When officially withdrawing from the University after the drop/add period, a student may receive a reduction of the tuition charged for the semester or session in accordance with the Tuition Reduction Schedule. Whether a refund check is issued or a payment is due depends on the amount of the tuition reduction and the previous account balance.
The Effective Date of Withdrawal determines the percent of the tuition reduction. This is the date that the appropriate School or the Registrar was notified by letter of the student’s decision to request a withdrawal. It is also the recorded date of the student’s separation from the University and regarded as the last day of attendance. A student is considered enrolled until he or she gives official withdrawal notice.
When a student’s attendance is involuntarily terminated in a semester because of personal disability arising from injury or illness, any refund of tuition beyond the limits prescribed by the withdrawal reduction policy is subject first to the approval of the Academic Dean, then the Vice President for Academic Affairs, and finally, the Vice President for Management and Business.