Housing and Food Rates 2024-2025

The request for on-campus residence is made on the same form used for application for admission to the University.  After the student has completed the admission procedure and has paid the matriculation deposit, the residency request is referred automatically to the Director of Residence Life. The request is processed and necessary application forms are forwarded to the student.

The University requires Housing Application Fee of $100, which is applicable to the following semester’s room and board account, accompany all applications for room reservations or renewals. This prepayment is non-refundable.

Reservations are made on an annual basis – August to May.  Rooms may be occupied no earlier than the first day of orientation for all freshmen and new transfer students.

Room assignments are made on a first-come, first-serve basis. Therefore, it is extremely important for the student to return his/her housing application immediately upon receipt of it.

All students occupying rooms in the University residence halls are required to take a University Meal Plan.  The semester Board rate of $3,783 reflects the pricing of all meal plans.  

The options available are:

  • 275 meal plan with $200 declining flexible balance
  • 225 meal plan with $275 flexible declining balance
  • 200 meal plan with $375 declining flexible balance
  • 175 meal plan with $400 flexible declining balance

An alternative semester Board Rate of $4,008 includes 175-meal plan with a $700 declining balance.

Flex Dollars

Students can use their Flex dollars at several locations on campus, including: : Chick-fil-A, Cinco Cantina, The Incline, Campus Market-Towers, Coffee Tree Roasters-Law School, Campus Market Express-Fisher, Business Leader Bistro-Rockwell, Connections-Student Union, Freshens, Moonlit, and Starbucks.

Residence Halls are closed during vacation periods (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and Spring break).

The University reserves the right to modify these charges if exigencies require such action.

Per-Semester Rates
2024 - 2025 

Single (St. Ann's, Assumption, Towers) $ 10,323     
Double (St. Ann's, Assumption, Towers) $ 8,187
Des Places (one bedroom suite - 2 students) $ 9,190
Des Places (one bedroom suite - 3 students) $ 8,272
Des Places (two bedroom suite -  2 students per bedroom) $ 8,716
Vickroy single for each semester $ 10,640
Vickroy double for each semester $ 8,404

Summer 2024 Rates* 

Single room with board $ 363
Double room with board $ 314
Board ($100 Flex) $ 100

Withdrawal and Refund

The Office of Student Housing and Residence Life Housing Agreement governs Duquesne-owned Living Learning Centers (St. Ann, Assumption, Des Places, Towers and Vickroy Halls) and must be signed by the student and the University. *This applies for the 2025-2026 academic year only additionally to St. Martin Hall. (Students living in Brottier or McGinley Halls, which are owned by a University partner, are subject to the refund policies in the section Withdrawal and Refund- Duquesne University Affiliated Housing (Lumina-Owned) Properties found below.) Students are obligated to pay to the University the full room fees and board fees for the entire Academic Year. There will be no exceptions to this obligation except as follows:

If after signing a Housing Agreement, the student decides not to live in a Duquesne-owned Living-Learning Centers (St. Ann, Assumption, Des Places, Towers or Vickroy Halls) and so notifies the Assistant Director of Residence Life IN WRITING BEFORE CLASSES BEGIN, the student will be released from obligations under this Housing Agreement. All amounts which the student has previously paid pursuant to this Housing Agreement shall be refunded with the exception of the $300 room reservation fee which is non-refundable.

If a student fails to occupy an assigned room or make written notification of late arrival by the start of the second week of classes the student gives up all reservation and claim to any room on campus. The student will be released from all obligations under this Housing Agreement and all amounts which the student has previously paid pursuant to this Housing Agreement shall be refunded with the exception of the $100 non-refundable application fee.

Prior to the end of the Fall semester, students will be permitted to cancel their room reservation for the Spring semester by completing a Spring Release Form. This Spring Release Form cancellation will result in a $500 penalty. Spring Release Forms available in Assumption Hall must be completed prior to the end of the Fall semester.

*Those desiring residency for the Summer Session should make reservations with the Assistant Director of Residence Life three weeks prior to the opening date of your session.

Updated June 14, 2024

Withdrawal and Refund- Duquesne University Affiliated Housing (Lumina-Owned) Properties


Students choosing to live in Brottier Hall or McGinley Hall, which are affiliated with the University but owned by a partner, must sign an agreement with Lumina Properties. Under these agreements, students agree that they are responsible for the full lease amount.

Only in limited circumstances can a student potentially reduce or eliminate their financial obligations under their agreement for Brottier or McGinley Halls. In order to potentially be relieved of any amounts due for the full academic year, the student must:

  • Complete the necessary lease transfer agreement provided by Lumina;
  • Find another enrolled Duquesne student to assume the remaining obligations under the agreement. This student must also be approved by any other existing roommates.
  • Pay a $150 lease transfer fee, as further detailed in the agreement. Withdrawal, dismissal or transfer does not relieve the student of the financial obligations of the agreement for Brottier and McGinley Halls.

It is important to note that if a student is not able to register for classes for any term, they are not permitted to reside in affiliated housing, but will still be responsible for the full lease amount.