
32 credits

Admissions and Retention

Students are admitted to the music therapy program by completing a formal application process. The process involves an audition and an interview with department faculty. Degree progress stipulates a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher. Additionally, "B", "B+" or higher grades in all 600 music therapy courses are required for degree progress. The successful completion and defense of a capstone project is also necessary for completion of the program.

Students will be placed on probation should their cumulative grade point average drop below 3.0 and/or they have a "B-" or below grade in a music therapy course. Students on probation are required to raise their grade point average to a 3.0 or above within one semester to remain enrolled in the program. Students are required to repeat all music therapy courses in which their grade is a "B-" or lower. Students must earn a "B" or higher grade in a repeated music therapy course to remain enrolled in the program. Students may repeat music therapy courses once. As the music therapy program does not offer trailer sections of courses, it is important to note that required course repeats might extend a student's on-campus curriculum beyond the two-year sequence articulated on their curriculum sheet.

Students have a 6-year window to obtain the degree. After 6 years, students have the option to appeal for a one-year extension; students can make two such appeals.

There will be in-person, three-day intensives that occur in both the fall and spring of the second year; all other courses are online only.

Audition Requirements

Auditioners will accompany themselves on piano and guitar while singing.

Core Music Therapy Courses and Pre-requisites for Each Course

Course Subject Code and Number: MUTH 601
Course Title: Applying Research in Clinical Practice
Pre-requisite(s): None

Course Subject Code and Number: MUTH 603
Course Title: Music as a Cultural Practice of Health
Pre-requisite(s): None

Course Subject Code and Number: MUTH 605
Course Title: Professional Development: Ethics, Advocacy, and Advancement
Pre-requisite(s): None

Course Subject Code and Number: MUTH 610
Course Title: Music and Health in Community
Pre-requisite(s): Music as a Cultural Practice of Health

Course Subject Code and Number: MUTH 621
Course Title: Music Psychotherapy in Medical Contexts
Pre-requisite(s): Music as a Cultural Practice of Health

Course Subject Code and Number: MUTH 630
Course Title: Capstone Project I
Pre-requisite(s): Applying Research in Clinical Practice

Course Subject Code and Number: MUTH 631
Course Title: Capstone Project II
Pre-requisite(s): Capstone Project I

Graduate Electives

Music Therapy Electives

These courses are offered on a rotating basis and may only be available in select semesters.

Course Subject Code and Number: MUTH 625
Course Title: Clinical Supervision: Models and Techniques
Pre-requisite(s): None

Course Subject Code and Number: MUTH 622
Course Title: Existential Humanistic Psychotherapy
Pre-requisite(s): None

Course Subject Code and Number: MUTH 611
Course Title: Verbal Processes in Music Therapy
Pre-requisite(s): None

Course Subject Code and Number: MUTH 615
Course Title: Special Topics
Pre-requisite(s): None

Interdisciplinary Electives

Course Subject Code and Number: MLLS 711
Course Title: Clinical Supervision: Organizational Communication*
Pre-requisite(s): None

Course Subject Code and Number: MLLS 712
Course Title: Decision-Making and Problem Solving
Pre-requisite(s): None

Course Subject Code and Number: MLLS 714
Course Title: Conflict Resolution
Pre-requisite(s): None
Registration for MLLS electives is capped at 5 music therapy students per section.

Course Subject Code and Number: GPNG 526
Course Title: Healthcare Ethics in Practice & Policy*
Pre-requisite(s): None

Course Subject Code and Number: MLSP 585
Course Title: Spanish for Therapy Professionals
Pre-requisite(s): None

*Summer sections available.

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Students and graduates will apply philosophical tenets and clinical techniques of humanistic, psychodynamic, and community-engaged practice in diverse healthcare settings.
  2. Students and graduates will develop the capacity for cultural reflexivity - including but not limited to effectively assessing the ecological systems that comprise their culture and their patients' cultures - that enables ethical and effective partnering with patients in community-based healthcare settings.
  3. Students and graduates will demonstrate expertise in the provision of psychotherapy to diverse patient typologies in community-based and medical healthcare treatment settings.
  4. Graduates will develop the capacity for critical analysis of their practice and the healthcare systems they work within. Students will:
    • Identify knowledge deficits in both their clinical practice and the broader literature base
    • Formulate research questions and/or clinical inquiries that can be used to collect and analyze data
    • Systematically evaluate collected data to construct conclusions directly responsive to the formulated research questions
    • Utilize these conclusions to directly inform and shape their practice
    • Share and disseminate conclusions to colleagues in music therapy and closely related fields through scholarly presentations and writings
  5. Graduates will be positioned to become leaders in the field and in their respective communities and healthcare systems by assuming one or more of the following roles: clinical supervisors, patient advocates, clinician-researchers, and clinician-educators.


Course Requirements

Year 1 - Fall (9 credits)

Course # Course Name Credits
MUTH 603 Music as a Cultural Practice of Health 3
MUTH 601 Applying Research in Clinical Practice 3
  Interdisciplinary Elective 3

Year 1 - Spring (9 credits)

Course # Course Name Credits
MUTH 610 Music and Health in Community 3
  Interdisciplinary Elective 3
  MMT Elective 3

Year 2 - Fall (7 credits)

Course # Course Name Credits
MUTH 620 Music Psychotherapy in Medical Contexts 3
MUTH 630 Capstone Project I 1-3
  Interdisciplinary Elective 3

Year 2 - Spring (7 credits)

Course # Course Name Credits

MUTH 605

Professional Development: Ethics, Advocacy, and Advancement

MUTH 631 Capstone Project II 1-3
  MMT Elective 3

Clinical Training

Students will receive supervision in their clinical practice as part MUTH 610—Music and Health in Community and MUTH 620—Music Psychotherapy in Medical Contexts.


Students are eligible to receive the Master of Music Therapy upon successful completion of the graduate curriculum. Completion of this degree prepares students for advanced competency as a music therapy clinician, supervisor, and educator.

Optional LPC Track

Additional Learning Outcomes

In addition to the learning outcomes for the Master of Music Therapy, graduates will be eligible to continue pursuing licensure as a professional counselor in accordance with the regulations detailed by State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors.

Additional LPC Requirements

48 credits of master's courses prior to graduation are required to qualify for licensure; a total of 60 master's credits are required to apply for licensure including the Additional LPC Requirements listed here.

These courses are only available in person.

Course Subject Code and Number: GCNE 673
Course Title: Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
Pre-requisite(s): None

Course Subject Code and Number: GCNE 556
Course Title: Counseling and Consulting Theory
Pre-requisite(s): None

Course Subject Code and Number: GCNE 652
Course Title: Career Development and Vocational Counseling
Pre-requisite(s): None

Course Subject Code and Number: GCNE 562
Course Title: Lifespan Development and Counseling
Pre-requisite(s): None

Course Subject Code and Number: GCNE 562
Course Title: Group Counseling - Theory and Techniques
Pre-requisite(s): None

These counseling courses will be completed as matriculated students in the Master of Music Therapy program; students enrolled in these courses are not matriculated students in any of the graduate counseling programs. Registration for all counseling courses by graduate music therapy students will be capped at 5 per section.

Year 1 - Fall (12 credits)

Course # Course Name Credits
MUTH 603 Music as a Cultural Practice of Health 3
MUTH 601 Applying Research in Practice 3
GCNE 673 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning 3
GCNE 556 Counseling and Consulting Theory 3

Year 1 - Spring (12 credits)

Course # Course Name Credits
MUTH 605 Professional Development: Ethics, Advocacy, and Advancement 3
GCNE 652 Career Development and Vocational Counseling 3
GCNE 557 Group Counseling - Theory and Techniques 3
  MMT Elective 3

Year 2 - Fall (12 credits)

Course # Course Name Credits
MUTH 610 Music and Health in Community 3
MUTH 640 Advanced Music Therapy Practicum 2-3
MUTH 630 Capstone Project I 1-3
GCNE 562 Lifespan Development and Counseling 3

Year 2 - Spring (12 credits)

Course # Course Name Credits
MUTH 621 Music Psychotherapy in Medical Contexts 3
MUTH 641 Advanced Music Therapy Internship 2-3
MUTH 631 Capstone Project II 1-3
  MMT Elective 3

Content area: Human growth and development
Course: GCNE 562 - Lifespan Development and Counseling

Content area: Social and Cultural Foundations
Course: MUTH 603 - Music as a Cultural Practice of Health

Content area: Helping relationships
Course: GCNE 556 - Counseling and Consulting Theory

Content area: Group work
Course: GCNE 557 - Group Counseling - Theory and Techniques

Content area: Career and lifestyle development
Course: GCNE 652 - Career Development and Vocational Counseling

Content area: Appraisal
Course: GCNE 673 - Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

Content area: Research and program evaluation
Course: MUTH 601 - Applying Research in Clinical Practice

Content area: Professional orientation
Course: MUTH 605 - Professional Development: Ethics, Advocacy, and Advancement

Content area: Clinical instruction
Courses: MUTH 640 - Advanced Music Therapy Practicum and MUTH 641 - Advanced Music Therapy Internship
*Includes 100 clock hours of supervised practicum experience and 600 clock hours of supervised internship experience. The supervised internship experience shall begin after completion of the supervised practicum experience.

Students are eligible to receive the Master of Music Therapy upon successful completion of the graduate curriculum. Completion of this degree prepares students for advanced competency as a music therapy clinician, supervisor, and educator.

Graduates of the LPC track will not graduate with licensure but will be eligible to continue pursuing licensure as a professional counselor in PA upon completion of 12 post-graduate credits and completion of supervision hours as detailed in by the State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors in code 49.13.