Excellence in Legal Advocacy

AMCB students have the opportunity to earn between one (1) and seven (7) academic credits through membership, enrollment in an appellate advocacy class, and if given the opportunity, participation in one or more national or regional competitions.

The results are impressive. AMCB teams have a notable record of wins and individual student honors in appellate moot court, arbitration, and negotiation competitions across the country.

Apply for Membership

Moot Court tryouts will be held in the Spring.

Appellate Moot Court Program Coordinator

Professor Erin Karsman, coordinates the Appellate Moot Court Program and teaches the required Moot Court course each fall. Professor Karsman coaches teams and oversees our  Moot Court alumni coaches as well as the AMCB Executive Board. 

2024-2025 Appellate Moot Court Board 

2023-2024 Appellate Moot Court Board

Meet the Executive Board

2024-2025 Board 

President  Annabelle LaRosa
Vice President  Reilly Wagner
Secretary/Treasurer Danny Kennedy
Director of Competitions 

Madison Lawrie

Director of Communications

Makenzie Violette

Director of Social Media & Outreach  Olivia Bondi

Contact Us

Email karsmaneFREEDUQUESNE or appellateadminFREEDUQUESNE for more information.