Did you know that Thomas R. Kline School of Law of Duquesne University has nearly 10,000 graduates practicing in every field of law? Being part of our extensive network is a key benefit of attending law school at Duquesne Kline. The Duquesne Kline Law Alumni Association takes the lead in helping you make the most of this network.

Endowed Funds Supported by Your Alumni Association

Join the DKLAA network and in addition to receiving personal benefits, you will be supporting these and other initiatives:

Duquesne Kline Law Alumni Endowed Scholarship - income from this fund provides scholarship support to students who have demonstrated financial needs and academic merit (GPA of 3.0 or higher). The Scholarship is given to both day and evening students.

Excellence in Legal Writing Endowed Fund - income from this fund is used to provide monetary awards to one student in each section of the first-year legal writing class selected by the program's faculty as having submitted the "Best Brief."

Duquesne Kline Law Alumni Endowed Bar Prep Fund - funds generated annually are used to support an adjunct faculty position to assist with bar preparation courses and materials.

Duquesne Kline Law Alumni Endowed Career Services Fund - funds generated annually are used to support Career Services Office programming to assist students and young alumni with their employment goals.

2024-2025 Board of Governor Officers

Hon. Nicola Henry-Taylor L'96

Hon. Nicola Henry-Taylor L'96


Johnathan Ehret, L'13

Johnathan Ehret, L'13


Daniel Conlon, L '14

Daniel Conlon, L '14


Mallory Friday, L'22

Mallory Friday, L'22


James Creenan L'96

James Creenan L'96

Immediate Past President