
Our objective is to offer students in our five-year program the finest education in forensic science. We are committed to delivering a top-tier learning experience in the natural and forensic sciences, promoting scientific advancement, and enhancing society through research and education. By doing so, we contribute to the overarching mission of Duquesne University.


Throughout your academic journey, you will acquire comprehensive knowledge in laboratory-based natural biology, biochemistry, and the fundamental principles of forensic science and law. Equipped with this strong foundation, you will be well-prepared to embark on a successful career in the forensic sciences upon graduation. Moreover, you will develop a thorough understanding of the legal principles that pertain to forensic science.


As a student in our program, you will achieve the following objectives:

  1. Foster an early grasp of professional and ethical concepts during your college education.
  2. Comprehend the intersection between forensic science and the law.
  3. Establish a solid educational background in science and mathematics to excel in advanced courses.
  4. Apply scientific principles to solve forensic problems in a laboratory setting.
  5. Gain exposure to the diverse and expansive forensic community by actively engaging in local, regional, and national professional organizations and meetings.
  6. Embrace the continuous advancements and changes in the field of forensic sciences and adapt accordingly.
  7. Acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to make significant contributions to the advancement of forensic science upon graduation.

Degree Requirements

Below is a list of the required courses for the program. Please note: The MS/BS requires 157 credits.


Year 1

  • IFSL 100 Undergraduate Seminar l (1 credit)
  • FORE 105 FIRST Colloquium (1 credit)
  • CHEM 151 Atomic and Molecular Principles (4 credits)
  • CHEM 151L Intro Chemistry Lab I (1 credit)
  • MATH 115 Calculus I (4 credits)
  • BIOL 111/L Biology I/Lab (4 credits)
  • BRDG 101 Writing and Analysis (3 credits)
  • BRDG 100 Research & Information Skills (1 credit)
  • FORE 106 FIRST Colloquium (1 credit)
  • CHEM 152 Quantitative Analysis (4 credits)
  • CHEM 152L Quantitative Analysis Lab II 1
  • MATH 116 Calculus II (4 credits)
  • BIOL 112/L Biology II/Lab (4 credits)
  • BRDG 102 Writing and Literature (3 credits)
  • FORE 101 Forensic Science & Criminal Law

Year 2
  • FORE 205 FIRST Colloquium (1 credit)
  • CHEM 211/L Organic Chemistry I/Lab (4 credits)
  • PHYS 201/L Physics for Life Sciences I/Lab (4 credits)
  • ENGL 302W Scientific Writing (3 credits)
  • EQ xxx Essential Questions Seminar (3 credits)
  • MATH 225 Biostatistics I (3 credits)
  • IFSL 200 Undergraduate Seminar ll (1 credit)
  • FORE 206 FIRST Colloquium (1 credit)
  • CHEM 212/L Organic Chemistry II/Lab (4 credits)
  • PHYS 202/L Physics for Life Sciences II/Lab (4 credits
  • BIOL 212/R Cellular & Molecular Biology & Recitation (4 credits)
  • FORE 201 Phil Ethics of Law (2 credits)
  • Forensic Science and Law Undergraduate Seminar Il (1 credit)
  • FORE 320 Professional Development Il (0/1 credit)

Year 3

  • CHEM 340 Instrumental Analysis (3 credits)
  • CHEM 401 Biochemistry I (3 credits)
  • CHEM 301 Physical Chemistry for Life Sciences (4 credits)
  • MATH 335 Biostatistics II (3 credits)
  • FORE 410 Forensic Investigation I (2 credits)
  • FORE 301W Wrongful Convictions (2 credits)
  • FORE 300 Professional Development I (0/1 credit)
  • CHEM 371W/R
  • Forensic Chemistry Laboratory & Recitation (3 credits)
  • CHEM 402 Biochemistry II (3 credits)
  • CHEM 305/305R Advanced Skills Lab (1 credit)
  • BIOL 479 Forensic Molecular Biology (3 credits)
  • FORE 411 Forensic Investigation II (2 credits)
  • BRDG 105 Intro to Ethical Reasoning (3 credits)
  • FORE 320 Professional Development Il (0/1 credit)

Year 4
  • CHEM 514W/R Advanced Forensic Chemistry Laboratory & Recitation (3 credits)
  • BIOL 530W DNA Methods/Population Genetics (4 credits)
  • FORE 402 Torts (1 credit)
  • BIOL 568 Human Genetics (3 credits)
  • BRDG Cultural Fluency & Responsiveness (3 credits)
  • SPRG 108 Service Learning in Science (0/1 credit)
  • FORE 400w Professional Development III (1 credit)
  • FORE 480 Independent Research Forensics (1 credit)
  • CHEM 691* Seminar (0 credits)
  • FORE 510 Ethics in Forensic Science & Professional Responsibilities (1 credit)
  • FORE 522 Quality Assurance & Lab Administration Management (2 credit)
  • BRDG Social & Historical Reasoning (3 credits)
  • GEN General Elective or THEO/PHIL (3 credits)
  • FORE 420W Professional Development IV (1 credit)
  • FORE 480 Independent Research Forensics (1 credit)
  • BIOL 490 Seminar (1 credit)
  • BIOL Elective (300+, BS trk)** (3 credits)

Year 5
  • FORE 501 Trace Evidence & Environmental (3 credits)
  • FORE 521 Forensic DNA Analysis/Interpretation/Statistics (3 credits)
  • FORE 540 Constitutional Criminal Procedure (1 credit)
  • FORE 541 Latent Print Analysis (1 credit)
  • FORE 550 Journal Club/Research (1 credit)
  • FORE 610 Trace Evidence Application Lab (1 credit)
  • FORE 620 Serology/DNA Application Lab (1 credit)
  • FORE 650 Adv DNA Tpcs/Non-Human DNA (1 credit)
  • IFSL 565 Forensic Pathology (1 credit)
  • FORE 500 Internship (optional) (0 credits)
  • FORE 511 Forensic Drug Analysis (2 credits)
  • FORE 513 Firearms & Toolmarks (2 credits)
  • FORE 525 Forensic Toxicology (2 credits)
  • FORE 535 Evidence/Case Management (1 credit)
  • FORE 545 Explosives & Arson Investigations (2 credits)
  • FORE 555 Expert Qualification (1 credit)
  • FORE 630 Chemistry/Toxicology/Arson Application Lab (1 credit)
  • FORE 640 Research Defense (1 credit)
  • IFSL 600 Graduate Professional Seminar (1 credit)

Academic Policies

Academic Policies for the Duquesne University Forensic Science and Law Program

To gain admittance into the fifth and graduate year of the program, applicants must meet the following four criteria:

  1. Attainment of a 3.0 cumulative GRADUATE and UNDERGRADUATE Quality Point Average (QPA) upon completion of the undergraduate portion of the MSFSL program.
  2. Demonstrated research progress with a minimum grade of "C" in FORE 420 Professional Development IV.
  3. A clean academic record with no instances of academic integrity issues.
  4. Adherence to the University and Bayer School Academic Integrity and Student Code of Conduct Policies throughout the undergraduate years. Any violation will render the student ineligible for entry into the fifth and graduate year of the program.

The following policies apply to graduate students:

  1. Instances of academic integrity violations will result in immediate dismissal from the program.
  2. Any student receiving an "F" in graduate coursework will be dismissed from the program.
  3. Graduate students must maintain a minimum letter grade average of "B" (3.00 QPA) during their coursework.
  4. Students who achieve a final quality point average lower than 3.00 upon completion of their coursework will be ineligible for graduation.