Victims of Violent Crime (24-hour hotline) (412) 392-8582
Health Department - STD Information (24-hour hotline) (412) 687-2243
Help Line United Way (Referral Agency) (412) 255-1155

Information in this site is not intended to replace a one-on-one consultation with a licensed mental health worker.  If you are a student having problems, we urge you to contact us at (412) 396-6204 to schedule an appointment.

If you need medical help and Health Services is closed, please call campus police at (412)396-COPS and they can help transport you to the nearest hospital. 

List of Nearby Medical Facilities, please call to verify insurance acceptance and availability of services.



Phone number

X-ray services?

UPMC Mercy Hospital

1500 Locust St, Pittsburgh, PA 15219

(412) 232-8111


UPMC Presbyterian Hospital

200 Lothrop St, Pittsburgh, PA 15213

(412) 647-2345


Allegheny General Hospital

320 East North Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15212

(412) 359-3131


UPMC Magee-Women’s Hospital

300 Halket St,

Pittsburgh, PA 15213

(412) 641-1000


UPMC Children’s Hospital

4401 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15224

(412) 692-5325



MedExpress Urgent Care

5201 Baum Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA 15224

(412) 687-3627


UPMC Urgent Care Shadyside

5231 Centre Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15232

(412) 623-4114


Concentra Urgent Care

120 Lytton Ave #275, Pittsburgh, PA 15213

(412) 621-5430


MedExpress Urgent Care

3516 Saw Mill Run Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA 15227

(412) 884-0327


MedExpress Urgent Care

1984 Greentree Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15220

(412) 343-3627


Contact Us

Fall and Spring Semester Hours

  • Monday to Thursday: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Open Friday until 4 p.m.)

Summer Hours

3rd Floor Gumberg Library, Side Entrance