Study With Acclaimed Faculty

As a student at the Mary Pappert School of Music, you study with professors internationally acclaimed in their fields. Many of them, including those who are also members of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, are GRAMMY Award-winning artists. Others have a variety of other distinguished awards and accolades to their names. Our faculty's diverse musical backgrounds create an exceptional learning environment.

With a 4-to-1 student-to-faculty ratio, you're certain to receive the personal attention necessary to truly perfect your talents, whether your career aspirations are to be in front of an audience, in the recording studio, or in a classroom, church, or therapy setting.

Faculty by Department/Applied Area

Music Performance Faculty

Jazz Faculty

Music Technology Faculty

Music Education Faculty

Music Therapy Faculty

Musicianship Faculty

Upcoming Faculty Recitals

There are no upcoming events to display for this calendar.

Mary Pappert School of Music Leadership

Meet our Leadership

David Allen Wehr

Dean, Jack W. Geltz Distinguished Piano Chair & Professor of Piano

David Allen Wehr headshot

Rachel Whitcomb

Associate Dean, Associate Professor and Program Director of Music Education

Thomas Carsecka

Assistant Dean of Music Admissions and Community Engagement

A person wearing a tie smiles in front of a neutral background.



In addition to our extremely talented faculty, the staff of the Mary Pappert School of Music are an extraordinarily dedicated and hard-working group of people who form the backbone of the day-to-day operations of our school.

Jane Cubbison

Jane Cubbison

Student Success Coach

David Egyud

David Egyud

Production Coordinator

Steve Groves

Steve Groves

Director of Music Engagement, Events, & Marketing

Tom Haas

Tom Haas

Manager of Academic Support

Barb McCandless

Barb McCandless

Administrative Assistant

Karyn Reinhart

Karyn Reinhart

Office Manager

Diana Ruffer

Diana Ruffer

Assistant to the Deans

Yu-Chen Shih

Yu-Chen Shih

Instrumental Ensembles Assistant

Justin Stag

Justin Stag

Audio/Visual Technician

Emma Terhune

Emma Terhune

Student & Alumni Services Coordinator

James Tickel

James Tickel

Piano Technician

Colleen Woods

Colleen Woods

Director of Business & Administration


Professors Emeriti

  • Dr. Elaine Abbott, Professor Emerita
  • Dr. Judith Bowman, Professor Emerita
  • Dr. Robert Cameron, Professor and Director of Bands Emeritus
  • Guenko Guechev, Professor Emeritus
  • Lynn Purse, Professor Emerita
  • William Purse, Professor Emeritus