Clinical practice is an invaluable part of any nursing student's education. Our undergraduate students have plenty of opportunities to obtain it.

The Learning and Simulation Center

Students will also gain clinical experience in the School of Nursing's Learning and Simulation Center -  space dedicated to creating a deeper style of learning. The Center offers an array of technology that increases realism, improves the quality of evaluation and enhances clinical learning.

Take a virtual tour of the Center

Simulation Opportunities

You will have many opportunities to gain clinical knowledge and develop decision-making abilities, as well as strengthen your teamwork, communication and leadership skills. The Center creates meaningful experiences through which students can grow into competent and confident professionals.

Within the 7,000 square-foot space, you experience a variety of learning opportunities, including:

  • High-fidelity simulations
  • Health Assessment skills practice
  • Augmented reality
  • Fundamental’s skills practice
  • Pediatric assessment techniques
  • Practice with patient simulators
  • Experience with wearable simulators
Students being fixed with wearable simulator


Changes in technology and in the way our students learn is at the heart of the Learning and Simulation Center - a space dedicated to creating a deeper style of learning.

Technology Infused Learning

Two Simulation Rooms

The Learning and Simulation Center has two high-fidelity simulation rooms, including the the Ann Lantzy Glazener Simulation Room. In these simulation rooms, you can work with:

  • SimMan® Essentials, which is capable of emitting lung and bowel sounds, as well as normal and abnormal pulses and heartbeats. Students can apply dressings to a mannequin's wounds or perform catheterizations, injections and irrigations. You can perform CPR and also practice defibrillation.

    Sim Man® Essentials can be manipulated to react to correct or incorrect drugs and dosages.       It can exhibit a range of physiologic responses, including changes in eyelid movement;  secretion of fluids, perspiration and tears; and emitting speech and vocal sounds.
  • Working oxygen flow meters and wall-mounted suction equipment.

For simulations, faculty manipulate the mannequins from a nearby control room. Simulations may also include audio sounds and video projections that expose you to the potential visual and auditory qualities of a hospital setting.

Fundamental Skills Lab

The Robert and Mary Weisbrod Fundamental Skills Lab offers areas for instruction in acute care, health assessment, basic care, medication and home care. Here, you'll have access to SimBaby® as well as neonatal and birthing mannequins.

Conference and Debriefing/ Standardized Patient Rooms

Conference and Debriefing Room

The Gladys Husted Conference and Debriefing Room is where you will debrief after a simulation session. The room features a Mondopad, which is a large video monitor with intuitive touch-screen controls. The Mondopad easily interfaces with handheld computers and mobile phones, and it supports remote viewing from any location that has internet access.

Standardized Patient Rooms

Outpatient clinical visits can be simulated in one of our four patient rooms.

Specific Simulation Center Equipment

The Learning and Simulation Center has so much to offer, including the following additional equipment:

  • Birthing bed
  • Neonatal monitor
  • Ventilator
  • Incubator
  • Infant warmer

These items were provided through the generosity of Pocket Nurse.