Stay on track with Degree Planner

Duquesne University is committed to excellence in education and to supporting you as you reach for bigger goals. As a student, you will benefit from Degree Planner, our new degree audit system, developed by Stellic.

Degree Planner matches your completed and registered coursework with course-specific program requirements that have been predefined in the system. You, along with the help of your Student Success Coach or Graduate Advisor, can view the audit to determine your progress-to-degree as well as any outstanding graduation requirements.

Benefits of Degree Planner

  • Allows you to track your progress towards graduation
  • Provides transparency of program requirements
  • Enables at-a-glance access to semester class schedules
  • Supports course planning for upcoming registration
  • Facilitates collaboration with your advisor on the path to degree completion

Login to Degree Planner

Tracking your progress

Profile Information

The top of your profile displays your basic information, academic programs, progress bar, GPA, advisor, and current course schedule.

View your progress

The audit contains categories of course requirements and any associated rules to meet those requirements. Both required courses and completed courses are listed to demonstrate your progress.

Understanding program requirements

The requirements within the audit are governed by rules for which courses can count, and these rules are called constraints. The constraints define the criteria required to satisfy the requirement.

Identifying why a course isn't counting

If you notice a course isn't counting towards a requirement, first, ensure the course fulfills all of the constraints and has not been fulfilled by another requirement in the audit.

Looking for Degree Planner?

DU portal degree planner tile
Degree Planner Tile

Look for the tile in your Duquesne Portal. For more information, see Frequently Asked Questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Degree Planner serves all degree-seeking students, as well as faculty and staff who serve advising roles across Duquesne University. As a holistic advising support platform, Degree Planner is an essential tool for every individual who plays a role in guiding DU students on their path to success.
Use the Degree Planner tile in the Duquesne Portal.
Get in touch with your Student Success Coach or academic advisor.
No. All registration will still be done from self-service registration in the Duquesne Portal. To register for classes, go to the Duquesne Portal and click the Registration tile. Use the "Register or Withdraw from Classes" link to register.
Degree Planner replaces RAPP. You are able to view your academic progress and program requirements and plan upcoming semesters in Degree Planner.
Contact your Student Success Coach or academic advisor, or email