Learning Outcomes

  • Students will demonstrate comprehension of foundational areas of theology, including both Catholic and ecumenical perspectives.
  • Students will analyze and critically engage both classical and contemporary theological sources.
  • Students will present an integrated and self-appropriated stance regarding key questions and issues in theology.
  • Ability to demonstrate general knowledge of selected ecumenical, interreligious, and/or global perspectives as these inform Christian theological reflection.

Requirements for the
M.A. Degree (30 credits)

The MA in Theology provides a graduate-level foundation in central areas of theology. It is especially appropriate for those who wish to teach theology at the secondary level or prepare for doctoral-level studies in theology.


Required Courses:

  • THEO 509: New Testament (3 credit hours)
  • THEO 510: Old Testament (3 credit hours)
  • THEO 508: Foundations of Theology (3 credit hours)
  • Seminar in Historical Christian Thought (3 credit hours)
  • Seminar in Interreligious Dialogue or Comparative Religion (3 credit hours)
  • Additional doctrine course from the following options (3 credit hours):
          THEO 520: Christology
          THEO 5XX: Doctrine of God
          THEO 531: Ecclesiology
          THEO 538: Sacraments
  • Ethics course from the following options (3 credit hours):
          THEO 541: Theological Ethics
          THEO 543: Social

Elective Courses

Students writing a thesis will complete one elective course. Students who choose not to write a thesis will complete a second doctrine course from the list included above. Additionally students with the non-thesis option will complete two elective courses and may choose to substitute a 500- or 600-level course from another department for one of these courses (with advisor approval).

Thesis Option (6 credits)

Students are encouraged to complete an MA thesis. A complete description of the thesis requirements and expectations are laid out in a separate document.
Students will enroll in 6 credit hours while completing their theses. Typically these credit hours will be completed in sequential semesters.