Course Registration

Prior Advisement - After a student has been admitted to the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (GSPS), the student must contact the faculty advisor within the discipline in which the student will be studying for advisement as to the exact program requirements. Written approval of the faculty advisor is required in advance for each registration for any course creditable toward a graduate degree. Following the approval of the graduate student's advisor, the student will return the registration form to the Graduate School office.

Official Registration

Registration is considered complete and official only when all charges are paid or when satisfactory arrangements have been made with the Student Accounts Office of the University. Admission to any class is permitted only to those students who have officially registered for that class.

Full-Time Status

Full-time graduate students in the GSPS are defined as students that are registered for 6 or more credits in a semester.

Assistantship FT

GSPS M.S. and Ph.D. students who have a teaching assistantship or research assistantship will be permitted to register for GPSC 703 Assistantship-FT. This registration permits M.S. and Ph.D. students in the GSPS, who have registered for or completed all coursework (including thesis/dissertation credits) or who must register as full-time students (6 credits minimum), to be certified as full-time graduate students by the Office of the University Registrar and the Office of International Programs (for international students).

There is no tuition/fees charge associated with GPSC 703 Assistantship FT registration.

Teaching Assistant Responsibilities

Professional scientists at some point in their career must educate others. Thus, a portion of the graduate student's educational experience is learning to teach effectively. Students who receive a teaching assistantship can acquire and hone their teaching skills by presenting lectures and overseeing laboratories and recitation exercises. The primary requirement for effective teaching is a thorough understanding of the content material. Therefore, graduate teaching assistants (TAs) are expected to be thoroughly prepared for each laboratory exercise with which they are involved. This includes in-depth knowledge of the subject material, as well as complete understanding of the specific procedures and methodologies involved. The TA is also ultimately responsible for ensuring that the laboratory is properly stocked and prepared for the assignment. Additional duties of TAs are to provide assistance in grading examinations, act as proctors during examinations, and provide other necessary assistance in the operation of the School of Pharmacy. Course instructors retain the privilege to call periodic or scheduled meetings at which additional duties or information concerning specific assignments may be provided; all TAs are required to attend these meetings.

The head TAs coordinate and schedule TA assignments and proctoring schedules. In this they ensure that all materials needed for a particular assignment are available and ready for use and work with individual course instructors in planning specific laboratory assignments.

Continuous Registration

For those M.S. and Ph.D. students in the GSPS who have completed all coursework (including thesis/dissertation credits) and do not hold a teaching assistantship and/or research assistantship, GPSC 702 Continuous Registration-6 credits (FT) will be required each semester (and summer session, if applicable) until the completion of all degree requirements. With this registration, the University Registrar and the Office of International Programs (for international students) will be able to certify full-time status for students of the GSPS. There is a fee for GPSC 702 Continuous Registration.

Cross Registration

Full-time Duquesne University students may cross-register in the Graduate Schools (Carnegie Mellon University and The University of Pittsburgh) of the Pittsburgh Council on Higher Education (PCHE) on a space-available basis for one course per semester. Students should check with their faculty advisor concerning departmental cross-registration regulations. Duquesne University students who are participating in this program are charged by Duquesne University; however, students are responsible for paying any special course fees to the host institution. There is no cross-registration during the summer sessions. Cross-registration is subject to the approval of the appropriate officials of the institutions involved and must be recommended by the student's faculty advisor and approved by the professor in charge of the course. Full credit and the grade will be posted on the student's transcript; the academic regulations of the host institution will prevail. Students must complete online, print, sign and submit the cross registration form to their advisor and to the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs (ADRGP) for approval.

Application for Degree

Graduate students must apply for graduation before the deadline posted on the University's academic calendar; this date is typically in February for May graduates, October for December graduates, and June for August graduates. The application for graduation should be filed in the semester or summer session in which they expect to complete all the degree requirements. If the degree is not completed in the intended semester or summer session, degree application is required in a subsequent semester or summer session until the degree requirements are completed. See the GSPS Canvas site and University calendar for additional details and requirements.


Academic Standards


The following grading system is in effect in the GSPS:

A Distinguished scholarly work
B Normal progress toward degree
C Minimum Pass
F Failure
I Incomplete: Grade is deferred because of incomplete work and must be removed within one academic year.
IP Used in courses that are "In Progress"
W Official Withdrawal
P Pass: Used in certain courses and is independent of the quality point system.
N Not Passing: Used in courses graded on a Pass/Fail basis and is independent of the quality point system.

The plus and minus grades may be used at the discretion of the instructor and with notification to students at the beginning of each course.

All graduate students must maintain a grade average not lower than B (3.0 Q.P.A.). Students failing to meet this standard may be subject to administrative action, up to and including dismissal, for failure to maintain normal progress toward a degree. Decisions on student academic standing are made by the Graduate Council of the GSPS, after an initial review and recommendation by ADRGP. Any student having less than 3.0 as a final grade average at the conclusion of coursework will be ineligible for the granting of a graduate degree.

Quality Point System

The student's overall academic quality point average (Q.P.A.) is calculated by dividing the total quality points earned by the total number of semester hours attempted.

Points Per Grade Credits Attempted

A 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7
C 2.0
F 0.0

Grades of P, I, IP and W are not used in calculating the quality point average.

Semester Grade Reports

Every registered student may access grades through the University Banner system soon after the close of each semester.


Students should examine their records carefully for accuracy and immediately report errors to the Registrar of the University and the ADRGP.

To obtain copies of their academic records, students must request transcripts. This can be done by current students through their self-service Banner, or by visiting All official transcripts issued by the Office of the Registrar bear the signature of the Registrar and are printed on secured paper. Whenever an official transcript is released directly to the student, it will also bear the stamped designation, "Issued to Student".

No transcript will be issued unless all financial obligations owed by the student to the University have been fulfilled. A fee is charged for the issuance of each transcript.

Auditing Courses

To audit courses, a student must be officially registered and pay the same charges for courses that are taken for credit. Enrollment in a course for audit is subject to approval of the student's faculty advisor. Registration in a course as auditor must be declared at registration and is irrevocable after the mid-term examination period.

Cancellation of Courses

The University makes every reasonable effort to offer courses as announced in the Semester Schedule of Courses and Summer Session Bulletin. It reserves the right to make changes or cancel courses in the academic schedule because of insufficient enrollment or for other valid reasons.

Change of Schedule

Students requiring a Change-of-Class Schedule, to add or drop a class, are permitted to do so during the pre-registration period, the final registration period, and the first week of the semester (late registration period). Change of class schedule is not permitted after the last date for change of schedule as announced in the Semester Academic Calendar.

All schedule changes must be approved by the graduate student's faculty advisor and processed by the GSPS and the Registrar. Schedule change requests processed by the Registrar during the first week of classes must have the approval of the instructors whose classes are being added or dropped.

Courses dropped after the deadline for making schedule changes are classified as course withdrawals.

Withdrawal from a Course

If a student wishes to withdraw from a course, the student may do so with the approval of the student's faculty advisor and by processing the proper form up to 12 weeks prior to final examinations.

If a student wishes to withdraw from a course after that date, the student must present valid reasons and seek approval of the student's faculty advisor and the ADRGP. If approval is granted, the student will then obtain and complete the appropriate forms.

A student who is not granted approval of the request and withdraws from the course unofficially will receive an F grade for the course.

Withdrawal from a course after the deadline will result in a partial refund or no refund as defined by University policy. In cases where students of the GSPS have received tuition remission for such courses, the student will be responsible for the cost associated with completing the required or elective courses as a requirement for graduation.

Policies for "I" Grades

Students taking graduate courses have one semester to complete the work necessary to remove "I" (Incomplete) grades. The instructor may specify an earlier deadline for course completion. The registrar publishes the last day to resolve “I” grades from the previous semester in the Fall and Spring Academic Calendar. Final grades that replace incomplete grades must be submitted to the Office of the before the date published in the Academic Calendar. The Registrar will convert incomplete grades that remain as an “I” after the deadline to final and permanent grades of "F" (Failure).

An instructor may grant an extension to the I-to-F deadline of one year only with the approval of the Dean. If approved, formal notification must be sent by the Dean to the Office of the Registrar prior to the original deadline and must include a date by which the final grade will be received. If the instructor has not submitted a final grade by the extension date, the Registrar will convert the incomplete grade to a final and permanent grade of "F".

Military personnel called to active duty, while taking graduate courses and who receive an "I" grade for reasons due to military service have a maximum of one year to complete the work necessary to remove the "I" grade beginning 60 days from the return from deployment.

Once an "I" grade has been converted to an "F" or "N" (Not Passing), the "F" or "N" cannot be converted to a "W" (Withdrawal) grade.

A graduate student may not graduate with grades of "I", "F", or "N" on the transcript regardless of whether the course is required as part of a degree program. All incomplete work must be completed by the date as specified on the academic calendar for the specified term. Courses which bear a final grade of "F" or "N" must be repeated. If the course is no longer offered, the department must identify a suitable equivalent or substitute course to serve as the repeated course. Once repeated, the most recent take of the course is the one used in the calculation of earned credit, quality points, and grade point average. The original course and grade remain on the transcript but are no longer calculated as part of the grade point average.

For courses such as practicums, seminars, internships, and dissertation study, faculty have the option to assign an "IP" (In-progress) grade. The "IP" grade does not convert to an F if not changed after one year but must be changed to a final and passing grade for graduation clearance.

Student Standing

A student in the GSPS must be in "Good Standing" to receive a degree. A student is in good standing when their academic performance, personal conduct, and administrative obligations (including registration and financial) are in accord with GSPS and University policies. Students who fail to maintain good standing will be placed on probation. Failure to return to good standing within the specified time limit may result in termination of a student from the program. Probation may be imposed for academic, disciplinary or administrative reasons.

Probation for Academic Reasons: A student will be placed on probation for academic reasons when:

  1. The cumulative grade point average (Q.P.A.) falls below 3.0, or
  2. The student fails to complete degree requirements within the prescribed time limit (see Statute of Limitations, below).

Probation for Disciplinary Reasons: Probation for disciplinary reasons may be imposed as a result of misconduct, as determined by the ADRGP or the GSPS Graduate Council in a judicial process. Disciplinary probation may be removed when the student has demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the Associate Dean, compliance with any sanction imposed by the judicial process.

Probation for Administrative Reasons: Probation for administrative reasons may be imposed when a student fails to comply with GSPS and University regulations, such as registration or payment of financial obligations to the University. Probation for administrative matters may be lifted when the student complies with all GSPS and University administrative requirements.

A student must correct all deficiencies related to a probationary status within one semester from the time of notification. The GSPS Graduate Council will review all cases involving probation once per semester, after which the Graduate Council will recommend appropriate action to the ADRGP. This action may include a return to good standing, dismissal, or continued probation.

Statute of Limitations

Duquesne University has established a statute of limitations for all graduate degree programs. No academic program may establish a statute of limitations that exceeds those of the University. Academic schools may establish a statute of limitations that is stricter than those of the University. Students should consult the Catalog of Graduate and Professional Programs for school-specific policies. The GSPS follows the University statute of limitations for MS and Ph.D. degrees without modification.

The purpose of the statute of limitations is to ensure that students earn degrees that represent mastery of current knowledge in the field and reflect the intense commitment to scholarship and practice necessary for advanced study in one's chosen discipline. Please see the University Policy for Statute of Limitations for Completion of Graduate Programs for details.

Leaves of Absence

The Leave of Absence policy is specified by the University. The GSPS follows the University's Leave of Absence policy. Please see the University Policy for Leave of Absence for details.