You are welcome at Duquesne!
Are you enrolled as a student at another university or just looking to take a few courses that interest you? Visiting students are welcome in fall, spring and summer. Summer session courses begin in May, June and July.
Browse available courses in the University Class Schedules. You can choose from many innovative courses in our schools* of Liberal Arts, Business, Education, and Science and Engineering.
How to Register for a Course
- Complete the Online Application
- Submit your high school transcript, GED or current college transcript (unofficial transcripts are acceptable)
- Register for classes!
That's it! -- Now it's time to reach your bigger goals!
*Some courses are also available in the schools of Health Sciences and Pharmacy with permission. Email Health Sciences or Pharmacy directly about registering. Any courses that require prerequisites will need to be verified as completed or waived by the home college or university prior to registration.
Important Dates
Please note the drop/withdrawal dates on the academic calendar. Students registered who decide not to attend must give written notice to their Academic Advisor/Student Success Coach no later than the Latest Date to Drop based on the drop/withdrawal schedule.
Email or call (412) 396-6389.