Learning Outcomes

  • Students will be able to write, speak, synthesize information quickly and clearly, and communicate well with others.
  • Students will demonstrate commitment to ethical and moral discussion in a complex world, articulating the importance of a distinction between public and private life.

Requirements for the M.A. in Communication Degree (30 credits)

The program offers a choice of an emphasis area in either Communication Studies or Rhetoric and Philosophy of Technology. The degree requires the completion of 30 course credits with a cumulative QPA of at least 3.00. All coursework is delivered in traditional, hybrid, and distance learning formats.

Program Core (15 credits)

  • COMM 500 Professional Communication
  • COMM 501 Persuasion in the Marketplace
  • COMM 515 Organizational Communication
  • COMM 522 Communication Research Methods
  • COMM 523 Communication Ethics & Professional Civility

Emphasis Areas (15 credits)

Communication Studies

  • Students select five (5) electives in consultation with advisors.

Rhetoric of Technology

  • COMM 559 Philosophy of Communication
  • COMM 561 Rhetorical Theory
  • COMM 511 Rhetoric of Digital Communication
  • COMM 610 Rhetoric & Philosophy of Cyberspace/
  • COMM 628 Rhetoric & Philosophy of Technology
  • One (1) elective in consultation with advisors.

Requirements for the M.A. in Corporate Communication Degree (30 credits)

Students will select a specialization of Crisis and Risk Communication, Management Communication, Nonprofit Communication, or Integrated Marketing Communication. The degree requires the completion of 30 course credits with a cumulative QPA of at least 3.00. All coursework is delivered in traditional, hybrid, and distance learning formats.

Professional Core (15 Credits)

  • COMM 500 Professional Communication
  • COMM 501 Persuasion in the Marketplace
  • COMM 523 Communication Ethics & Professional Civility
  • COMM 549 Communication Communication: Economic and Financial Foundations
  • COMM 556 Organizational and Leadership Communication

Specializations (9 credits)

Crisis and Risk Communication

  • COMM 614 Rhetoric & Philosophy of Crisis Management

Plus two of:

  • COMM 518 Conflict Management in Organizations
  • COMM 527 Communication Management/
  • COMM 563 Strategic Corporate Communication
  • COMM 601 Communication Practicum

Management Communication

  • COMM 527 Communication Management
  • COMM 563 Strategic Corporate Communication

Plus two of:

  • COMM 518 Conflict Management in Organizations
  • COMM 536 Integrated Marketing Communication
  • COMM 550 Communication & Community Relations
  • COMM 587 Event Planning: Communication Architecture
  • COMM 601 Communication Practicum

Nonprofit Communication

  • COMM 545 Non-Profit Development & Philanthropy Communication

Plus two of:

  • COMM 527 Communication Management
  • COMM 563 Strategic Corporate Communication
  • COMM 542 Environmental Communication
  • COMM 550 Communication & Community Relations
  • COMM 584 Health Communication
  • COMM 587 Event Planning: Communication Architecture
  • COMM Communication Practicum

Integrated Marketing Communication

  • COMM 536 Integrated Marketing Communication

Plus two of:

  • COMM 529 IMC Strategies I: Public Relations
  • COMM 533 IMC Strategies II: Advertising
  • COMM 587 Event Planning: Communication Architecture
  • COMM 601 Communication Practicum

Professional Integration (6 credits)

  • COMM 601 Communication Practicum
  • Professional Integration Project

Requirements for the M.A. in Rhetoric & Philosophy of Communication Degree (36 credits) 

Rhetoric & Philosophy of Communication (36 credits) provides students with a traditional liberal arts education for leadership in academia, law, and the marketplace. This program offers fundamental courses for a doctoral degree or enhancement of a liberal arts foundation in communication.


  • COMM 500 Professional Communication
  • COMM 501 Persuasion in the Marketplace
  • COMM 522 Communication Research & Evidence
  • COMM 523 Communication Ethics & Professional Civility
  • COMM 556 Organization and Leadership Communication
  • COMM 559 Philosophy of Communication
  • COMM 561 Rhetorical Theory

Students select 5 electives in consultation with advisors.

Dual Degree Program

Students must apply and be accepted to both programs of study. Please consult the School's or Program's website for application requirements. Students who successfully complete all requirements will receive two degrees and two diplomas. The degrees must be conferred simultaneously.

Requirements for the M.A. in Communication Degree and M.B.A. Degree (66 credits)

30 credits of COMM courses towards M.A. in Communication

  • COMM 500 Professional Communication (3 cr.)
  • COMM 501 Persuasion in the Marketplace (3 cr.)
  • COMM 515 Organizational Communication (3 cr.)
  • COMM 522 Communication Research Methods (3 cr.)
  • COMM 523 Comm. Ethics & Professional Civility (3 cr.)
  • Required Electives (15 cr.) 6 credits fulfilled through MBA courses

36 credits of courses towards MBA

  • ACCT 501 Accounting Fundamentals* (1.5 cr.)
  • ECON 501 Economics Fundamentals* (1.5 cr.)
  • FINC 501 Finance Fundamentals* (1.5 cr.)
  • STAT 501 Statistics Fundamentals* (1.5 cr.)
  • STAT 510 Applied Statistics (3 cr.)
  • GRBU 503 Applied Managerial Decision Tools (1.5 cr.)
  • MGMT 513 Managing People (1.5 cr.)
  • ACCT 515 Accounting for Decision Makers (3 cr.)
  • ECON 520 Managerial Economics (3 cr.)
  • ISYS 515 Managing Information (1.5 cr.)
  • SCMG 527 Supply Chain/Operations Mgt. (1.5 cr.)
  • FINC 530 Financial Management (3 cr.)
  • BLAW 529 Business Legal Environment (1.5 cr.)
  • MGMT 523 Applied Business Ethics (1.5 cr.)
  • MKTG 535 Marketing Management (3 cr.)
  • MGMT 531 Strategic Sust. Theories and Models (1.5 cr.)
  • MGMT 533 Global Business (1.5 cr.)
  • MGMT 545 Executive Insights (3 cr.)
  • MGMT 540 Strategy and Implementation (3 cr.)
  • MGMT 548 Capstone Project (3 cr.)