Progress toward a degree is measured by the cumulative quality point average and attempted credit. The scholastic records of students who fail to meet the minimum requirements as established below will be subject to the outcomes identified in this Policy and will be submitted to their College, School, or Program Committee on Student Standing for review and additional appropriate action as deemed appropriate by the Committee. The dean, or appointed designate, may exercise discretion in the final determination of a student’s academic standing. In most instances, academic records will be reviewed at the conclusion of each semester.
For students who have attempted 1-30 credits, academic standing is determined based on the following:
- Academic Warning: 1.75 to 1.99 QPA (Letter of warning may be sent by appropriate Dean)
- Probation: 1.50 to 1.74 QPA (Subject to the jurisdiction of the appropriate Committee on Student Standing and may be required to modify or restrict academic program)
- Dismissal: Less than 1.50 QPA (Readmission may be permitted on recommendation of the appropriate Committee on Student Standing)
Freshmen who complete their first fall semester with less than a 2.0 grade point average and continue on for a second semester are required to enroll in CLPR 016, Pathways to Success (1 credit) and to limit their credit load to 13 credits in the subsequent spring semester.
For the students who have attempted 31-60 credits, academic standing is determined based on the following:
- Academic Warning: 1.85 to 1.99 QPA (Letter of warning may be sent by appropriate Dean)
- Probation: 1.75 to 1.84 QPA (Subject to the jurisdiction of the appropriate Committee on Student Standing and may be required to modify or restrict academic program)
- Dismissal: Less than 1.75 QPA (Readmission may be permitted on recommendation of the appropriate Committee on Student Standing)
For the students who have attempted 61-89 credits, academic standing is determined based on the following:
- Probation: 1.85 to 1.99 QPA (Subject to the jurisdiction of the appropriate Committee on Student Standing and may be required to modify or restrict academic program)
- Dismissal: Less than 1.85 QPA (Readmission may be permitted on recommendation of the appropriate Committee on Student Standing)
For the students who have attempted 90-999 credits, the guidelines are:
- Dismissal: Less than 2.00 QPA (Readmission may be permitted on recommendation of the appropriate Committee on Student Standing)
Prior to an outcome of academic dismissal, all final grades for the term must be submitted. Students who have an Incomplete (“I”) grade should be given the opportunity to resolve it within the timeframe determined by the Academic Calendar or by the course instructor if an earlier deadline has been established. Extensions beyond the published deadlines will not be granted. Students who have an In-Progress (“IP”) grade are expected to complete the course according to the requirements established for the class by the course instructor. Students may not subsequently be granted an Incomplete (“I”) grade to extend time to completion. Once all final grades have been recorded, the above academic standing rules will apply based on a student’s cumulative grade point average.
Students who earn three “F” grades in one semester are subject to academic dismissal. Appeals of academic dismissal must be directed to the appropriate College or School Committee on Student Standing. If a student transfers to another school within the University, the student may be admitted only by the dean of that school.
Students who are permitted to re-enroll on a full-time basis and are subsequently dismissed from the university for poor scholarship may appeal to the Dean for reinstatement. The Dean will consider the entire academic record of the student in rendering the decision, and the decision of the Dean will be final.