Centers of Excellence
These Centers support innovative research and applied educational experiences for students as well as promote interaction with local business leaders and entrepreneurs. We give our students the skills they need to act entrepreneurially, sell effectively and manage sustainable supply chains while also enhancing job creation and workforce development in the region.
Center for Excellence in Entrepreneurship
The Center for Excellence in Entrepreneurship (CEE) infuses entrepreneurship into every student's experience. We instill in all business students the entrepreneurial mindset that will empower them as graduates, whether they are launching businesses or facing innovation challenges within existing companies. That means being able to recognize and seize outstanding opportunities to solve problems and create value.
The Center includes an ideation suite and a maker space for creating, inventing and learning.
Center for Excellence in Supply Chain Management
The Center for Excellence in Supply Chain Management (CESCM) focuses on how information systems and technology can enhance the management of complex, integrated supply chains. Our supply chain students will learn how to improve the overall effectiveness and efficiency of supply chains by using advanced planning, scheduling, procurement management, transportation, and warehouse management systems and technologies.
Center for Leadership in Professional Selling
The nature of selling has changed in our technology-driven world, and the Center for Leadership in Professional Selling (CLPS) is preparing students to meet that challenge. The Center features simulation labs where students can role-play their sales approaches in various settings with executives from partner firms.
All simulated spaces allow students to project presentations onto a flat screen and are part of a sophisticated digital video capture system. Sales sessions can be live streamed or recorded so students can review and hone their work.
Eugene P. Beard Center for Student Success
The Eugene P. Beard Center for Student Success launched in fall 2022, marking the beginning of a new era for the Palumbo-Donahue School of Business. The Beard Center is the realization of the School's integrated, holistic approach for serving students, and it ensures that students receive a comprehensive experience, from their first contact with the School as high school students through graduation and their transition to alumni.
Albert P. Viragh (B'27) Institute for Business Ethics
The Albert P. Viragh (B'27) Institute for Business Ethics (VIBE) at Duquesne University has launched an annual book series, entitled Business and Society 360, sponsored by the International Association for Business and Society (IABS).
Institute for Sustainable Business Innovation
The Institute for Sustainable Business Innovation (ISBI) embraces the School's fundamental pillars of excellence: Pillar #1 Distinctive Education, Pillar #2 Thought Leadership, Pillar #3 Business Practice.
Applying theory from across the curriculum, students help clients reduce costs, improve processes and enhance competitiveness.
Investment Strategy Institute
The Investment Strategy Institute (ISI) introduces students to a variety of cutting-edge technologies that are used by investment professionals around the world and allows students to put their learning directly into practice by utilizing technology and producing results.
Small Business Development Center
The Duquesne University Small Business Development Center (SBDC) offers no-cost, confidential consulting services and training workshops in southwestern Pennsylvania to empower entrepreneurs and small business owners with the knowledge they need to start, grow, and prosper.